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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hello, Vael, You are correct that a player need not track which bounty token was placed by which unit with the Bounty keyword. The Bounty keyword allows a unit with it to gain any victory token that was placed on a unit card using the Bounty keyword. I will note was true in recent prior version numbers of the Star Wars: Legion rules as well. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hello, Pally, The silhouette of ground vehicles blocks LOS. If the defending mini is visible - such as due to being only partially obscured by the silhouette of the Ground Vehicle - it has heavy cover. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hello, Raistlin, Jyn Erso's Complete the Mission reads: Before or after the unit's activation, it may receive enough order tokens to become panicked. Complete the Mission only prevents panic during the ordered unit's activation. You will not. This suppression removal is a consequence of beginning your Perform Actions step while panicked. Complete the Mission prevents the unit from becoming panicked during its activation. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hello, Mandaluri, "Suffering Wounds and Defeating Miniatures" describes the process for the defender to assign wounds. As it does not specify that LOS from the attacking unit leader is needed for a defending mini to be considered when determining the maximum amount of wounds the unit can suffer, LOS from any attacking mini will do. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Impassable Terrain is whatever the players agree is such. This is terrain that cannot be moved through, even if using a Climb move, unless the unit in question has specific keyword allowing it to do so. Your questions require more detail on terrain definitions. A wall and a hut are likely obstacle terrain. If they are shorter than the silhouette of the AT-ST and not Impassable (as determined by you!) - but rather, determined to be Open or Difficult - then the AT-ST could move over them. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hello, Mr. Witty, Relentless, Steady, and Charge trigger after a unit performs a move action. Climbs are a type of move action. Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hello Murdur, Per the Climbing entry (page 25), you may place the movement tool overlapping obstacle terrain greater than the height of the unit's silhouette, up to a vertical distance of Height 1. This does allow units to move through or over height 1 walls, assuming they were determined at the start of the game to be obstacle terrain and not impassable. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hello Szymciu, Page 11, "Barricades" entry, the last line reads: Creature Troopers are a type of Trooper, and do not have a printed exception to this Barricades rule. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hello, Dwit, Gunslinger reads: The final step of the attack sequence, Choose Additional Attack Pool, reads (emphasis mine): Up Close and Personal reads (emphasis mine): An attack is resolved against each declared defender. Multiple Dodge tokens may be gained by the attacking unit in both of your examples, after each attack is resolved, provided those attacks were ranged attacks and targeting a defender at range 1-2. Hope this helps, Seth
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