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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. On 5/22/2023 at 6:05 PM, Shadow Marvel said:

    I suppose the rule book says gantries are clear and passable. Would that be the proper classification?

    You are not strictly speaking required to define them that way.

    On 5/22/2023 at 6:05 PM, Shadow Marvel said:

    If the attacking character is on top of a bridge that has been defined as blocking LOS and the defending character is below it and you cannot draw a line from their base without going through the bridge, does the attacker have line of sight on the defender?

    I've modified your original question slightly with the provided terrain definition. The attacking character is overlapping the Blocked terrain part, therefore the line drawn for LOS can pass unobstructed through that terrain part.

  2. On 4/19/2023 at 9:06 AM, ExaltedTilapia said:

    If Emma Frost (Diamond Form) uses Shatter targeting only one enemy and that enemy is subjected to an "attack ends" effect such as Trickster, Lifeline, Eyes in the Sky etc, does the "after all attacks resolved" portion of the area attack still trigger, causing her to revert to normal form?

    No. At least one attack is required to reach step 14c for that condition to be considered satisfied.

  3. 50 minutes ago, Jeh123 said:

    In these cases, the character's state doesn't change, is that why it is "unaffected"?

    As general rule, yes, that is accurate. If something about the dazed character is changing, it is affected. Because those don't change something for the dazed character, they don't affect it.

    51 minutes ago, Jeh123 said:

    Specifically, if MODOK, Scientist Supreme is attacking and wants to use All in this World are Beneath Me to have another character spend power for him, could he select a dazed character?

    He could not, because then the dazed character is being affected by a special rule (the amount of power it has is changing).

  4. The above ruling will be changing.

    The current character's activation and all relevant triggers will complete before beginning the next character's activation when playing Follow Me.

    Ms. Marvel will transform to Normal Form as a result of Morphogenetics.

    Additionally, a character playing Follow Me will take damage from Bleed before starting the next character's activation.

  5. Option 3 would be correct.

    Going through the attack timing steps:

    12 - Ronan uses the accuser here just before the daze would normally occur (but doesn't resolve it!).
    14a - Hood would normally transform here, but the use of "The Accuser" causes the Daze/KO to not occur in the normal window and thus his attack has not yet Dazed or KO’d anyone.
    14b - The Accuser is resolved.

    Since there is no window where Hood "rechecks" for the Daze or KO, he does not transform as a result of the last bullet of Razor Talons.

  6. 9 hours ago, aylien said:

    Can Abilities trigger off other Abilities?


    9 hours ago, aylien said:

    Or do the "Triggering Events," as referenced in "Abilities" on Page 10, have to be 1 of the 2 actions that a Unit may do when it activates, as per "Activating Units" on Page 22?

    They do not. 

    9 hours ago, aylien said:

    Are there any restrictions on what a "Triggering Event" is?

    This is unfortunately too general a question to be able to properly answer. 

    9 hours ago, aylien said:

    Case in point:

    In her activation, Bo-Katan uses one of her actions to do a Move action (Advance, for example).

    Bo-Katan may now use "Stronger Together" for free, as it is a Reactive Ability which has had its triggering event satisfied, because Bo-Katan made an Advance.

    "Stronger Together" allows Bo-Katan to "immediately make[] a focus action."

    Can this focus action from "Stronger Together" trigger her Passive, "Will Survive"?

    Is it possible for Bo-Katan to use just 1 action to:

    1) make a Move action (Advance)

    1a) which triggers Stronger Together

    1b) which then triggers Will Survive?

    Which means, she still has 1 action left?

    Yes, this is correct. After the move action completes, Mandalorians Are Stronger Together will trigger which will allow Mandalore Will Survive to trigger.

  7. On 5/15/2023 at 12:00 AM, bobliness said:

    Does Killmonger count as "dazing the enemy model" if he does so using an effect that is not an attack?

    If he is the source of the effect

    On 5/15/2023 at 12:00 AM, bobliness said:

    Secondarily, does he count as "dazing the enemy model" if the source of his effect is a tactic card played by another character?

    This will depend on the specific card in question. For Pym Particles, the answer would be yes.

  8. When searching the forum, you will find the most success by making use of the tag system.

    If you are questioning an interaction with a specific rule, searching the forum or finding a post related to that rule will allow you to see the tags that have been applied to that post. You can see below the first post has tags related to B1 Battle Droids and Multiple character units.

    If at this point you click on either of those tags, you will bring up all posts that also have that tag. We try to ensure all posts have any tags relevant to the main topic of the thread, which quickly allows you to pull up most if not all topics that may be touching on your question.

    Note that the tag system crosses all game systems, so you may see questions from other game systems that have tags with overlapping names. Make note of the forum listed under the topic name to ensure you are viewing a post for the correct game system.



    When searching the forum, if searching from a PC version of the website, you are also able to tailor the search box to search specifically the Star Wars: Shatterpoint forum. If within this specific forum, you can select a drop down bar on the right side of the search field and select "this forum".


    On 3/19/2023 at 6:02 AM, loktarogal said:

    1) can I before the first place given by thy superpower "At the beginning of this character's activation place itselft within 1" takes 1 object like a celestial Hammer?

    2) Can I before the first place given by thy superpower "At the beginning of this character's activation place itselft within 1" use the leadership of Storm, then use her superpower?

    You wouldn't be able to use either of those, no.

    "At the beginning of this characters activation" occurs before you can choose to use optional things that don't share that specific timing window

  10. On 5/3/2023 at 11:42 PM, MandalorynOranj said:

    will the attack resolve against the original target?

    As you noted, the target switch occurs after the placement, so if the placing model is dazed by a rule that is reactive to his placement, the rest of the card will not resolve against them.

    This means the attack will resolve against the original target.

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