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Everything posted by Thoras

  1. First thing to note is that objectives are controlled at the character level, not the unit level. The following answer will assume both units had the same number of characters. If both players have the same number of characters contesting the objective token, it is considered a tie and control of the objective does not change. This means that the objective would stay uncontrolled by either player in the scenario you describe.
  2. This is not a requirement, but is something you can do, yes. It is not a may, so you are required to choose a character.
  3. Yes, the Strained Unit has performed a Dash and thus must trigger and Resolve the Strained.
  4. @mythicFOX@KoseyW No, he may not switch his stance before the check occurs. Changing his Stance is an "Any time" ability and those can't be used while other things are occurring. In this case, you are resolving the Shatterpoint rule immediately upon choosing to activate him and thus cannot perform an "Any time" rule.
  5. This is correct. Dark Fury does not have you make an attack, you are just using attack dice to determine a result. You are not required to be making an attack as a part of an action for Overpowering Monster to resolve
  6. Neither the Advance itself nor the move action are actually ended here. The use of an Ingress point is "when a character would end...". This means it actually happens just before the movement ends. The Advance ends after putting them at the other connected Ingress Point. When the move action itself ends depends on whether this is a single character or multi-character unit(and then whether they are the first or second character) and whether there are other abilities triggering. As a general rule, the movement action ends when all characters in the Unit have resolved their choices from the action. This is very dependent on everything going on though, so keep in mind there may be a lot of niche interactions based on the abilities in play. To answer this specific example, assuming the mandalorian moving was the last character in the Unit and there are no other abilities triggering based off the movement, you would use Mandalorians are Stronger together after the use of the Ingress Point.
  7. It depends on whether Asajj leaves Engagement with her Slip away. Night Hunter is not a Step 3 trigger like Slip Away is. Night Hunter Triggers & Resolves in Step 4ai. If Asajj leaves engagement in Step 3 with the Reposition, you won't be able to use Night Hunter. If she uses it, but stays in engagement, then you could.
  8. Yes. This is where the fun begins would be resolved in 10c as an effect of the attacker and Strained would trigger and resolve in 10e as a non-player effect.
  9. They need to physically contact the gantry to be stopped by it
  10. "I have been trained in your Jedi Arts" is used and resolved in 10c in this scenario "Riposte" from Asajj would be used and resolved in 10d
  11. The throw from Ferocity is not a special rule of an attack and can thus throw The Blob, yes.
  12. Yes If it’s an enemy character, yes. If you throw terrain into your own character, not by default If the characters being damaged are enemy characters, yes, otherwise, no.
  13. One character from one allied Unit (other than the Unit that was Wounded) may perform Heal 3 times When performing Heal, a character may remove one condition or damage from its Unit or another allied Unit within range 2 So you could potentially cause conditions or damage to be removed from multiple units if those units all had characters within range 2 of the one character performing the heals.
  14. When a character moves along a range tool for a push or pull, you place the range tool with one end in contact with the base of the tool. You then move the model along the tool until the opposite side of the characters base is touching the other end of the tool (or you stop short if the base would contact another character or terrain). This means that assuming it doesn’t stop short, the character effectively moves the range tools length plus their base size. This can commonly be referred to as “front to back” movement.
  15. The players may agree that those are connected ingress points, yes.
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