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Everything posted by Thoras

  1. The active ability is resolved in step 10c of the attack that generates it. The effects in question from knowledge and defense occur in 10d of the attack This means the attack generated by tactical network will occur first, inside/during the super tactical droids attack. If the attack generated by tactical network attacks the original defending character as well, they can choose to resolve knowledge and defense during either attack, but it will be after both have occurred. If the attack generated by tactical network attacks a character other than the character attacked by the super tactical droid, they can only resolve knowledge and defense during the original attack, but again, this will occur after both attacks have occured.
  2. It's not that Jump didn't happen because the move didn't happen, its that Pinned stops the Jump itself from occurring. I.E. It doesn't just stop the movement, it negates the entire Jump itself.
  3. This is actually also called out in a Snip'et on page 25 with some expanded wording and is applicable to all movement. No. A "stand in" or "proxy base" is not acceptable to use either in measuring or to replace a characters miniature. The miniature must be able to physically fit in the intended location. Players are expected to assist each other in model positioning to the extent that the rules allow. As mentioned, "Stand in" or "proxy bases" are not allowed within the rules, however, players working together by rotating miniatures is something that would be expected.
  4. If the first line is in reference to the attack granted by Mind Trick, yes, you have the correct scenario.
  5. I believe this is answered here Let us know if it doesn't answer your question
  6. A note on this, it would be your squad using the criminal syndicate leadership, not your roster No. Dark Reign can only be included in the 5 Tactics cards you pick for the game if your Squad has the Cabal Affiliation. As you chose to use Criminal Syndicate while building your Squad, you were unable to pick that Tactics Card No, for the reasons above. No. Just because a Squad is Cabal Affiliated, that does not grant the affiliation to the characters in the squad.
  7. Its not completely optional, no. A Shove will still have occurred even if you choose to do neither of the effects of the shove. Consider a situation where something specifically triggered off of a shove occurring. That would trigger even if you opted to perform neither of its effects. This is why the distinction is potentially important. You may continue even if you choose to do neither of the effects.
  8. If they choose to perform the dash, they will trigger and resolve strain at the end of the dash before they can remove the condition. Neither. They would Dash, triggering anything resulting from the dash (I.E. Strain) then continue with defensive maneuver and gain the hunker token, then continue to Bring it on, Clankers
  9. You would resolve the dash and anything that triggers based on the dash occurring before continuing with Defensive maneuver. This means the Strain will resolve before he gains the hunker and triggers Bring it on, clankers.
  10. This will depend on the wording for each specific ability. There is no optional portion to "We've got a big problem...". In this scenario, you would have to choose obi-wan kenobi, out of hiding and subsequently trigger his Greater purpose.
  11. First thing to note is that the attack was made. Just because it ended early doesn't mean it wasn't made. Yes, he can use "I'm going to end this" still. The attack from the combat action ending early doesn't also end the combat action itself. A. No A1 - The attack granted by Mind trick will occur during his combat action, but not as a part of it. A2. It occurs before. A A. Yes. Mind trick works on attacks in general, not just attacks as a part of combat actions. B. He could target Dooku because he is no longer making the attack granted by I'm going to End this, he is now making the entirely separate attack granted by Mind Trick C. The only targeting restrictions on this current attack are those imposed by Mind Trick. The targeting restrictions from I'm going to end this are no longer applicable as that attack is no longer occurring. It is not an attack as a part of a combat action, no. He cannot use I'm going to end this as a part of the Mind Trick attack, but he can use it after the original combat action ends (which occurs after the mind trick attack) The scenario looks something like this 1- (Combat Action Begins) 2- Anakin Attacks Obi Wan as a part of the combat action 3- "Mind Trick" (Attack ends) 4- Anakin makes new attack, if able (during the combat action, but not a part of it) 5- (Combat action ends) 6- Anakin uses "I"m Going to End This" - eligible target is Obi Wan Yes, see above. No Yes
  12. Just the character attacked by the combat action attack. The damage from I have been trained in your jedi arts is neither an attack nor targets the characters.
  13. No, it needs to be one of the characters targeted by an attack that is a result of the combat action. Although the Magna Guard attack is occurring during Kalani's combat action, the attack is a result of the Tactical Network ability, not the combat action.
  14. Yes No. The attack granted by Appetite for Destruction is limited to targeting a character that was attacked by the combat action attack. Although the attack from Mind Trick occurs during the combat action, the character targeted by it is not one of the characters targeted by the combat action attack.
  15. If no other rules interactions are involved, yes, it should work like that for damage applied in that step. Other scenarios can cause other interactions though, so we can't say "yes" to it being the exact same every time.
  16. There are a lot of variables that make blanket statements difficult. This will depend on whether she decides to resolve the dash or not, which has to happen before the heals The timing would look like this Bo performs the focus Action - Focus action occurs - Focus provides its bonus - Focus action ends - Strain and Mandalore will survive are now both waiting to trigger/resolve off the end of the action - Player effects resolve first, so we do mandalore will survive - Mandalore will survive ability - Choose to dash or not - If you choose to dash, strain will trigger and resolve after the dash movement is complete - Heal - If you didn't trigger the strain by dashing, you can remove it here - Heal - Mandalore will survive ability ends - Strain will trigger/resolve here(because we have come back around to the end of the focus action effects) if it is still present on the character Yes, as long as when she opts to perform the move action, she then decides to not actually make an advance, dash or climb movement Yes, if you decide to actually perform the movements, they will trigger the strain first. Yes
  17. He would end up Dazed without gaining the power as you resolve the effects in the order on the card.
  18. Yes The Tactic Card is played in Step 2 of the Cleanup Phase and the objective tokens damage occurs in Step 3
  19. The objective is dropped before the throw occurs from This is a robbery, so it does not prevent that from occurring.
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