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Armada Playtesters
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Everything posted by DSchultz

  1. External Racks can only be used in a "Close Range" attack as measured from an attacking ships hull zone and not at any other range.
  2. Thank you for your question. No. Counter is not limited by attack range unless otherwise specified. Kickback could still be attacked by the Counter attack, even if Kickback moves beyond Distance 1.
  3. Hello! I am uncertain what you mean by "already being discarded". From what I can understand, you are asking if an exhausted Evade token can be "spent" and then also "discarded" for being able to effect an additional die. If you read the topic on "Defense Tokens" you will find that it states that yes, you can "spend" and then also "discard" either a readied or exhausted Evade token to affect an additional die if the attacking ship is of a larger size class.
  4. Correct! When initially placed in the play area, Exogorths must be touching a non-exogorth obstacle.
  5. It is a permanent effect regardless of the Concentrate Fire command being resolved.
  6. If Swivel-Mount Batteries is discarded by an effect, and a "focus" token has been placed on a ships hull zone, the "focus" token would remain. But there would no longer be any negative or positive effect associated with that token.
  7. Yes. Admiral Ozzel (Commander) could change the ships speed dial, but not the speed of a maneuver from an effect such as Engine Techs.
  8. Yes, both effects would be applied together to temporarily reduce a ships speed by two.
  9. Yes, the effects both share the same timing and can be resolved in either order in the same attack. But a ship can only hold a single objective token at a time.
  10. No, you must discard the objective token and resolve that objectives Specials Rule in order to gain a Victory Token.
  11. Hello! Thank you for your question. Lets see, let me include this for reference. I've bolded the relevant part of General Romodi. So to answer your question, "Does Romodi prevent from removing a die if the attack on the objective token is obstructed?" No, General Romodi would not prevent the removal of a die due to obstruction as this is not an attack against a ship.
  12. In this instance, step 4, 5, and 6, of an attack would take place.
  13. Hello and thank you for your question. Yes, you must keep the shield dials on the ship base during play as they're considered part of the ship base when overlapping. See "Overlapping" topic for additional details. You may only remove Shield dials in certain instances such as checking for obstruction due to an obstacle, but then should be reattached.
  14. Resolving critical effects is not dependent on what range the attack is conducted at unless otherwise specified.
  15. That text was recently changed, as posted here. Your Salvo attack would not be obstructed, because your Salvo attack is not attacking a Hull zone marked with a chaff token.
  16. You can only add die for the current color of die in your attack pool. As there are no black die in your attack pool when you reach the "Resolve Attack Effects" step unless you use have another effect that can add black die to the current attack pool.
  17. Question: If a ship equipped with Engine Techs overlaps a station, does that means that ship cannot resolve Engine Techs effect as, per the rule, it overlapped "a ship"? Answer: Yes, this applies only to Unarmed / Armed Stations obstacles
  18. Squadrons do not block or obstruct line of sight as mentioned in the "Line of Sight" topic. Thus, when tracing LoS over them, pretend they aren't there.
  19. Correct, you cannot resolve the same command twice, nor can you resolve two dials of the same command. Yes, you can choose to gain a command dial with Passel Argente that is the same as the ships revealed dial and then choose to token one of those command dials, to then resolve that command in its appropriate timing window as dial+token if you desire.
  20. FAQ Admiral Screed Yes, this would resolve during each ship and/or squadron activation, once per activation.
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