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Everything posted by Negoldar

  1. Yes. There is no limit tied to how many Innate abilities can be used and there is only one Reactive ability being used here. Yes. This works for the reasons given above.
  2. The focus action occurs as part of the resolution of the Run and Gun ability. Your example works, however, the focus action is independent of making an attack.
  3. It does not. This is the correct scenario if you were to have enough rounds in the game to make this happen.
  4. No. The Dark Council does not grant a move action. It grants an Advance. In the described scenario, the attacker does not Advance. A different character will make the Advance so this interaction is not possible.
  5. The Rapid Fire attack occurs within the attack action so it will not trigger Cold Snap separately.
  6. It’s based on how much damage is unblocked, before considerations of how much the character can actually take. In your example, the damage that needs to be reduced is 6.
  7. Yes. The card will have to meet the criteria in Baron Helmut Zemo’s Leadership.
  8. Active abilities triggered from the Combat Tree resolve during step 10C of the attack sequence. This is after the Expertise results that do not add or change dice results are completed during step 10A.
  9. Not So Fast and Dark Fury are not attacks. Mind Trick cannot be used in response to them. This is answered here: https://forums.atomicmassgames.com/topic/12183-mind-trick-and-twice-the-pride-double-the-fall/#comment-52624
  10. Yes. Steadfast applies to Shoves from the Combat Tree and has no effect on Pushes generated by an ability.
  11. Excessive Violence is changing to have the following special rules: (Only the first one is changing but all are presented for completeness.)
  12. It is not possible to have more than Cover (1) from terrain.
  13. This will depend on the timing of the “counter”. Killmonger, Usurper’s Untamed Force resolves during step 14b of the attack timing chart. Flurry of Blows resolves during step 14a. Untamed Force cannot resolve until after Flurry of Blows.
  14. That’s correct. That is usually correct. Joint Effort does not follow this, but that is due to different phrasing.
  15. I have removed multiple follow up questions as they all asked the same question. When resolving a Throw, the check to see if the Ultron Drones are in play is when destroying the terrain feature, before the rest of the throw resolves. If they are on the battlefield before the terrain feature is destroyed, they will not be returned to the battlefield after the effect resolves. This will be made clearer in the future.
  16. If the nameplate modifies the size of the base, it would be violating the last rule in the Miniatures section of the organized play documents.
  17. Yes. Ice Slide is a Reactive superpower that triggers off a move action which is part of Freeze and Fade. The attack action granted by Freeze and Fade completely resolves before the move action begins so what you suggest will work. This would not work as you cannot trigger Ice Slide in this scenario.
  18. That is correct. A die needs to be rerolled for Cover to be ignored if the defender is within Range 3.
  19. That is universally the case when the superpower references a single attack. You are correct. Smash has different phrasing so it works differently. Yes, there are superpowers that affect an entire beam and area attack. You can see this in superpowers like Friday A.I. on Iron Man and the Joint Effort Team Tactic Card.
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