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Everything posted by Thoras

  1. Bob's "But HOW!?" would not help as it requires him to be KO'd by having damage tokens placed on him. Queen of Hel would help, as there are no conditions surrounding how she is KO'd. Last Minute Save couldn't be used as it requires the character to be KO'd by an enemy effect Deal with the Devil could be used as it has no conditions on how he is KO'd. It is very conditional on the specific wording of the effect
  2. This rule means that if a card is already in Reserve, you can't choose to pay a force to place another card into reserve. Since you can't begin the process with the B1's, you can't reach the stage where their Unit Order Card "would be placed in reserve".
  3. I'm not sure where you feel that has been said about Coont Dooku's abilities. As you can see from the original reply in this thread, they are not the same triggering event.
  4. Yes and yes, the card is included when refreshing your order deck, so there is a chance it could be drawn twice in a row. Yes. You must play the card from Reserve before refreshing your order deck in this scenario.
  5. When checking the errata in the FAQ and Errata document, you can see the text from both abilities is significantly different. They don't mention the same wording for the trigger event. If there is a more specific point you'd like clarified, please let us know.
  6. No, Coordinated Fire says "...,before dice are rolled, this Unit may use this ability." This part establishes the point its used at, which puts it at the start of Step 5. No. The trigger event for "I'm going to end this" is a combat action and for "Coordinated Fire" is an attack. This is the same as the above, the trigger event for I'm Always first kid is a combat action rather than an attack. Tempered Aggression and Coordinated Fire do share a trigger event, yes. They can not both be used on the same attack.
  7. Tempered Aggression is triggering off the event of a Unit making an attack. I'm always first, kid is triggering off the event of a unit making a combat action. These two abilities do not share the same event trigger. This is too generic a question unfortunately.
  8. Your earlier understanding was correct, the linked post does not change anything about the related timings. Coordinated Fire is used the start of step 5. It will prevent coordinated fire being used against that specific attack, yes.
  9. If we use the Nightsister Acolytes' Coordinated Fire as an example, the requirement that the attack be a part of a combat action is not a part of the event, in the same way that the requirement of the attack coming from an allied Dathomirian Unit is not a part of the event. No, the timing that the trigger event occurs in or the time that the ability is used at doesn't define the trigger event itself. He can use both. Surely you can do better's event is that he is defending and Twice The Pride, Double the Fall's event is an attack.
  10. Individual Tags can be combined together, but not deconstructed, to meet a Requirement.
  11. Any given reactive superpower can only be used once per event triggering it, so the maximum this can reduce is 1 damage per source.
  12. Characters don't actually have superpowers when dazed, so cold snap would not affect anyone.
  13. This is still a requirement, yes. In the end, it must be a Galactic Republic Trooper or a Galactic Republic Padawan within range 3. Plo must also not be wounded
  14. Yes Almost. They don't have to try to make an attack, the Unit can declare a combat action and then have the individual characters choose to not perform an attack. In terms of trying to declare the specific attack types, you need an enemy character in the appropriate Range/Engagement to do that.
  15. Page 15 of the core rulebook speaks to this interaction. When a rule that says something can happen conflicts with another saying it cannot, the cannot will take priority. The ability needs to provide permission to get around that core rule in order to override it.
  16. Yes This is not correct, no. Some abilities don’t require a specific character or unit to have caused the wound, just that an enemy unit was wounded.
  17. Yes, using this ability costs the Unit one of its two Actions and at least 1 Force This is one way in which it could resolve, yes.
  18. Unless some other rule prevents it, yes. Yes, "this unit" always refers to the unit whose card the rule is on.
  19. Those are different steps in the attack sequence, but not necessarily different events. The same event (depending on which event it is) can trigger at various different timing steps. Coordinated Fire also occurs at the start of step 5 rather than 3.
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