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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 19 hours ago, firbison said:

    so i just played someone using hero for hire and that the luke cage or iron fist can play it when there the target of the attack in question. First i just want confirmation if thats true

    This is correct, yes. They are an allied character to themselves and they are always considered within range of themselves.

    19 hours ago, firbison said:

    i was reading it again and wouldn't luke cage or iron fist not be able to place from the ability

    When playing the card themselves, the place portion functions as any normal character place does.

  2. On 4/19/2023 at 3:10 AM, Kryik said:

    If for example Magneto and an enemy character stands on top of a Size 5 Building with a clear LOS. Can i pick up and throw stuff at the enemy from streetlevel or will it collide with the building first? For example: Both are on the roof and i want to throw a car from streetlevel at the enemy

    First note here...magneto's throw doesn't require LOS anywhere, so don't worry about taking this into consideration. You probably will have LOS anyways due to needing a clear path for the movement template, but better to not mix it into the process just in case some edge case occurs.

    On 4/19/2023 at 3:37 AM, Kryik said:

    Selfanswer: Since the throw is done from the throwing character it can be done.


    On 4/19/2023 at 3:37 AM, Kryik said:

    Change of question: If a character (on the roof) would throw an enemy character (streetlevel) in the direction of the house. Does the throw go over the building or make a sudden stop at the wall of the building

    Throwing characters and throwing terrain is slightly different. When throwing characters, you don't ignore terrain the thrower is overlapping, you ignore terrain the thrown character is overlapping. So in this case, they will be thrown into the building.

  3. On 4/16/2023 at 7:24 PM, Nstreb said:

    For the purposes of damage reducing abilities and team tactics cars like X-Ceptional Healing or Odins Blessing, do the damage incurred by skulls in the defence roll count as a separate source to that of the attack itself?


    On 4/16/2023 at 7:24 PM, Nstreb said:

    IE, attack rolls 2 success and defence rolls two skulls. Could Intense Physical Conditioning be used twice to reduce the total damage taken to 2, or could it only be used once to reduce the total damage taken to 3?

    This is two separate instances of the character taking damage, so you could use this superpower on each instance.

    On 4/16/2023 at 7:24 PM, Nstreb said:

    Similarly, if Odin’s Blessing was used in the above scenario, would total damage taken be 1 or 3?

    A total of 3 damage, 1 from one of the instances of damage and 2 from the other.

  4. 7 hours ago, Cocde said:

    If an opposing character is targeted with mind games and chooses a pile with 2 "zaps" do they take 2 instances of 1 damage, or one instance of 2 damage? Also how would damage reduction effect this damage? Is thanos immune to zaps?

    One instance of 2 damage, which I believe answers all the questions. It means that no, Thanos would not be immune to the damage. Let us know if there are further questions.

  5. 16 hours ago, BProxy said:

    In regard to players without valid activations, does that mean you can still active TTCs when you now longer have valid activations left and the card allows

    Yes, players always alternate turns as long as the activation phase is still occurring, even if one player has no characters left that can activate. You will be able to use any tactics cards that you can satisfy the conditions for before being forced to pass.

  6. “Would be damaged” occurs in step 12, before the damage is suffered.

    It modifies the amount of damage you are going to suffer before you suffer it.

    Most rules that provide the attacker power equal to the damage they deal occur in step 14a, so it occurs after x-ceptional healing is finished.

    Barring some exception you haven’t mentioned, both of you would only gain 1 power if you only suffered 1 damage.

  7. Hulkbuster would use Hit and Run first

    He would then make an attack action (which you mentioned is heavy repulsor blast)

    He would proceed through steps 1-11

    In step 12, if The Blob would suffer damage, he uses Ha, Ha, Ha, That Tickles now, in step 12, before he has suffered any damage (So he has to have the power already, he can't use power gained from this attack). He then reduces the amount of damage suffered by 1 now. He then suffers the damage and gains power equal to that damage.

    Step 14a, Hulkbuster has three triggers to resolve - the power gain options from the first two bullets of heavy repulsor blast and the push from the third bullet

    Step 14b, You check the conditions for the push from ha, ha, ha, that tickles and resolve it if applicable

    Step 14c

    The attack is completely finished at this point and now you perform the movement from the hit and run. The movement portion of the hit and run is not occurring during the attack portion and is entirely separate because it doesn't have any language tying it into the attack timing steps.

  8. 7 hours ago, Crazykitsune said:

    When does Dormammu trigger Feel the Power the of Darkness?

    It is used during Step 14b of the attack that is triggering it

    7 hours ago, Crazykitsune said:

    Based on the September 2021 answer, it can only be triggered after completing the 2 attacks (initial assault rifle and the succeeding rapid fire), unlike the February 2023 answer, it can be triggered for each attack

    Both of those statements are actually true at the same time (other than the use of the word "completing")

    When an attack is generated in step 14a of another attack, it occurs "inside" or "during" that first attack.

    You pause the first attack at step 14a, begin the second attack and go through steps 1-14c for that attack, then you return to where you paused previously, 14a of the first attack and then continue resolving it. This means the second attack will be completely finished before the first attack is finished.

    Your first opportunity to trigger Feel the Power of Darkness! is in step 14b of the second attack, because that occurs before step 14b of the first attack. You then have another opportunity to trigger it during step 14b of the first attack.

  9. 1 hour ago, TechLee said:

    I have heard some folks try to say that the phrase "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" means that if the superpower doesn't specify it's an <eye> superpower then it would still work against someone with that phrase

    Superpowers are not defined by those types, the Physical, Energy or Mystic symbols.  There is no such thing as a "mystic superpower"

    1 hour ago, TechLee said:

    Is this the correct meaning behind the "Enemy <eye> attacks and superpowers" phrase, or should that be that it's "enemy <eye> attacks" and ANY superpowers that would be against the effect (typically avoiding place/throw/advance effects) whether friendly or enemy, or should it be read as "enemy <eye> attacks and enemy superpowers"?

    Shield Mind will prevent an Advance, Place or Push from enemy Mystic Attacks and any enemy superpowers

    Psychic Immunity will prevent a Push or Advance from enemy Mystic attack and any enemy OR allied superpowers

  10. 46 minutes ago, firbison said:

    why would it resolve in step 2b

    Step 2d, not 2b, is when all "when targeted" rules resolve

    46 minutes ago, firbison said:

    ruling saying that stealth could negate an attack from happening if they move out of range stealth

    Can you link to the thread your referencing? It sounds like there has been some sort of confusion with the post

  11. 10 hours ago, Cocde said:

    As per the timing charts on both page 19 and 25 range is not measured until after power for an attack is spent. Page 19 it is measured in the second half of step 1 "the attacker then uses the range tool"  after power is spent for an attack, and page 25 it is measured in step 2. Will this be fixed in future? Because your ruling implies that when making an attack a player should preform the attack sequence out of order, starting in step 2, then reverting to step 1 then proceeding to step 3

    10 hours ago, Cocde said:

    Edit for the previous response. Technically power is not spent in step 1, step 1 only checks if the power is available to be spent. The main point is still that the revised steps should be step 2 (declare a target) step 1 (choose an attack) step 3 (pay power for the attack chosen) 

    According to your rulings step 1 cannot be preformed without checking step 2 first and this seems like an oversight. 

    I believe you may have missed that I've said this is a requirement that is checked before you can start the attack and as such, there are no changes to the attack sequence required. Being required to check it ahead of time does not preclude it from being checked again during the attack sequence.

  12. 26 minutes ago, LowTierSteve said:

    The way I understand your response, a change is a type of modification, but because Angela’s card specifically says “change,” it is not preventing all modifications that exist in the game

    The full text of that portion of the rule mentions both reroll and change, which are the two types of dice modification, so it does prevent all types of modification.

    27 minutes ago, LowTierSteve said:

    Are you able to provide an example of an effect that currently exists in the game that would “change” attacker’s attack dice, that would be subject to being prevented by Angela’s superpower?

    Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy on Gamora is an example of this type of effect, it says "When this character makes an attack, it may change 1 die result to a hit for each wild in the attack roll". Any rule that says one result may be changed to another result basically.

    A rule that says you treat a result as another result is not considered a change or a modification.

    This post goes into a bit more depth in terms of explaining the different types of rules


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