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Everything posted by Thoras

  1. It applies to the first shove in the overall attack, so if she gains Steadfast after that has occurred, it will not benefit her during that attack.
  2. Yes. When you put the character at the end of the movement tool, the "...character ends this movement" clause is not triggered if they are choosing to use the ingress point. You start to end the movement, pass the "would end a movement" step, perform the ingress point rules and then "end the movement". Keep in mind that although the movement isn't ended at the point of the original placement of the character, the character is still considered to be there for a period of time (it has to be in order to check the range 1 from the ingress point), so there may be other rules interactions such as this one
  3. No. The rule about the card drawn from shuffling your shatterpoint card into your deck is that "The newly revealed Unit must activate and cannot be placed in reserve". Cannot will always beat can unless the "can" rule is providing an explicit exception to the "cannot". So although yes, special rules can override core rules, Patience doesn't contain any language allowing it to explicitly override the cannot in this case.
  4. Yes, even if the bridge was defined as a Blocked terrain part, they would have LOS to each other. Here is the core rule on how to determine line of sight. I've bolded and underlined the part that applies to your question. Because Lord Maul is on a Terrain Part, characters determining Line of sight to him can effectively ignore all terrain parts with the same or lower elevation as Lord Maul for the purposes of determining line of sight.
  5. If there is no other terrain between them that might block the line of sight, both characters will have line of sight to each other. When a character is on top of a terrain part, the line of sight line to them can pass unobstructed through all terrain parts with the same or lower elevation as them. The line of sight line from them can also pass through Blocked terrain parts they are overlapping or that is at the same or lower elevation as them.
  6. No. When Pushing or Throwing a model towards or away, the tool can't be positioned such that the character would travel outside of the towards/away angle (assuming it had unimpeded movement). It has to be a direction that it would end up in a legal position assuming it traveled the full distance.
  7. The permission to reroll failure results is only provided to the rerolls from the Finisher special rule, rerolls from other rules would not have that permission from it
  8. The First Player will determine which of the Mission Sets will be played. They can choose either the Mission Set they included in their own Strike Team or the Mission Set the other player included in their Strike Team. A mission set has to be present in one of the players Strike Teams to be an option. The official organized play rules don't modify those found on page 18 of the current core rules book.
  9. You would pay the power and use disruption field in step 2d. You would then perform the rerolls in 9bii Yes, additional dice for critical results in the initial roll would have already been added. Any other effects will depend on the timing of the effect. The specific example of the Advanced Idea Mechanics leadership, yes, that would already have occurred. Rules that occur in later steps would depend on the required results still being present though. For example, it could prevent the Incinerate from Doomsday Chair Arsenal or the Disorient from Psionic Assault.
  10. Yes. Judgement is stopping power gained from the attack damage itself, this power coming from the leadership is not stopped The leadership power gain is a separate source of power, it isn't lumped into the other source, so he would get 1 from the attack damage and then 1 from the leadership
  11. Damage is not applied immediately while moving along the combat tree, it is applied to a pool and then to the unit (if possible) after you have finished moving along your tree. Yes
  12. This is correct. You would have to choose a different spot along the movement tools current position to put the character down, even if that meant putting the character in the same spot it started. It would still be considered to have performed that movement.
  13. Lacking any additional features, a transparent acrylic base by itself would not be considered a modeled base.
  14. There is no time period between the activations where an Active Team Tactic Card may be played. As soon as the Grunts activation is over, the Parents Activation starts.
  15. You would be able to use it before an activation, but not after an activation as the end of the activation also ends the players turn.
  16. The card in reserve would need to be played first. You would not be able to use it in this scenario.
  17. You choose another allied Separatist Alliance character within Range 3, then may Dash Dooku and then may Dash the chosen character. Also keep in mind this
  18. Yes, you can use both and then due to being Rex's player, you can choose the order they occur in.
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