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Everything posted by Thoras

  1. Unless some other rule prevents it, yes. Yes, "this unit" always refers to the unit whose card the rule is on.
  2. Those are different steps in the attack sequence, but not necessarily different events. The same event (depending on which event it is) can trigger at various different timing steps. Coordinated Fire also occurs at the start of step 5 rather than 3.
  3. The damage is put into the damage pool of the ongoing attack in this situation, which is then applied as a "lump sum" for the entire attack. There is no distinction in terms of where different damage in the damage pool is coming from.
  4. Conditions from an Expertise chart would be added in 10a or 10b of the attack timing chart (Feb 2024 version). If this involves applying a condition that a unit already has, it will instead become a damage and be applied immediately at that point.
  5. It is an enemy effect to the unit being wounded, but no specific character or unit is considered to have caused the effect.
  6. "Infinite loop" is too strong a term, but it would be "shuffled" into the otherwise empty deck and then be the only card available to draw next turn. In this scenario, he would be "shuffled" into the otherwise empty deck and then you could choose whether to draw him or play your card from reserve next turn.
  7. The event that "Coordinated Fire" is reacting to is that an attack was made. There are further conditions on what type of attack/who it came from, but the event itself is an attack. The event that "I'm always first, kid" is reacting to is that a combat action was made. There are further conditions on what type of combat action/who it came from, but the event itself is the combat action. Rex cannot trigger his reactive in this situation, but not because its the same event (it's not). I'm always first kid can only be used with a Clone Trooper Supporting Unit's combat action, where as Commander Wolffe is a secondary character. This is possible now that its a supporting unit making a combat action, but Captain Rex is not reacting to the second attack, he's reacting to the overall combat action. It would go like this The unit starts its combat action The First character starts its attack (Wolfpack can then coordinated fire during that attack) The first character ends its attack The second character starts its attack The second character ends its attack The unit ends its combat action (CC-7567 Captain Rex can now "I'm always first, kid" at this point)
  8. If you know ahead of time you can’t fit, you just don’t perform that rule. The placement is lost. If you go to move the model and only then find out you can’t place him, you put him back where he was as best as possible, following the margin of error rules from the challenger document
  9. This depends on a lot of factors. In general, yes, but the specifics of the scenario are vitally important. The thing to internalize is that Strained will occur at the first possible instance it can, the first time a triggering action has hit the "after the effect is resolved" timing. Yes (Also, note, she doesn't get a Recover, she has Heal's on her combat tree). The Heals occur in Step 8 and Strained triggers/resolves in Step 10e in this scenario Yes. Life Drain occurs in step 10c of an attack and Strained would resolve in 10e (if nothing else that triggers it has occurred first) (Also, same note as above, it is a Heal rather than a Recover).
  10. It does not. The attack generated by Mind Trick occurs before Mind Trick itself is fully resolved. You use Mind Trick, it starts resolving, the first attack is ended, the new attack is performed (and any other rules that re-actively occur as a result of that attack, etc.), then Mind Trick is finished resolving. We'd have to know which specific thread to fully clarify for you, but the general rule is Flipping your stance card is an "Any time" ability, which isn't actually available at literally any time. An "any time" rule can't be used when another ability or effect is resolving. Since the attack generated by Mind Trick occurs within the resolution of Mind Trick itself, you have an effect currently resolving and are thus unable to make use of "any time" rules.
  11. This sounds like two separate measurements that are not occurring at the exact same time. You measured Range 1 from the objective, placed the character in its spot, then measured range 4 from the character to somewhere else. The original question was about measuring the Range 1 and the Range 4 at the exact same time.
  12. It's ultimately up to a discussion between the players and not something that can be judged properly from a picture. He is definitely not partially overlapping the terrain, he is fully overlapping it, so he fits that criteria. He fits in the location. Whether he is balanced is something the players would have to agree on.
  13. Can you expand on the question? Do you have a specific interaction that is unclear? The clarification above is that measuring two different distances at the same time with a single tool is equivalent to using two different tools, which is against the core rules stipulation that you can only use one of each tool type at a time.
  14. Trip Up is checking against the character that was the target at the time it was played, which would be character B. Due to character B suffering no damage, Trip Up does not apply Stun or Stagger
  15. If they are not contesting the objective at the time that the damage pool is applied, they will not benefit from protection.
  16. If the text doesn't make it optional, you would be required to apply the effect. No, this is just saying they don't work in the same way an active or reactive superpower does. No, he doesn't have an option to take the full damage. This example has a more conversational tone, the can should not be construed as providing an option to use the rule.
  17. You are effectively using 2 tools at this point, even if its physically only 1 tool. This is not how the measuring tools should be used.
  18. No Matter the Cost should played at the start of Step 1 of an attack. No Matter the Cost is played at the start of Step 1 of an attack and thus does not have the same timing restrictions of Red Skulls Superpower. No, for the above reasons.
  19. There is no range or LOS requirements for the Under the Wheels attack, therefore these rules will be unable to remove you from their range or LOS
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