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Everything posted by TalkPolite

  1. Hello, You measure range to the closest miniature in the defending unit. You the attacker would be at range 1 of the defender if your example. TP
  2. Hello, No. Climbing Vehicle allows the unit to climb as if it were a trooper. TP
  3. Hello, No. The unit leader must be the miniature in a trooper unit to start a melee. If you use cohesion to place a non-unit leader in melee, the unit leader has not made base to base contact and the move would be illegal. TP
  4. Hello, Either Dark Trooper is eligible to be activated and assigned a facedown token. TP
  5. Hello, This is correct. Yes. If there is no room to place the second miniature in cohesion, you would place it as close as possible. TP
  6. Hello, No. The unit performs a move or attack action, and the free action from the FX9 droid is neither. Also note that free actions are performed during your activation, and Pull the Strings is outside the units activation. TP
  7. Hello, Thats correct - other than the unit counting as Corps for the purposes of listbulding. TP
  8. Hey there, Yes, the unit could still perform a withdraw. The units maximum speed is 2, and they only have one immobilize token, reducing their max speed to 1. It would take two immobilize tokens to stop a speed 2 unit from withdrawing. TP
  9. Hello, They are corps rank when you are building your army, which is Step 1 of "Setup" (Getting Ready to Play, page15). After that step, Scout Troopers and Imperial Death Troopers retain their original rank and are Special Forces as normal. No, as per the above. TP
  10. Hello, Yes, as the card remains in play until the end of the round. TP
  11. Hello, As the Self-Destruct unit has been defeated, no further attacks will be performed. TP
  12. Hello, Repulsor vehicles do not block LOS, do not obscure miniatures, and do not provide cover. That is correct. The Token could detonate in your example. TP
  13. Hello, The Bane token would resolve before Charge is triggered. TP
  14. Hello, No, you would not be able to perform the full effect of the Amban Rifle. You need to be able to execute a speed 1 move in order to use the rest of the text on the card. TP
  15. Hello, Range is measured to the closest enemy in the defending unit, regardless of line of sight. The defending unit would be in range 3. TP
  16. Hello, No, as that’s not a standard move action. TP
  17. Hello, Only moves with change how many actions a unit can take after it disembarks. In your example, only one move action was performed, so the unit would be able to perform another action after their disembark. TP
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