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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hello, Podfrey, Secret Information is detailed on page 17. You are correct that the battle cards are not included among secret information. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hello! As stated in the Fire Support entry on page 45: "To use the Fire Support keyword, a unit must be able to make a ranged attack and cannot be engaged." A unit targeted by I Am a Jedi cannot perform attacks, and so are not able to make a ranged attack, and are therefore unable to use the Fire Support keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hello, Vael, You are correct that a player need not track which bounty token was placed by which unit with the Bounty keyword. The Bounty keyword allows a unit with it to gain any victory token that was placed on a unit card using the Bounty keyword. I will note was true in recent prior version numbers of the Star Wars: Legion rules as well. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Crowservo, You are correct. The silhouette of ground vehicles blocks LOS.
  5. Hello! For the AT-ST to gain cover, per the Ground Vehicles entry on page 37, at least 50% of its silhouette must be obscured from any part of the attacking unit leader. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hello, Pally, The silhouette of ground vehicles blocks LOS. If the defending mini is visible - such as due to being only partially obscured by the silhouette of the Ground Vehicle - it has heavy cover. Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hello, SwissGood, You are correct and the quoted section (from page 30, Determine Cover) is accurate. More than half of the defending minis need to be determined to have heavy cover for the unit to have heavy cover. As stated in that same section: "Otherwise, the unit has light cover." In your example - an even number of minis with half obscured by terrain providing heavy cover and half obscured by terrain providing light cover - the unit has light cover. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hello, Raistlin, Jyn Erso's Complete the Mission reads: Before or after the unit's activation, it may receive enough order tokens to become panicked. Complete the Mission only prevents it during the ordered unit's activation. You will not. This suppression removal is a consequence of beginning your Perform Actions step while panicked. Complete the Mission prevents the unit from becoming panicked during its activation. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hello, Mandaluri, "Suffering Wounds and Defeating Miniatures" on page 31 describes the process for the defender to assign wounds. As it does not specify that LOS from the attacking unit leader is needed for a defending mini to be considered when determining the maximum amount of wounds the unit can suffer, LOS from any attacking mini will do. Hope this helps, Seth
  10. Hello, Dunedain, The rules for how to perform a compulsory move are listed on page 50. There is no penalty for being unable to complete a compulsory move: the unit in question will perform a partial move instead. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hello, Mandaluri, Darth Vader's Implacable command card states that he may suffer 1 wound to shuffle his order token back into the order pool at the end of his first activation. A token assigned to Darth Vader in the event a Closed Transport upon which he is embarked is destroyed was not placed on him at the end of his activation, and therefore that effect of Implacable cannot apply. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hello, Dwit, A unit that is targeted by Vader's Might and placed in range of an enemy unit with a Standby token (in this case, Vader's friendly Stormtroopers) has not moved, attacked, or performed an action. There is therefore no opportunity for the Stormtroopers to spend their Standby. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Impassable Terrain is whatever the players agree is such. This is terrain that cannot be moved through, even if using a Climb move, unless the unit in questions has specific keyword allowing it to do so. Your questions require more detail on terrain definitions. A wall and a hut are likely obstacle terrain. If they are shorter than the silhouette of the AT-ST and not Impassable (as determined by you!) - but rather, determined to be Open or Difficult - then the AT-ST could move over them. Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hello, Debaticus, You count all order tokens currently in your pool. Those order tokens are not removed during the round until instructed to do so (page 21, Choose a Unit to Activate or Pass). If a unit is defeated before it activates, its order token may remain in the pool until such a point the token is drawn and does not match any eligible units to activate. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hello, Hunter, As you noted, most "scoring steps" are specifically "at the end of the round" or "at the end of the game." This will be after all steps of the End Phase of the relevant round are complete, which includes the Remove Tokens step. Some units may no longer be panicked after this step, and will be able to be used to satisfy the Victory Conditions section of Objective Cards. In short: you got it! Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hello, Arkat, Yes, that is what the Withdraw entry states. A unit cannot end a withdraw move action in melee. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hello, Mr. Witty, Relentless, Steady, and Charge trigger after a unit performs a move action. Climbs are a type of move action. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hello Murdur, Per the Climbing entry (page 25), you may place the movement tool overlapping obstacle terrain greater than the height of the unit's silhouette, up to a vertical distance of Height 1. This does allow units to move through or over height 1 walls, assuming they were determined at the start of the game to be obstacle terrain and not impassable. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Yes. Page 14-15 refers you to page 22 for the full details on the effects of suppression & panic. This will be made more clear in the future. I believe this answers question 2; and 2a is not relevant as a unit cannot lose an action due to becoming suppressed after its Perform Actions step. No. As above and under the Rallying entry, it did not begin its Perform Actions step while Suppressed. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hello, RogFor, Per the Rallying entry (page 22), a unit drops any claimed objective tokens it has if it begins its Perform Actions step while panicked. If a unit become panicked at some point after their Rally step, they will not drop claimed objective tokens. Additionally, units that are panicked are not counted for Victory Conditions on Objective Cards (Winning the Game, Page 19). This does mean they will not be counted when determining how many unit leaders are in base contact with terrain per the text of Key Positions. The timing of their activation is not important, but rather the number of suppression tokens on the unit at the time you are checking for Victory Conditions. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hello Raistlin, The Deflect keyword may be used "When a unit that has the Deflect keyword is defending against a ranged attack...". Therefore, if a unit with Deflect is targeted by a melee attack, the keyword will not apply. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hello Szymciu, Page 11, "Barricades" entry, the last line reads: Creature Troopers are a type of Trooper, and do not have a printed exception to this Barricades rule. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello, Dwit, Gunslinger reads: The final step of the attack sequence, Choose Additional Attack Pool, reads (emphasis mine): Up Close and Personal reads (emphasis mine): An attack is resolved against each declared defender. Multiple Dodge tokens may be gained by the attacking unit in both of your examples, after each attack is resolved, provided those attacks were ranged attacks and targeting a defender at range 1-2. Hope this helps, Seth
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