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Everything posted by TalkPolite

  1. Hello, That is correct. The unit cannot gain suppression, but they still get the aim. TP
  2. Hello, They gain the keywords until the end of the round. TP
  3. Hello, If a unit is not on the list of legal units, it cannot be taken in that battleforce. Boba Fett (either version) is not legal for the Shadow Collective. TP
  4. Hello, If the attacking unit is able, it must make an attack against another unit. So the mini with the range 2-4 weapon must target another unit if it can. TP
  5. Hello, It is under that heading because it is part of Free Card actions. Yes, as relentless is not a free card action. TP
  6. Hello, Because it’s an attack and not an attack action, you do not have to have an action available to perform it. TP
  7. Hello, You would only score one victory point, as you score a point for each unit with bounty that has at least one victory token. TP
  8. Hello, Darktroopers can never have more than 2 orders assigned and/or issued to them. TP
  9. Hello, The owning player chooses the order of simultaneous effects. You would either choose to take the wounds and be defeated, or choose to utilize Self Destruct, and be defeated. TP
  10. Hello, Yes. Nothing on the card states he must attack another unit. TP
  11. Hello, A unit may only have one standby token at any given time. TP
  12. Hello, Yes, the card would return to your hand. The Cad bane tokens would stay on the table. TP
  13. Hello, You are limited to one attack action during your activation. Luke uses the effect outside of the targeted units activation. TP
  14. Hello, No. Nimble states “After a unit that has the Nimble keyword defends against an attack”, and Obi Wan is not the defender when using Guardian. TP
  15. Hello, When an effect‘s trigger is “after”, it happens immediately after the described trigger. Therefore you cannot use force push and then take the free attack action granted by relentless. TP
  16. Hello, Yes, the Poison token would satisfy the conditions for Bounty. The player owning the unit with two poison tokens would choose the order in which they’re applied. TP
  17. Hello, That order token can be assigned to them. An order token that assigned is given facedown, so the Dark Troopers would not have two face up order tokens. TP
  18. Hello, The decision to pass occurs when you activate a unit, either by pulling a token from the stack or choosing a unit with a face up order token. If you chose to activate a unit, then pull a token you can’t use (because all units of that rank have either already activated or been defeated), you have already chosen to pull a token and activate a unit, and therefore cannot choose to then pass. Hope that helps! TP
  19. Hello, Steady triggers upon the completion of a move action. The embark speed x move is part of a move action, and while Steady would trigger, it would trigger after the entire action is completed. You would not be able to make a ranged attack from inside a closed transport, but you could do this with an open transport. TP
  20. Hello, As you described, base to base contact would be melee range. Therefore, they would have to move away in order to attack the defender with a range 1+ weapon. TP
  21. Hello, No. Commanding Presence increases the range at which you can issue orders, and Retinue is not issuing orders. TP
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