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Posts posted by Thoras

  1. 2 hours ago, BarrelChestedBrad said:

    I'm sorry, but why not? From my understanding and looking at the restricted and banned cards document on the official website, cards like drop off and all you've got aren't banned. Is there a definitive list I could look at? Since thw updated rules the normal game is considered to be standard format, no? 

    As well as the Banned and Restricted document, the Challenger document that describes the Standard Timeline lists the Set Symbols that can be included in Standard Rosters. Drop Off has only ever been printed with the Spider-Man Set Symbol, which is currently not an allowed Set Symbol for Tactics Cards in Standard.

  2. Cloak of Shadows and Probability Manipulation are used directly after rolling the dice, so either step 6 when attacking or step 7 when defending. The failures that become criticals start doing so immediately at this point.

    The Grand Illusion doesn't change the dice until step 9 of the attack sequence.

    They will stay critical dice until they are modified to failures in step 9.

    They will then immediately become critical dice again after the step that they were modified to failures is over. - This part has changed, see below

  3. He does not, no.

    Unless a special rule is separated by a line break or the word additionally, it is all one special rule. Unless specified otherwise, later portions of a rule will follow timing steps established in earlier portions. This means the Assault Rifle attack is still occurring within the "after the attack is resolved" timing step established earlier.

  4. When a character is granted an Advance by a special rule, you may not perform a movement that would be considered a Climb. This means the tool may not overlap terrain features that are larger than them in size unless the character is already overlapping that terrain feature.

    So no, Loki would not be able to use the Advance granted by Trickster to move across a Terrain Feature larger than his size unless some other rule was impacting the situation.

    Flight and Wall Crawler make a character count as Size 5 when placing the movement tool during an Advance, so those rules would allow a character to be Advanced across Terrain that would normally be of a larger size because they allow them to be counted as Size 5 at that point in time. Their movements would not be considered a Climb in those situations.

  5. 1 minute ago, SirSmashALot said:

    Just wanting clarification about something. When you are able to activate multiple characters using Partners of Crime, Follow me, wife of Corvus, etc, is this still counted as one turn for Leadership abilities and team tactic cards. 

    For example, Capt America (Steve Rogers) leadership ability states you can reduce the cost of the first super power used once per turn. So as we have multiple characters activating within the one turn, we can only use this once, for one of the characters being activated, is that correct?

    That would consist of a single turn for all game purposes, yes. Players have turns, characters have activations.

    You can have 0 to multiple activations in a single turn.

    Your example is slightly off though. Captain America Steve Rodgers doesn’t use a once per turn language. He says, paraphrased, each allied character can reduce the cost of their first superpower each turn. So each allied character can use it once across those activations.

  6. On 6/18/2022 at 11:11 AM, Pickle01 said:

    My question how are you using all seeing eye to reroll dice on tactic card you are not playing or allied to. 

    Previously, there was a ruling that stated it would have been the "defending" characters that were considered to be rolling the dice. That has now changed though with the ruling mentioned above and it is now the characters playing the card that are rolling the dice.

    Please check the edits to the above rulings as there are several changes based on this recent ruling - https://forums.atomicmassgames.com/topic/7018-tactic-cards-and-unspecified-effects/


  7. 5 hours ago, Regnix said:

    Just wanted to point out that shields and blanks are also failures when attacking so the language used for Dormammu counting skulls may be confusing 

     There is a bit of confusion here when comparing how people talk about the game and how the rules label things.

    "Failures" is not a generic term or description, its actually the proper name for the die face that is commonly referred to as "skulls". Shields and blanks are not "failures" when attacking from the rules perspective, they just don't count as successes.


  8. 21 hours ago, TechLee said:

    Got it, that's how we had been playing but it seemed odd that the calculation for threat level was always going to be the same number doing it that way.

    The sealed portal check here should actually be instructing you to check for secured portals rather than controlled portals.

    Given this understanding, if the defender is securing a sealed portal, it would not flip to open and can modify the threat value available to be brought in from the reserves.

  9. @Dyzard@Mc1gamer

    When counting a certain result as a success, the result never changes, it just overrides the core rules as to which results count as successes.

    When modifying a result, you are physically changing the die from one result to another result. This is generally accomplished either via rerolls or just changing it from one result to another.

    When treating a result as another result type, you are not actually physically modifying the result, you are just saying that it is the new result type. When treating a die as another die, that die effectively IS the new type for all game purposes.

    Venom and other abilities that prevent a character from modifying their defense dice prevent the second type, where the result is physically changing.

    Dormammu adds the number of failure results in the defense roll to his total successes when attacking. If the defender were to "count failures as successes", then both Dormammu and the defender would get to count them. If the defender was to “treat a failure as a critical”, Dormammu does not get to add those results because they are not failures anymore, they are criticals

  10. The defenders do not have the ability to interact with the Artifacts, no.

    They can be "Stolen" by abilities such as Quicksilvers tactics card Can I Borrow That? or Blackcats Master Cat Burglar. If they are moved to a defender character through a rule such as that, they will be held by that character until the charter is forced to drop it in some fashion, at which point it will follow the normal rules for Ancient Artifacts that are dropped.

  11. On 7/18/2022 at 5:22 PM, Dyzard said:

    Can a character like crossbones reduce the damage and still use the placement 

    On 7/19/2022 at 8:54 AM, Morgan Reid said:

    Can an enemy Thanos use 'The Black Bifrost' as he is unable to suffer 1 damage to be placed within range 1 of another Black Bifrost token?

    If the character does not actually suffer the damage, they will not be able to place themselves

  12. The creation of the defender's dice pool occurs in step 5 of an attack

    Step 5a is adding the initial dice for the pool, which in this case would be 1

    Step 5b is adding and removing dice, which should be done in that order (add and then subtract). This means you'll add 2 for Unnatural mutation and then remove 1for incinerate, leaving you at 2 dice(1 initial + 2 for Unnatural Mutation - 1 for Incinerate).

  13. The rules don't allow you to bump the tokens in the first place - its a situation that occurs due to the realities of dealing with a physical game.

    As such, fixing the placement of the tokens is also outside the rules of the game and they should be replaced as best as possible with as many measuring tools as required, if you have determined they should be corrected rather than played as is.

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