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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. Both rules share the end of activation timing and as such, you can pick the order they occur in.

    However, Follow Me forces the end of the current characters activation and begins the next characters activation, so if it is resolved first, you will be unable to resolve the second half of Morphogenetics(as it is no longer her activation), keeping her in her Embiggened form.

    You can resolve the second half of Morphogenetics first though and then play Follow Me.

    You will still place the activation token on Ms. Marvel before starting the other characters activation.

  2. On 3/2/2023 at 9:43 AM, JJ_uggernaut said:

    - can Enchantress advance an enemy character with the movement tool overlapping an Angela allied to Enchantress?

    No, as the Angela is an enemy to the Advancing character.

    On 3/2/2023 at 9:43 AM, JJ_uggernaut said:

    - can Enchantress advance an enemy character with the movement tool overlapping an enemy Angela?

    Yes, as the Angela is an ally to the Advancing character

  3. It sounds like from your description, Green Goblin would not have Line of Sight to Red Skull. It sounds like all lines between Green Goblins base and Red Skulls base would cross over the Size 3 terrain and given that Red Skull is a Size 2 character, Line of Sight would be blocked.

    Let us know if this sounds like a description of your scenario and if this answers your question

  4. 39 minutes ago, Michael_Ben said:

    Do I understand correctly that if the Agents are within 3 from Fury, Agents get 1 reroll, and Fury gets 1 power every time any allied character deals or takes damage, no matter how far away from Fury allied  character is

    The power gain for Nick Fury only applies to damage dealt or received by the allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents and they also have to be within range 3 of him for that to apply, the same as the reroll for the S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

  5. Director of S.H.I.E.L.D provides a reroll to the allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents when they are within range 3 of Nick Fury and it provides 1 power to Nick Fury when the allied S.H.I.E.L.D agents are within range 3 and deal damage or suffers damage from the enemy effect.

    4 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:

    Superpower contains range of 3, does this work only on rerolls which agents gain being in range 3 or Nick Fury receives energy for damage dealt and received in this 3 range of him? 


    4 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:

    she-hulk receives damage on the opposite table edge of Nick Fury (outside of 3 of him) - will Nick Fury gain 1 power for this.

    He won't receive power for damage to she-hulk regardless of range. The power is only gained for damage dealt or received by the allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents.

    4 hours ago, BlackenedHeart said:

    Does this superpower work only when agents are within 3 of Nick Fury and if they're killed - it stops working?

    Yes, because it only interacts with allied S.H.I.E.L.D Agents

  6. 7 hours ago, Cocde said:

    Directly above that quote it states the requirements to "target" a character and only mentions line of sight. Also in the timing chart step 2c specifically calls out what happens if a "targeted character" is out of range for an attack being made.

    And timing chart states that range is measured post target selection.

    The first paragraph isn't describing what it means to target something so much as beginning the explanation of making an attack.

    Step 2c describes what happens if a character happens to be out of range at that point in the sequence, but doesn't preclude it from having to be in range earlier.

    The last portion of the third paragraph in the page 18 section describes things in more detail


    An enemy character must be in the attacker's line of sight and within the range of the attack in order to be the target of the attack. If the chosen enemy isn't in range or LOS, it can't be targeted by the attack.


  7. Both effects on the attack from Hydra Assault are applicable only to the next attack action the troops make that turn.

    If they Hydra Assault and then perform an attack action, but that attack action is ended by any of the mentioned effects, the attack ends in Step 2, but was still made.

    12 minutes ago, Hamicron said:

    Do they KO themselves at the end of the initial attack after Life Saver is resolved?

    No, as they never reach step 14 of the attack that this effect applies to

    12 minutes ago, Hamicron said:

    Do they KO themselves after taking the additional action granted (that they choose as an attack action)?

    No, as the effect isn't applicable to that attack.

    12 minutes ago, Hamicron said:

    Do they avoid KOing themselves entirely?

    They avoid KOing themselves from the effects of that use of Hydra Assault.

  8. On 2/8/2023 at 4:27 PM, ExaltedTilapia said:

    If we reverse your assumption, and assume that Sinister Traps is allied to Baron Morod and an enemy effect to Lizard, would that mean that Mordo can choose to resolve Vaulting Boots before resolving Sinister Traps? If he does use Boots first, and gets outside of 2 of Sinister Traps, is the trap still triggered?


    On 2/8/2023 at 4:27 PM, ExaltedTilapia said:

    If he does use Boots first, and gets outside of 2 of Sinister Traps, is the trap still triggered?

    Yes. Both triggered at the point the movement ended, so when having finished Vaulting Boots, you are just waiting to resolve Sinister Traps, not rechecking for its trigger

  9. 22 hours ago, Aumakua said:

    Can you confirm this card would only activate if the Parent character is dazed since that is the only time a grunt character ever has an activated token played on it.

    This is not correct, no.

    Grunts receive an activated token after their activation is over as normal for a character.

    They also gain an activated token if your turn starts and all your other non-grunt characters have an activated token

  10. 1 hour ago, Hawkeye_ said:

    I don’t understand this ruling the way it’s worded. In this example, what is stopping Zemo from selecting his 0-cost attack in Attack Sequence Step 1, and then when declaring a target in Step 2, since none are in range the attack action fails? He still attempted to make an attack, it just had no eligible targets.

    On page 18, the bolded section of “making an attack” explains that you can’t even attempt to make an attack without a target.  This means you need to know there is an eligible target ahead of time.

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