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Everything posted by Thoras

  1. They do not. The attack has to be resolving against him at the correct timing step(which it wouldn’t be)
  2. Player effects are, in general, things caused by a players Units. Two of the most common examples would be an attack made by a character or an ability from a Unit. Non-player effects are things that occur from game rules that are controlled by neither player. A common example of this would be a condition on a Unit, such as Strained causing damage to a Unit. The definition of effects is largely present on Page 15 of the current rulebook available online (Dated 7/7/23)
  3. Yes. Since the pierce effect has already resolved though, rerolling the wild that allowed it does not impact it in any way.
  4. The attacker will have an opportunity to pay when the attack switches over to the new character
  5. This depends entirely on the team tactic card and the character, there is no single answer due to the differences in wording between cards. You need to pay close attention to the character name and alter ego. Some will be yes, some will be no. No. Well-Laid Plans refers to the character name Doctor Octopus, which the new character in Earth's Mightiest Core set does not have. His character name is Doc Ock, Sinister Scientist
  6. These would be considered the same event, specifically that a combat action was made. The other checks are conditionals that further restrict the event, but the overall event is that a combat action was made. This is different from the previous example, as what matters here is that an attack was made. The allied dathomirian is a further conditional restriction and the "after" indicates the timing that, in this case, the ability is both used and resolves in. You could potentially use both Life Drain and No One Gets Between Me and My Job as they are reacting to different events. The first is reacting to an attack having been made and the second is reacting to a combat action having occurred.
  7. He can use both, yes. The event for Riposte is an attack was made, with conditionals of it being a melee attack targeting his Unit. The event for The Sith Lord Strikes Back is that his unit is wounded.
  8. The event for all versions of Coordinated Fire is that an attack was made. The check for specific Unit Tags or that it was part of a combat action are not part of the event itself, they are conditionals on the event. You could not use two coordinated fires for the same attack. If the Naboo Royal Handmaidens made a combat action, you could however use Queen Padme Amidal's Coordinated Fire in response to the first character's attack and then the 501sts Coordinated Fire in response to the second characters attack.
  9. No Knowledge and Defense allows the character benefiting to Heal, not Recover.
  10. Ultron, Metal Tyrant may use The Age of Ultron @Paul98 @The-Calf @Atyres @NoNamed @Shane @SörenTheGerman @Indysnumber1wizard @countmoore
  11. The top portion occurs at the first opportunity, yes. The second portion occurs at the players discretion. Yes for the first portion. If a character is at 10 Power and gains more Power, that Power is lost. The second portion being a may means its optional.
  12. Phrased in this way, each part of the Leadership can be used once per turn. One character may receive an extra power and one character may remove a condition (if that character was damaged). They can both be the same character
  13. No, you may only have a single Grunt character on the table at a time.
  14. Enhanced energy absorption occurs in step 9aii because it involves changing the dice results. Malekith's Cloak of Shadow's effect occurs at a different time because it doesn't actually change the die, you just treat the die as a different result.
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