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  1. The Invaders leadership Team Tactic Card says you 'can' reroll skulls when within 2 of an ally. If I use Recalibration Matrix while using this leadership, can I decide whether to reroll skulls either in the attack or defense rolls depending on what is most advantageous? E.g. 1: I am defending we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my defense skull, but keep the attacker's. E.g. 2: I am attacking and we both roll skulls - I decide to reroll my attack skulls, but keep the defender's.
  2. Just wanted to point out that shields and blanks are also failures when attacking so the language used for Dormammu counting skulls may be confusing
  3. Now that Beast and Blade have had their abilities errataed to the Modify Dice step, will Gambit get the same treatment for his "A Little Something Extra"? Right now it happens right after rolling attack dice
  4. The rules have squad building in the order of picking characters and then after that picking tactics cards. Squad Affiliation is determined in between those two steps and non-affiliated cards cannot be picked in the second step. So if I choose 2 SHIELD characters and 3 non-affiliated, the squad is determined to be not SHIELD. If I pick The Initiative card, will this retrospectively make the squad SHIELD and then I can pick further SHIELD cards? Does this mean that The Initiative is actually played during the squad building phase of the game before the characters and cards are revealed? Is this also done secretly or do you have to declare it?
  5. When a character on an objective triggers Red Mayhem, is that character ignored when resolving the push? In other words: Can the pushed character move through the character that triggered Red Mayhem?
  6. During the power phase in 'Struggle for the Cube continues', Sam Wilson and another Avenger each have a cube and one health left. Can the Avengers player use Sam's leadership after the first character is dazed by the cube and heal a point from the second thus saving them from also being dazed?
  7. Can Mr Sinister move Genetic Sample tokens to the Cloning Banks in the Cleanup Phase if he is Dazed?
  8. With the new clarification for reroll effects, how does this affect Oscorp Weaponry? The leadership says: "it can spend 1(power) when modifying opposing defense dice." So do you still pay in step 10 or does the payment happen sooner (step 6) as per the other clarification?
  9. So if it was Alien Ships and Deadly Meteors and there was an ally and an enemy within 1 of the middle point and no one has found the energy core, then in the cleanup phase you could possibly roll twice?
  10. The first part of Red Mayhem says to 'roll a die for each objective token contested..' Can I confirm that extract tokens are also 'objective tokens' and that the rules for contesting affect all 'objective tokens' including extract tokens and interact secures?
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