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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. On 6/3/2023 at 10:22 PM, Kn3k said:

    So for example, a character is standing on a platform that has a handrail as a part of it. They are then pushed toward the handrail. Do they stop, or do they ignore it because that handrail is a part of the platform?

    This will depend on how the players in the game have defined the terrain, which should be a discussion between the players prior to the game beginning.

  2. On 6/3/2023 at 11:28 PM, commander_keshi said:

    Can 5 dice attacks be modified



    On 6/3/2023 at 11:28 PM, commander_keshi said:

    kalani’s target, concentrate all fire power, or mauls revenge, I must have revenge and sustained by rage to have additional dice

    Both of those would work, yes.

  3. On 6/3/2023 at 11:31 PM, GarnetBear said:

    could the player causing the push choose to move the pushed character to a lower elevation below the gantry or leave the character on top of the gantry?

    There is no choice available here. The character would need to stay on top of the gantry unless the push causes them to clear that terrain part.

  4. On 6/6/2023 at 1:43 AM, Kuangren said:

    In this paragraph, what does "a straight line through terrain parts" means exactly?

    If the line touches an appropriate terrain part.

    On 6/6/2023 at 1:43 AM, Kuangren said:

    Case 1:

    501 and B1 is on the same terrain part at the exactly same height (also, the same elevation). They both have a hunker token. When they range attack each other, will they gain Cover [2]?


    On 6/6/2023 at 1:43 AM, Kuangren said:

    Case 2:

    501 and B1 is on the different terrain part at the exactly same height (also, the same elevation). They both have a hunker token. When they range attack each other, will they gain Cover [2]?


    On 6/6/2023 at 1:43 AM, Kuangren said:

    Case 3:

    501 and B1 is on the different terrain part at the different height (but within range 2, which is the same elevation). They both have a hunker token. When 501 range attack B1, can B1 gain Cover [2]?


    On 6/6/2023 at 1:43 AM, Kuangren said:

    Also, does Open terrain grant a character cover? It does not specific Blocked terrain in the cover section of the rule.

    If this is in reference to Clear terrain, yes. Clear or Blocked is for Line of Sight consideration, which has no connection to Cover.

  5. During a Multiple Character Unit activation, each character shares the same two actions. So if you choose a move action, both characters perform a movement. If you choose a combat action, both characters perform that action.

    Note that each of those actions provides multiples choices though, so you are not required to perform the same type of movement or the same type of attack.

  6. On 6/6/2023 at 7:53 AM, Hendrycks said:

    For Climb and Jump it says the Dash tool may overlap Impassable terrain, but it doesn't say that for Advance or Dash

    Under the expanded definitions of Advance and Dash, there are sections that mention the tool may overlap Impassable terrain parts of the same or lower elevation. Its only impassable terrain of a higher elevation they can't overlap.

    On 6/6/2023 at 7:53 AM, Hendrycks said:

    Does this mean for normal Advances and Dashes, the tool has to be perfectly flat on the same elevation (or lower) the entire time either on the ground or on terrain your character is already overlapping? Or say perfectly flat across a gap between buildings?

    For instance even if you have a few crates or other clutter terrain, the Advance nor the Dash tool can be used unless you can nicely lock it in to the character's base? It's not a legal Advance or Dash if you have to 'float' the tool at all, even if by the end of the tool, you'll be at the same elevation again?

    The tool should always be horizontal, it is never held at an angle in any situation.

    But if something is preventing you from holding it against the base, you are allowed to hold the tool above the battlefield to achieve the measurement. In the situation you are describing in the second half of this question, you would hold the tool above the crates, positioning the notched end in the air above the character as best as possible (as if it was "locked" onto the character) and then put the character in its new position based on the movement tools position.


  7. 14 hours ago, Greyleader73 said:

    The Stamina and Durability on the unit card for these units, is this a shared pool among the characters or does each character have these stats individually?

    It is a shared pool for the Unit as a whole.

    14 hours ago, Greyleader73 said:

    If it’s shared and the durability is 2, does that mean you lose one of the characters with the first Injured token?

    No. You don't remove characters until you are removing the unit as a whole.

  8. 8 hours ago, Terminal IQ said:

    The rule is not specific as to what to use to measure range 1 from to place the character. Does this mean measure 1 from the character's current position

    I have changed the highlighted text to indicate the part that explains what you are measuring range 1 from.

    You need to have at a minimum a pair of connected Ingress Points, so when you end the specified movement within Range 1 of one of the connected points, you put the character within Range 1 of one of the other connected points, measuring the Range from the part of the terrain identified as another connected point.


    When a character would end an advance, climb, dash or jump within Range 1 and at the same elevation as an Ingress Point, they may choose to use it. If they do, put the character within Range 1 and at the same elevation as any other connected Ingress Point.


  9. You may not, no.

    This line under Building Strike Teams covers the situation you are questioning.


    When building a strike team, players may not include any Unit that shares the same Unique Name with another Unit in their strike team and may never include two Units that have the same Unit name.


  10. 1 hour ago, Don said:

    Do you lose any hunker tokens due to movement of the unit, either voluntarily or if pushed?

    You don't lose Hunker Tokens as a result of the movement itself, no.

    If movement causes a character in a unit to become engaged though, you would lose it as a result of being engaged.

    1 hour ago, Don said:

    In a multi-character unit, if one character is engaged or otherwise loses their hunker token, do both characters lose it?


  11. For an attack that is not a beam or area attack, power to use the attack isn’t actually spent until after escort to safety is used. Escort to safety is played in step 2 of an attack and power is paid in step 3, therefore the power is never actually spent.

    This is slightly different for beam and area attacks, as the power to use them is used before escort to safety is played. So in those cases, the power would be lost.

  12. On 5/24/2023 at 9:34 PM, Dyzard said:

    If I was attacking ahsoka would I apply conditions from the tree before she would be able to react with too fast?

    Yes. Directed effects from the combat tree are applied as they occur in the combat tree options during Step 8 and "What's the Matter, too fast for you?" occurs at the start of step 9.

    On 5/24/2023 at 9:34 PM, Dyzard said:

    example here being if I applied strain would it go on before she can too fast therefor she would take 3 damage from doing the too fast as well as the half damage?

    This is correct

  13. On 5/23/2023 at 12:30 PM, Lannes said:

    could that movement pass the original miniature

    If the angle set by the movement tool is such that the moving character can move past the character performing the pull without the moving characters base contacting something that would stop the pull (including the pulling characters base) or crossing the line created by the movement tools arms, then yes.

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