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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. Quote

    Can you please clarify further?

    It will depend on the wording of the particular rules, unfortunately there is no straightforward generic answer to this.

    Scientific Hubris style rules are checking the dice in the characters dice pool at the appropriate timing. The answer to the first question is a no because although he is the character causing the reroll, the dice being rerolled are not in a pool that belongs to him. The second question is a "yes" because at the appropriate time, his dice pool contains the required result(It doesn't matter how the dice got to be that way).


    Additionally, if Venom is attacking and the ruling is that the defender is rolling the die, could he ever use OSCORP to force a re-roll, since his card states that the defender cannot modify defense dice?  Therefore, either Venom can't ever use OSCORP or the ruling must be that the attacker is rolling the newly-modified die, in which case the defender will never benefit from the roll of the die.

    It is the attacker rerolling the die in the case of Oscorp Weaponry, but that doesn't prevent the defender from benefiting.

  2. 3 hours ago, Doyoulike2party said:

    Thank you.

    Hopefully my last Oscorp Weaponry question! 

    If an enemy Doctor Octopus rolls a (single) critical during their defense roll and I use Oscorp Weaponry to reroll this die and it rerolls back into a critical result, will the enemy Doctor Octopus still gain a power from Scientific Hubris? 

    Yes, as his dice will be showing the appropriate result at the appropriate time


    On 4/6/2022 at 1:44 AM, Sidiousmike said:

    When 'big' Hulkbuster is dazed he ejects the Support suit and is 'removed from the battlefield'

    Not quite. Hulkbuster becomes dazed and stays there with the dazed token until the Cleanup Phase. Its at the point during the Cleanup Phase that he would flip his stat card to the Injured side that Iron Man (Hulkbuster) is placed on the table and Hulkbuster is removed from the battlefield.

    On 4/6/2022 at 1:44 AM, Sidiousmike said:

    Reading that makes me think that if my opponent dazes 'big' Hulkbuster again then I would not get to bring in the Support Suit again as he has been removed from the game, not just the battlefield

    You will still be able to bring the character in again.


    On 5/18/2022 at 11:22 AM, Blugunner38 said:

    If I have my dr strange contesting the middle objective token and I place an astral ring contesting any of the outside tokens.

    Do my opponents models benefit from cover from my attacks if they are contesting the point on which my astral ring is contesting?

    Yes, they can benefit from the special rules from the crisis.

    On 5/18/2022 at 11:22 AM, Blugunner38 said:

    If I have my dr strange contesting the middle objective token and I place an astral ring contesting any of the outside tokens.

    Do I benefit from cover from attacks that come from characters not contesting the point to which my astral ring is on?

    Not as a result of the special rules from the crisis.


    The token contesting as though it was Dr. Strange doesn't come into play for attacks since they are neither coming from it nor going to it. It is just being used as a point to measure from, the attacker is still the character - not the token.

    While the Projection token is in play, Dr. Strange is not contesting anything and therefore has no interaction with the special rules on this Crisis.

  5. On 6/30/2022 at 4:41 PM, Mahoney said:

    Based on the straight wording, 2VP for each amplifier, no matter how many characters there are. Multiple characters with shards will only result in additional damage being dealt

    The key phrase I am relying on is 'an amplifier' which indicates that you may only score once per amplifier. So, if you have 2 of your characters with shards, then you need to get the other across the board in order to score the additional points.

    The wording for that Crisis is "Players score 2 VPs for each allied character that is holding a Power Shard while contesting an Amplifier during the Cleanup Phase"

    The wording here ties the VP generation to the number of characters that satisfy certain conditions, not the amplifiers. The references to holding a Power Shard or contesting an Amplifier are conditionals placed on the main subject, the characters.

    The "Holding a power shard" condition is pretty straight forward...is the character holding a power shard?

    As you mentioned, there was a clarification that the crisis should include an Interact Clause allowing you to pick them up (https://forums.atomicmassgames.com/topic/2172-true-power-how-to-pick-up-the-power-shard-asset/#comment-10349)

    The "contesting an amplifier" condition, you mention that you believe "an amplifier" excludes multiple characters from scoring off of the same amplifier. This is not accurate though, nothing here limits multiple characters from scoring off a single amplifier. "An amplifier" is just identifying the type of objective token that must be contested, it doesn't suggest or place any limits on which amplifier.

    Also, nothing in the core rules prevents multiple characters from contesting an objective token. One character contesting something does not exclude another character from also contesting it. Contesting an objective token is when a character is within range 1 of that objective token - there are no other conditions on it.

  6. On 4/21/2022 at 7:08 PM, Cocde said:

    Hey, so just a little confusion regarding leadership and affiliation. From what I've gathered from the forum and rule book it should go something like this;

    1. Make your squad in secret. Your squad must be equal to or less than the threat determined by the player without priority.

    2. Pick your affiliation

    3. Pick tactics cards, you may pick tactics that are affiliated

    4. Reveal 

    5. Deploy

    6. After deployment choose a leadership if you have multiple leaders of the same affiliation.

    The steps you have listed are correct per the core rules.

    When a given combination of characters and Team Tactic cards is able to create a squad with multiple affiliations, that player needs to pick one prior to revealing the squads so as not to gain an unfair advantage by declaring after seeing the opponent's squad.

    Players may find it helpful to make a note of their chosen affiliation prior to reveal.

    The game is a cooperative effort between two people and players should never seek to mislead their opponent or act in bad faith.

    4 hours ago, Dyzard said:

    1) is Select board edge and game threat the same timing

    Select the threat level and then select the board edge


    4 hours ago, Dyzard said:

    do I have to verbally announce my affiliation before picking tactics, is this supposed to be open information for my opponent to know what affiliation I am picking before we decide our tactics

    You do not have to announce your affiliation before picking tactics cards

  7. On 6/24/2022 at 7:41 AM, Gotchacoverd said:

    Is Line of sight rechecked as well?


    On 6/24/2022 at 7:41 AM, Gotchacoverd said:

    Is there a new line of sight check which would cause the rapid fire to fail?


    On 6/24/2022 at 7:41 AM, Gotchacoverd said:

    If instead Steve is outside range 5 but visible, would the second shot resolve?

    No, the attack granted by rapid fire still needs to be in the attacks range

  8. 10 hours ago, Dyzard said:

    does SLDD leadership allow rerolls when opponent is next to the evac point on researcher and the empty safe houses on senators?


    10 hours ago, Dyzard said:

    I guess the real question is are those objectives and being contested?

    Yes, they are objectives.

    If a character is within one of the objective tokens, they are contesting it (assuming no other rules are affecting the situation).

  9. Rerolls always occur during step 9 (The Modify dice step) of an attack.

    You may attempt to reroll a failure result with the single reroll provided by the leadership, yes. You may not reroll failure results with rerolls from other sources though, since the leadership only allows failures to be rerolled from its own reroll.

    If the attack roll contains no failure results when the attack is complete, you will not gain stagger at the end of your activation.

  10. On 6/17/2022 at 11:55 AM, Marvelboy74 said:

    - If a character want's to perform a super power first does he loose his or all his actions ?

    They do not

    On 6/17/2022 at 11:55 AM, Marvelboy74 said:

    - If the super power is a charge (like For Asgard) does the second action is lost because this is a super power ?


    On 6/17/2022 at 11:55 AM, Marvelboy74 said:

    It seems that since the rule book has been updated (31/03/2022) this particulary notification change a little bit the way to play

    I believe you are most likely referencing this section from the Rulebook

    "After a character has made all of its actions it may use any super powers, interact abilities or other special rules it wishes, then its activation ends. Place an Activated token on its stat card. A character with an Activated token on it can’t be chosen to activate again."

    This is not telling you that these things can only occur after the characters actions, it is a reminder that you can still do these things after your actions and before your activation is over.

  11. It will depend on what discussions the players have had with each other about the terrain.

    If using the default terrain sizes, then the apartment building is size 5 and the daily bugle is size 3.

    This means that for Line of Sight Purposes, Winter Soldier is size 2 and Black Widow is size 5.

    Black widow will be unable to see Winter soldier because his base is entirely blocked by a piece of terrain of a larger size than himself.

    Winter Soldier will be able to see Black Widow however because the Size 5 apartment building is the same size as Black Widow for line of sight purposes and terrain of the same size as the character does not bock line of sight

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