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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. Grievous wounds actually has no interaction with “damage reduction” rules.

    Grievous wounds prevents a character from removing damage, meaning the damage has already been applied to the character. This will affect things like Healing Factor or Patch Up.

    Effects like you have mentioned, Thick Hide or Nice Punch, effect damage before it’s actually applied to the character. In these cases, you are not removing damage from the character, you are removing damage from the total damage about to be applied to the character.

  2. 8 hours ago, AltG123 said:

    When a character gains an affiliation from a tactics card (The Initiative, Under your Skin, Sleeper Agent etc), are they considered to be part of that affiliation for the rest of the game thus allowing them to be targeted by leaderships and tactics cards that only target that affiliations characters?

    Yes, the three cards you list work in this way.

  3. 5 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:

    If grunts are not on the table but are summoned in with daredevils or Elektra's attack mid way through an activation (or other means) do they get effected by Omega Red's Death spores Superpower

    No, they are not ending their activation within range 2 of him in this case.

    5 hours ago, Matthews1802 said:

    is it the parent modals activation at this stage and they would only be effected by death spores if they start on the board and end their turn within R2 of Omega Red. 

    This is correct, other than ending their activation, not turn.

  4. We can’t provide a generic answer for 100% of situations, as it may depend on the specific wording of the rules in question.

    In general though, a mandatory place effect like, Ambush on Beast, if you know ahead of time you can’t fit, you just don’t perform that rule. The placement is lost.

    If you go to move Beast and only then find out you can’t place him, you put him back where he was as best as possible, following the margin of error rules from the challenger document

  5. 5 minutes ago, GilDK said:

    When will it ever not be the same situation, and why is this different



    Determining Range happens as one of the first few steps in a Beam or Area attack, before the targeting step. When performing an attack, you don't repeat steps or go back to previous steps without being instructed to.

    There are some "during attack" movement rules that instruct you to recheck range or LOS and some rules that don't.

    Escort to Safety says (paraphrased)

    - Move the character

    - At the end of that movement, check if the moving character is outside of the attacks range or the attackers LOS. If so, the attack ends.

    Big Sis/Little Sis say (paraphrased)

    - Move the character

    Since Big Sis/Little Sis (and other rules that provide movement like Pym Particle Control) don't have that second bullet point in their rules text, you don't go back and check those things.

  6. 4 minutes ago, GilDK said:

    How is that possible, when the reroll ability is only for the model who played the card, and that can only be: Logan, The Wolverine, Sabretooth, Apex Predator or X-23, as per the card. 

    The question isn’t actually about the reroll provided by Give me That!!!, rather, it’s about whether the dossier token counts as an objective token for other rules.

    The Great Responsibility Leadership allows a character holding an objective token to modify their failure results and the dossier token satisfies this requirement.

  7. 7 minutes ago, GilDK said:

    It seems like there is to different rulings on this, or I and several others are misunderstanding something.

    One ruling says you can use those Tactic Cards to get away, and the other says no

    What parts do you find contradictory?

    Note that escort to safety is one of the rules that matches the exception mentioned in the first post, as it tells you to check if the moving character is still in range or LOS.

  8. 3 hours ago, firbison said:

    MODOK's doomsday chain reads after this attack has resolved it can make another doomsday chair attack. Does the first attack resole and get to step 14b and then make another attack or does the second attack still resolve within the first attacks time "table"

    The first attack resolves and gets to 14a, at which point M.O.D.O.K. can make an additional attack. This additional attack occurs within the resolution of the first attack, meaning the additional attack will be entirely finished before the first attack is finished.

    You will get to 14a with the first attack.

    You will then start again at step 1 for the additional attack and proceed all the way through to 14c for this additional attack.

    You will then go back to 14a of the first attack and resolve any other 14a rules triggered/resolving during it.

    You will then finish 14b & 14c of the first attack.

    3 hours ago, firbison said:

    Would Captain America's bodyguard and vibranium shield being reactive superpowers being able to trigger multiple times during this attack?

    They are each a separate attack even though one is occurring within the resolution of the other. So no, they don't trigger multiple times during a single attack, but you can trigger them for both the original attack and the additional attack, assuming you meet the criteria.

    3 hours ago, firbison said:

    Similarly would Captain America's bodyguard and vibranium shield being reactive superpowers being able to trigger multiple times during a beam attack?

    Beam or Area attacks are a series of individual attacks, so yes, you may trigger them during each of the individual attacks, again, assuming you meet the criteria.

  9. 2 hours ago, firbison said:

    im just wanting to make sure when does a character gain the energy from an attack when attacking. The way the effects make it sound it should resolve in 14a correct?

    It will depend on what the rule text says, theoretically there could be text providing energy at any step of the attack process.

    Typically though, the rule is "After this attack is resolved, this character gains x power" or "After this attack is resolved, this character gains power equal to the damage dealt"

    In both of those cases, you are correct, yes. The power gain occurs in step 14a.

  10. 3 hours ago, firbison said:

    So it wouldnt resolve because the incinerate would be put on in step 14a and fire manipulation would trigger in step 13 so it would miss its timing? if im breaking it down correctly 

    Fire manipulation actually checks for the Incinerate in 14a as well, so if you resolve the rule putting the incinerate on first, you can ensure its there for when fire manipulation checks.

  11. On 10/17/2022 at 3:32 PM, Cainvoss said:

    If Pyro successfully triggers his abilities that give out incinerate after the attack resolves, are you able to then trigger the Fire Manipulation super power to splash it to another character within

    Yes, as long as the incinerate is applied before you resolve Fire Manipulation. Fire Manipulation checks for the incinerate after the attack is resolved.

  12. On 11/2/2022 at 3:58 PM, Mattomattick said:

    With pyrotechnics can the player controlling pyro choose the order the drop and push occur?

    No. Since this is not two separate effects, rather, it is one effect doing two things, it will resolve in the order presented on the card.

    On 11/2/2022 at 3:58 PM, Mattomattick said:

    Also who decides which token drops? If the character has a chimichanga token and cube fragment, or two cubes but one has sinister traps on it?

    The player who played Pyrotechnics chooses which token drops.

  13. On 12/20/2022 at 6:52 PM, firbison said:

    In the event of 2 weapon x factions facing off and they both have the Dossier tactic card how does that interact with the characters

    In the event of both players playing this card, you will need to keep track of which Dossier token belongs to each player. The rules will be specific to interacting with your own dossier token.

    On 12/20/2022 at 6:52 PM, firbison said:

    then what happens if one character has both tokens, do they get 4 extra dice to there attacks.

    You won't be able to double up, no. The benefits only apply to the specific dossier token you place with your effect, not dossier tokens in general.

    On 12/27/2022 at 6:03 PM, firbison said:

    for more exact detail both players have logan and they both end up putting the other players token on there respective logans, does that mean that they get the 2 extra dice and have the ability to rerole any dice since they dont have the token put out by there dossier, this has happened now multiple times in our play group without any answers

    This should be covered by the above

    On 12/27/2022 at 6:03 PM, firbison said:

    example is deadpool have 2 chimichangas tokens

    Deadpool may have both Chimichanga tokens, but you can't double up the benefits.

    On 12/27/2022 at 6:03 PM, firbison said:

    doctor voodoo having 2 brother daniels tokens

    Spirit of Brother Daniel on Doctor Voodoo actually explicitly prevents you from having a Brother Daniel token other than the one you started the game with.

  14. The damage application from Experimental Enhancements resolves in the "after the attack is resolved step" (14a) of the attack

    The damage removal from Baron Strucker's Hydra High Council leadership occurs at the same time an allied character applies a special condition to an enemy character. If applying the special condition via the first part of Hydra High Council, this also occurs in the "after the attack is resolved step" (14a) of the attack

    Since both occur at the same time, you are able to choose the order they resolve in, meaning you could choose to resolve experimental enhancements, apply the damage for that and then resolve the Hydra High Council.

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