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  1. Is a speed-x move, like one on Leia's No Time for Sorrows, impacted by difficult terrain and therefore reduces the speed of the move?
  2. On jyn ersos 3 pip, it says the unit cannot become panicked during its activation. If it is already panicked after the rally step, does it still proceed to take actions or does it remain panicked?
  3. If Luke uses You Serve Your Master Well on an enemy unit which has at least one model in base contact with another enemy unit, is a melee engagement created for the duration of You Serve Your Master Well. If so, must the enemy unit (controlled by the Luke player) immediately snap into proper melee cohesion?
  4. If i use Give In to Your Anger on a unit with Target 1, since im giving them a faceup order token do they receive an aim?
  5. If a dewback has an Immobilize Token, making his max speed 0, can he use Spur to make a Speed-1 Move?
  6. Friends, If a K-2SO uses Calculate Odds and gives the tokens to a friendly Pyke Capo unit, can the Pyke Capo unit use Aid to pass the dodge token to a friendly Pyke trooper unit? Also, can the Pyke Capo unit pass more than one token from the same action (Calculate odds or Strategize?) If so, does the Capo receive one suppression or two? Kisses, Dwitters
  7. Dearest forum team, Can you order mercenaries with the free order on the Leia/Wicket card "A Beautiful Friendship?" Love,
  8. Does a poison token kill trigger bounty? E.g. Bossk puts on a poison token with a dioxis charge, doesn't kill the unit but later, the unit activates and the poison token kills the unit. If the answer to the above is yes, what about multiple poison tokens from different sources? E.g. Bossk and a B1 rad cannon both place poison tokens, the defending unit is left with 1 health. Does Bossk get the kill credit and the bounty token?
  9. Can you use multiple improv orders on the same order pull draw? E.g. tap it once to draw a 1st token, then tap another to draw a 2nd? The trigger is when an order is drawn, which according to the card text would allow the trigger to occur.
  10. A unit with 1 wound remaining uses self-destruct to attack a jedi and a phase 2 at range 1. The jedi is attacked first, and the jedi successfully deflects a wound onto the self-destructing unit. Does the phase 2 still get attacked?
  11. What are the physical dimensions of the silhouettes in the CRB (both small base and notched base trooper sizes)?
  12. A unit of wookiee warriors has one model visible to the attacking unit. Said model has one wound token on it. The attacker rolls 3 hit rolls, the wookiee unit rolls no defense saves. How many wounds can the wookiee unit take? 2, since that's all the wounds remaining on the wounded unit, or 3, since that is the visible miniature's wound threshhold, thus requiring a unit not in LOS to receive a wound?
  13. Vader is at range 3 of a unit of stormtroopers with a standby and range 1 of a unit of tauntauns. He uses vader's might to move the tauns into a position where they are in range 2 of the stormtroopers. Can the stormtroopers spend the standby to attack the tauns? Is a place a move?
  14. Does up close and personal trigger for each gunslinger attack? Does up close and personal trigger for each arsenal x attack if the weapons are split?
  15. The CRB states that units may attack once per turn. Is that per round, or per activation?
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