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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. This is actually covered in the FAQ


    If players determine that a thrown character would collide with multiples characters simultaneously, the player performing the throw chooses one of the two (or more) characters to suffer the collision of the throw.

    Basically, no, you can't actually collide with multiples. Its only one

  2. On 1/18/2023 at 10:43 PM, Vandal937 said:

    Is the character now just thrown into lockjaw and KOed and lockjaw takes damage

    This is an option available to the Malekith player, yes.


    On 1/18/2023 at 10:43 PM, Vandal937 said:

    Basically is last minute save useless against ferocity?

    Useless is more of a strategy question, as there are a lot of factors involved in whether this would be useful or not. From a rules perspective, it will not 100% save a model from being KO'd.

  3. 15 hours ago, Crazykitsune said:

    Can Green Goblin respond to a Charge ability/effect(move + Attack in 1 activation, like Baron Zemo's Charge or Malekith's Ferocity) with Trick or Treat? 

    It will depend on the specific rule in question, but for your two examples, the answer would be yes.

    15 hours ago, Crazykitsune said:

    what is the sequence since Ferocity has an added throw effect?

    Malekith would end his move action

    Assuming the conditions are met, Green Goblin would trigger and resolve Trick or Treat

    Malekith would perform his attack action and have the chance to resolve the throw from Ferocity during this if the conditions are met.

  4. Rules that resolve "after the effect is resolved" will now resolve in step 14 when triggered by attack damage and immediately after the effect for other rules (for example, attack special rules or Team Tactic Cards)

    The above ruling will thus change to this...

    I will assume that the Sinister Traps is an allied effect to Lizard and an enemy effect to Baron Mordo.

    Step 11
    11a - The push from Tail Whip
        - Sinister Traps (Because an attack is occurring and the effect is an allied effect to Lizard)
        - Sinister traps Damage
        - Sinister traps push
        - Vaulting Boots of Valtorr can be used and resolved in response to Sinister Traps now (If Baron Mordo was pushed by it)
        - Vaulting Boots of Valtorr can be used and resolved in response to the push from Tail Whip now

    Step 12 - Damage from the attack
    Step 13 - Attack Resolved
    Step 14 - After the attack is resolved effects

  5. 2 hours ago, 238ra said:

    Had this discussion come up the other day with some other players, couldnt find a thread for it, and want some clarification; when an effect is chosen for "Pardon Me, Sugah", does it matter if the character within range of the character playing the card is allied or not.


    2 hours ago, 238ra said:

    For example, my Rogue plays PMS and selects the Magneto effect. There is an enemy Magneto within R2 of the Rogue who played the card, so does this mean that the condition to gain the effect is met, even though the Magneto is not allied?


  6. On 1/28/2023 at 4:20 AM, jjask05 said:

    1. When the spider bombs move do they have to move toward the sewer or can the Cosmic Threat player play keep away?

    There is no requirement that they go Towards the Manhole Cover, no.

    On 1/28/2023 at 4:20 AM, jjask05 said:

    2. In the manual for this Ultimate Encounter it says to add more terrain than normal. But is there a specific amount and does the terrain still need to be range 2 from one another?

    There is no set, specific amount. Players are encouraged to make a thematic and interesting battlefield in general, but even more so during Ultimate Encounters! There is no strict requirement that the terrain features be outside of range 2 from other terrain features, but note that it can create problematic rules situations in some cases. If you are aware of this ahead of time and prepared to handle such situations, that is your choice to make. Just make sure to discuss the terrain with the other players ahead of time and decide on something satisfying for all players.

  7. Ultimately, this will need to be resolved by the players in some fashion. The rules can't cover every potential situation involving the rules not being followed correctly. It’s situationally dependent on how much time has elapsed and several other factors.

    Hopefully the players can try to come to a resolution themselves.

    If you are participating in an organized play event, you can request the Event Organizer or the Watcher for the event for assistance.

  8. On 8/15/2022 at 7:17 AM, BigBlake said:

    With the changes to ownership of tactics cards, would Guardians passive which gives him a power when taking damage from an allied effect trigger from playing no matter the cost on himself?


    On 8/15/2022 at 7:17 AM, BigBlake said:

    What is the timing here also?

    The power would be gained when No Matter the cost finishes resolving, so at the start of the attack.

  9. On 7/21/2022 at 6:34 AM, Dyzard said:

    Does hood transform if he takes damage from black bi frost

    He can

    On 7/21/2022 at 7:01 AM, Dyzard said:

    Second thought, if it is an enemy effect does hood transform before he places because of black bi frost or can he after he uses the bi frost

    He would transform after being placed as the placement is part of resolving the effect that damaged him.

  10. 9 hours ago, hydrophytic said:

    In the case of Rhino with stampede, which adds two dice to the next Gore attack (not attack action), If Rhino uses Stampede, then targets Nick Fury with a Gore attack, and Nick Fury plays Eye in the Sky to move out of range of the attack, will Rhinos next attack action still have the 2 added dice from the Stampede super power?

    Stampede will provide a bonus to the first Gore attack that occurs after it is used that turn.

    In the case of eye in the sky being played, that attack has occurred even if it was ended early. This means there are no additional dice from Stampede, because if he performs Gore again, it will be the second Gore attack made after Stampede was used.

  11. On 9/25/2022 at 3:24 PM, Vitzh said:

    Can I trigger Zola's Hydra Engineering at 0?  I won't get any rerolls but would still potentially get a bleed to pass out with Strucker. Thanks!

    No. Variable cost superpowers can not be used by spending zero power.

    On 10/6/2022 at 6:11 PM, Milo said:

    Can Arnim Zola pay power for hydra engineering during an attack, but choose to not reroll any dice, then still receive bleed from a skull and then potentially use Strucker's leadership to move this to the target?

    The second effect of Hydra Engineering will occur regardless of whether you choose to reroll your die as long as a minimum of one power has been spent, yes.


    On 10/14/2022 at 7:04 AM, Aumakua said:
    • To meet the requirements of the card do you need to have "two allied characters with either Hydra or Cabal leadership abilities" on the board or will the tactic card work if you only have one allied character with either Hydra or Cabal leadership abilities.  For example, I have Baron Strucker as my current leader. He gets KO'ed and only have Malekith on the board can Strucker play this card to activate Malekith's leadership now?
    • When a Leadership is activated by this card does this mean your team affiliation now changes to whatever the new leadership becomes? If so, does this mean you now can only use the team tactic cards associated with that team?
    • If the above is true can your team be dual affiliated (Hydra/Cabal) and allow you to use both Hydra and Cabal cards?

    Responding to this post as I believe it covers all the questions

    1. You need to have two characters with leadership abilities.

    2. No, the card will not change your team affiliation mid game.

    3. Not applicable

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