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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. Just a note that Team Tactics Cards don't target characters as a general rule (Just making a point of this because the specific rules language used makes a difference to understanding the interactions)

    I believe you are referencing the core rule that Grunts are unable to be chosen by the effects of allied Team Tactics Cards or the rule preventing Grunts from Playing Team Tactics Cards.

    Neither of the cards you are asking about includes language instructing you to choose the characters being affected by them and neither card has the character being affected as the one playing the card, so Grunts can be affected by these cards.

  2. On 1/21/2023 at 6:51 AM, seanie419 said:

    If blob is attacked and is only going to take 1 damage, can he still pay for Ha, Ha, Ha, That Tickles!


    On 1/21/2023 at 6:51 AM, seanie419 said:

    does Rhino land within 1 of him before or after the push?

    Rhino's placement from Gore occurs in step 11 of the attack and the push from Ha, ha, ha, That Tickles! occurs in step 14b of the attack.

  3. Let me know if this helps explain how these scenarios are different, the Berserker Barrage scenario doesn't involve multiple rules occurring at the same time.

    The Berserker Barrage scenario looks like this when going through the attack timing steps

    Attack steps
    11a - The Place from Berserker barrage
              - Tricks and Traps now "interrupts" things as it reactively triggers on the end of a movement.
                 - We now resolve Tricks and Traps and then "roll back up" to where it inserted itself
          - Is wolverine Dazed or KO'd? If yes, the attack ends here, otherwise, continue
    11b(If continuing) -
    11c(If continuing) -
    12-14(If continuing) -

    For the scenario in this post, we'll use Coordinated Strike from Shadowland Daredevil

    Attack steps
    14a - The rule on coordinated Strike that places the Hand Ninjas in play
               - We now have two effects that occur as a result of the placement. The Ninja Ambush and the Tricks and Traps
               - Because these are both occurring at the exact same time and occurring during 14a of an attack, we follow the previously mentioned timing rule

  4. The lack of limiting text does not inherently provide permission for a thing to happen,  what you need to be looking for instead is text that explicitly provides permission to override/interact with other rules.

    What you are describing with wife of Corvus glaive (and various other rules - see ornery on the recently released rhino) is that some rules will at times include reminder text that calls out limitations that inherently exist.

    This is the same reason why a rule that allows you to “reroll all dice” does not allow you to reroll failures. You need a rule explicitly providing permission to reroll failures in order to override the core rule that they can’t be rerolled.

    The same holds true for all interactions, the rule needs to provide an explicit permission/reference to contradict something. The lack of text referencing it is not itself contradicting it.

  5. 15 hours ago, firbison said:

    if a character has an attack that allows them to advance like with zemo and steal rush  after an attack has resolved, does that restrict them to not being able to climb on a terrain piece bigger then the character if they dont have flight or wall crawler. 


    Since the rule is providing you an Advance, you are unable to perform a move that would be considered a Climb.

  6. On 1/10/2023 at 6:54 AM, firbison said:

    The crisis Mutant Extremists Target U.S. Senators!, says you can only perform 1 move action per turn. If Rhino picks up one of the tokens for this crisis and uses his stampede superpower as well as use a move action, when he uses his gore attack would he still be able to place within 1 from this attack. 

    Yes. Being Pushed, Placed or Thrown are not move actions.

    This thread may be helpful in separating out Move Actions, Movements and specific types of movement


  7. 15 minutes ago, firbison said:


    so to follow on that then, when a tactics card has a place effect like meet my executioner, hero's for hire or lethal protector and they cant place within 1 will the attack or effect still redirect the attack.


    It’s going to depend on how each individual rule is worded 

    The 3 you have listed, no.

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