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Everything posted by Morsq32

  1. Can cover with Rocket be stacked? Rocket always gains cover (except when he can’t due to attack special rules), but if played with Storms leadership, can he gain an additional cover and modify 2 defence dice?
  2. And just to clarify, would that then allow Cyclops be able to interact with an objective before moving? Also rapid fire would trigger before any reactive defensive responses.
  3. Thanks. I think its use of the word “immediately” in the hit and run description that causes the confusion for me.
  4. After the attack is resolved would you not apply the attackers effect first? In this case the move? I’m guessing not by your answer, but why in this case? Thanks.
  5. Can I only modify dice available for modification or can I modify any dice to the total number of wilds? For example if I rolled 3 wilds and 3 critical fails against MODOK could I modify the 3 wilds to hits? Thanks
  6. Does the negative effect of the Execute team tactic card carry over if the original target character gets body-guarded? Thanks
  7. Just wanted to double check, I was reading correctly. Its only advances or places that trigger this superpower. A push or throw would not. Unlike Booby Traps which covers all movement types.
  8. In extract crisis spider-infected invade Manhattan/or superpowers that control your character. Does the S advance made by your opposition allow for climbing?
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