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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hi there, The Katarn Pattern Armor upgrade card is expended when the Clone Commandos unit would be assigned wounds. Wounds are assigned as described in the Suffering Wounds and Defeating Miniature process, after the Compare Results step of the attack sequence. --------------------------- You may expend the Katarn Pattern Upgrade when the Clone Commando would be assigned wounds. It is not spent during the Apply Dodge and Cover step, but following the Compare Results step. Yes, this will be after rolling defense dice. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hi there, Upgrades forced by the Equip keyword are not "free." The Katarn Pattern Armor upgrade card will use their Gear upgrade slot and they may not equip an additional Gear upgrade card. Clone Commandos - Delta Squad have only Independent: Recover. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hi, A unit has LOS to another unit when any of its miniatures have LOS to any of the miniatures in that unit. LOS can be determined using any miniatures in two units unless that game effect specifies LOS needs to be determined using a particular miniature. The attack sequence requiring the attacking unit leader to have LOS to the declared target is one such instance of this specification. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hello, The Spur keyword allows the unit to assign itself one suppression token to increase its maximum speed by 1 for that move. It does not allow the unit to assign itself "one or more" suppression tokens, nor does it allow the unit to increase it speed by one "for each suppression token assigned," or any similar language. It is simply one suppression, to increase speed by 1; no more! ----------------------------------------- No. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hello! An army built using a Battle Force, such as the Shadow Collective Battle Force, may only include units listed in their Battle Force document (which may all be found here). This does include a few Rogues-affiliated bounty hunters: Cad Bane & Bossk. A Shadow Collective army may not include Boba Fett, Din Djarin, IG-88, or IG-11, as they are not listed as allowed units. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hi there, A miniature added with an Upgrade Card (typically Heavy or Personnel) adopts all of the keywords, weapons, defense dice, and so on of the original unit, except where specified on the Upgrade Card. A miniature added to your Black Sun Enforcers unit with the Black Sun Vigo Upgrade Card does not use the Black Sun Vigo Unit Card in any way. They simply share a miniature! Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hi there, When the Veteran Clone Pilot is exhausted, the affected units "can spend each other's aim, dodge, and surge tokens." --------------------------------------------- Yes, the TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank may spend both dodge tokens and surge tokens belonging to the friendly Clone Trooper Infantry unit at range 1. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hi there, No, a token on an Upgrade Card as part of the Cache keyword cannot be spent by other units. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hi there, Shield tokens, Armor, and Impact all apply during the Modify Attack Dice step of the attack sequence. During this step, the attacker will resolve their effects that modify the attacking unit's attack dice, and then the defender will be given the opportunity to modify the attacking unit's attack dice.. As such, the Impact weapon keyword will be applied first. Armor and shield tokens may then be applied by the defender; as they both have the same timing, they may be resolved in either order. Hope this helps, Seth
  10. Hi there, The Rally step is not optional. It does not state players "may" roll dice or remove suppression, so they will do so. There are keywords that may modify this step to allow a to remove fewer suppression, such as Danger Sense or Inconspicuous. --------------------------------------- That is not correct. They may not choose to roll fewer dice. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hi there, Command cards in a player's discard pile cannot be used again. Game effects that return these cards from the discard pile to your command hand, such as the Notorious Scoundrels Command Card or Yoda's many Command Cards, will allow you to replay previously discarded Command Cards in a future Command Phase. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hi there, An ability that provides a move of a specified speed is not affected by game effects that reduce speed, such as difficult terrain or immobilize tokens. However, a unit with a maximum speed of 0 and one or more immobilize tokens, cannot perform moves of any kind. This has been summarized elsewhere. ----------------- If the unit's maximum speed is 0 and it has one or more immobilize tokens, it cannot perform moves of any kind. This can occur if a speed-1 unit is has one or more immobilize tokens assigned to it. If the unit in this example is speed-2 or speed-3, it can still perform moves while it has only one immobilize token, and so may perform such a speed-1 move; the speed of that move will not be reduced by an immobilize token. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hello, The text of the Battle Meditation upgrade card, as given in the Star Wars: Legion Errata Reference, specifies that "While you are issuing orders using a command card..." you may issue that order to an alternative unit. An order issued using the Seize the Initiative upgrade card is not considered to have been issued using a command card and may not be manipulated by Battle Meditation in this way, in the event that a character has both upgrade cards equipped. --------------------------- This does not work, for two reasons: Yoda is not issuing orders (Rex is), and Seize the Initiative is not an order issued using a command card. Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hi there, Yes, the Guidance keyword may have the unit use a card action. Only free card actions are restricted to being performed during the unit's own Perform Actions step. Note that units are only restricted from performing a given action, other than move actions, twice in a turn (roughly synonymous with per activation); not once per round. Yes, a unit could use Quick Thinking twice in a game round, if it is enabled to by game effects outside their activation such as Guidance. Yoda may perform his actions and free actions twice while Size Matters Not is in play, so yes he may use Guidance twice. However, other units still may only perform a given action (other than move actions) once per turn. Padme may not use Quick Thinking twice in a given activation. They are; answered above. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hi there, Game effects which occur at the start of a unit's activation will occur prior to their Rally step. Refer to the Parts of the Activation Phase process for more detail; step 3a is where these game effects would be resolved, prior to Rallying during step 3b. Game effects that occur at the start of the Activation Phase will occur before either player activates any units; it will be the first step of the Activation Phase. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hi there, An attack pool consists of all the attack dice and weapon keywords used to form it. You do not separate dice by weapon after forming the attack pool; in this example, the entire attack pool will have Blast. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hi there, No, as these additional attack pools are resolved as separate attacks. The Infantry Support Platform may spend an observation when it declares an attack to grant that attack the Suppressive or Impact 1 keywords, as eligible. If The Infantry Support Platform declares multiple attacks using the Beam X keyword, it must spend an observation token for each attack pool it wishes to grant the Suppressive keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hi there, A unit cannot perform moves while engaged, unless it is performing a withdraw during its activation! Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Hi there, The Aggressive Tactics allows you to choose up to 4 friendly units, and give each chosen unit a surge token. If you choose fewer than 4 friendly units, they each still receive only 1 surge token! --------------------- No, you may not. You may choose fewer than 4 friendly units with faceup orders tokens; if you do, they will each still gain 1 surge token as described by the upgrade card. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hello, "Mercenary units do not count toward the minimum number of ranks required in an army, but they do count toward the maximum ranks allowed." ---------------------------- No. A mercenary unit does not count toward the minimum number of ranks required in an army, such as the minimum 1 commander unit required in a standard army. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hi there, The Attack Protocols upgrade card grants the equipped unit Precise 2 at all times, whether or not it was affected by its AI keyword that activation. ---------------------- The DSD-1 Dwarf Spider Droid will have Precise 2 at all times! Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hi there, Abilities that provide moves, such as the No Time for Sorrows command card, provide standard moves. These moves are not move actions unless specified to be so. ------------------------ No. The Agile keyword requires that the unit perform a standard move as part of an action or free action. The move provided by the No Time for Sorrows command card is not an action. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello, No. A standby token may be spent to make a free move action or free attack action. It may noy be spent for other free actions, such as the free card actions on Force upgrade cards. A unit that is engaged may not perform moves, and so would not be able to perform a free move action granted by spending a standby token (unless it had an ability to the contrary, such as the Disengage keyword). To leave combat, it may withdraw during its activation. Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hi there, The Backworld Medic upgrade card does not have the Treat X keyword. However, when using its card action it may restore 1 mini to a friendly non-droid trooper unit. The term "restore" is defined in the Core Rulebook independently of the Treat and Repair keywords, and may be used by other game effects, such as this one! ------------------------------ No. You may only restore miniatures defeated that round. Hope this helps, Seth
  25. Hello there, Yes, the counterpart miniature is added to another unit to create a combined unit. The Small keyword has no effect on Spray. The AT-RT may roll 4 attack dice assuming both Iden & ID-10 are in LOS. Yes, counterpart miniatures may be restored as normal. No, as miniatures may only be restored the same round they were defeated. ID-10 will return to play with an active shield token. Hope this helps, Seth
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