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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. On 12/9/2022 at 11:46 PM, pa8rut said:

    Am I correct in understanding that Finisher happens in step 14a?


    On 12/9/2022 at 11:46 PM, pa8rut said:

    Does that mean that this attack (Claw Slash from Finisher) happens before an enemy can use a reactive after attack super power similar to Rapid Fire?

    If it is a 14b effect, then yes.

    On 12/9/2022 at 11:46 PM, pa8rut said:

    Additionally, since Finisher doesn't require the additional Claw Slash to target the original target, could Sabretooth attack two different characters before either enemy character gets to respond with an after attack effect?


  2.  @AltG123@Kaza

    On 12/1/2022 at 2:27 PM, Kaza said:

    Can a character gain and use a leadership for an affiliation they are not a part of?


    On 12/1/2022 at 2:27 PM, Kaza said:

    How would this interact with the leadership only working on Weapon X characters, would Wolverine count as Weapon X due to being a leader



    On 12/9/2022 at 6:01 PM, AltG123 said:

    Can 'Wolverine' use the team tactics card 'Are you sure you want to remember?' so long as he is part of a Weapon X affiliated squad thus gaining him the Weapon X Leadership ability despite not being Weapon X affiliated and despite not being able to benefit from the Leadership ability because he's not Weapon X affiliated?


  3. 10 minutes ago, Marvelboy74 said:


    First very good job on the new crisis cards.

    My question is: are the effects of a crisis cards are non player effects ?

    Thanks !!!


    Note that non-player effects from crisis cards have timing specific to them found in Appendix A. Specifically, they are always resolved after non-player effects that are not crisis effects.

  4. 1 minute ago, Mattomattick said:

    This can result in one additional VP per player max


    1 minute ago, Mattomattick said:

    For example, if I have both Magneto and Mystique holding a disturbance, and they're both within range 2 of an allied character, I score 3 total points (1 for each disturbance held, and 1 for having one or more characters within 2 of an allied character), right?


  5. That will ultimately be up to the event organizer to determine, but it sounds as though you are describing a concession, which according to the challenger document would be scored like this


    Concession: One player voluntarily concedes the match. The conceding player receives a loss and their opponent receives a win. The winning player receives 14 VPs or their current total, whichever is greater. Collusion between players is not permitted under the sportsmanship rules of this document. If a Watcher believes players are attempting to manipulate the scoring system, the players should either be given warnings or be ejected from the event.

  6. 1 hour ago, Shepard said:

    Does the card need to be played before Hawkeye does the damage required to trigger the effect?


    1 hour ago, Shepard said:

    Example: During an allied Captain America's activation, Hawkeye and Black Widow each pay 2 power to play Professionals. On my next turn, I activate Hawkeye, attack and deal damage to an enemy character holding an objective token that is within range 2 of Black Widow. Do I move the objective token?


    1 hour ago, Shepard said:

    Can the card be played after the required trigger and positioning is met?


  7. On 12/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Fred said:

    I have a charatcter A that is active, He is in 2 of an inactive allied character B. A use patch up, B pay the cost to heal A, is it a legal use?

    Whoever is paying the cost is playing the card, so B would be using patchup and paying the cost to remove damage from A.

    On 12/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Fred said:

    Character A is the active character, he use patch up (assuming A is in 2 of  B) and choose charcater B  that is a non active allied character, A pay the cost to heal B, is it legal too?


    On 12/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Fred said:

    Case 3 :

    A is not in 2 of B, A use patch up, Allied character C that is in 2 of B can pay to heal B or not?

    A is irrelevant to this scenario even if A is still the active character. C can use/play the card and pay the cost to heal B even during A's activation.

  8. On 10/25/2022 at 2:20 PM, Mc1gamer said:

    Can Magneto gain his Mystic Defense vs these effects?

    He would still be able to use his mystic defense against the attack, yes.

    On 10/25/2022 at 2:20 PM, Mc1gamer said:

    Force Projection still apply for dodging still

    He would not be performing a dodge roll in the case of him himself being thrown.

    On 10/25/2022 at 2:20 PM, Mc1gamer said:

    Also, can Thor, and any other character then with a superpower throw, or any other character with similarly worded ability, still throw Magneto since it's not part of an attack action?

    A superpower throw is not prevented by Force projection as you are not being attacked or making a dodge roll when Magneto himself is being thrown by a superpower.

    On 10/25/2022 at 2:20 PM, Mc1gamer said:

    Does any superpower that has an attack followed by a throw also work on Magneto?

    This is not a unique interaction to Malekith, if the other rule in question is worded the same as Ferocity is, it will work the same. Feel free to provide specific examples.

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