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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hello, No. Vehicles do not have set silhouettes - they are determined using the hull of the mini. There may be variance among different assemblies of the same miniatures. Note that a Droideka mini's silhouette may also be modified during gameplay when/if using the Wheel Mode miniature. Vehicle units may obscure or block LOS to other vehicle units. This is determined on a case-by-case basis using the silhouettes of the involved vehicles. As above, vehicles do not have set silhouettes. Whether or not a vehicles blocks LOS to a trooper's silhouette should be determined on a case-by-case basis using the involved minis. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hello, A promoted unit is treated as a Commander unit for all purposes from that point forward. Yes. A unit promoted to a Commander unit may be nominated by the effects of the Orbital Strike command card, provided of course it it also a droid trooper unit. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hello, A unit targeted by the free action effect of the You Serve Your Master Well command card remains an enemy unit to the given Rebel player. The affected unit is given a special rule on the card that they may attack and start a melee with other enemy units for the duration of the effect. They do not become "friendly" to Luke Skywalker or the Rebel player's other units, and would indeed would be unable to move freely if engaged with one of these units prior to being targeted by the free action. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hello, Yes. A unit may use the Observe X keyword on an enemy unit at range 1-3. This does include a unit with which it is in base contact. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hello, You may spend one observe token when a friendly vehicle declares an attack for the benefits of the Combined Arms command card. If the vehicle declares multiple attacks during an attack action - likely using its Arsenal keyword to do so - it may spend an observe token as each is declared. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hello, You must activate the transported Corps unit. You may not place a unit with the Rapid Reinforcements condition battle card until there are no eligible units to activate with that order token. Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hello, This has been answered prior, but I'm happy to provide additional clarity as it pertains to the Advanced Positions deployment battle card. This is true. If a unit is not within its deployment zone, it may not be assigned a claimed objective token as per the Setup instructions on the Bombing Run objective battle card. Correct. The red player would only assign one objective token. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hello, An eligible unit in the Experimental Droids Battle Force may spend a surge token to add additional attack dice to a single attack pool made during their next attack action. They may not add dice to all of their attack pools. This will be made more clear in the future. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hello, Yes, an eligible droid trooper unit in the Experimental Droids Battle Force may spend a surge token to increase their speed value by 1 (typically speed 2 --> increased to speed 3), which will then be reduced by 1 by the Hostage upgrade card. Hope this helps, Seth
  10. Hello, A unit targeted by the effects of the Give in to Your Anger command card is not issued an order, and so will not trigger keywords or other game effects secondary to being issued an order, such as Target. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hello, A “speed-reducing effect” can reduce a unit to speed 0 if it has no stated minimum, as is the case with immobilize tokens. As the Battle Shield Wookiee upgrade does not reduce its unit’s maximum speed by 1 to a minimum of one, it can reduce the Wookiee Warriors unit to speed 0 - this will be the case in your given example. Iden Versio’s Tactical Strike does not reduce a unit’s maximum speed by any value: it reduces its maximum speed to 1. A unit under the effects of the Tactical Strike and equipped with the Hostage upgrade card will have a maximum speed of 1 that round and not be reduced to speed 0. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hello, You are correct. In your first image, the 1.4 FD Laser Cannon (its spitting image!) is entirely overlapping the hill/cliffs (presumably obstacle terrain) upon which it is placed. Correct; in the second image, the 1.4 FD Laser Cannon is partially overlapping obstacle terrain, and this would not be a legal miniature placement. It is permissible for a mini to not rest perfectly flat against the surface details of obstacle terrain, so long as it is stable and can rest unassisted in that position. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hello, Miniatures must be easily identifiable as the version of the unit it represents. Ewok Skirmishers and Ewok Slingers are different miniatures representing different units. Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hello, Yes. A panicked unit does not count for the Victory Conditions section of Battle Cards - as the effects of Secret Mission are not a Battle Card, it will not affect whether or not the unit is able to claim that victory point. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hello, The space created by the notch in a mini's base should be treated as a part of that mini's base by other minis - no mini’s base may be placed inside the notches of another mini’s base. This will be made more clear in a future update. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hello, Chewbacca - Let the Wookiee Win does not have a small Rebel (or any) faction icon in the top left of his unit card near the Ewok-affiliation "arrowhead." As such, he may not be included in Rebel army lists. Wicket, Ewok Skirmishers, and Ewok Slingers are examples of Ewok-affiliated mercenary units which do have Rebel faction icons, and so may be included in armies built without the Bright Tree Village battle force. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hello, That is correct - units may spend surge tokens on the unit card of the chosen commander each round. If there is a second commander, units may not spend surge tokens off of its unit card until a round in which it is chosen (and will gain 3 additional surge tokens). Units are unable to spend surge tokens placed on a commander that was not the chosen commander and the beginning of the round. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hello, Yes. Tokens on cards will not be removed during the End Phase, and there is no maximum on the number of surge tokens that may be placed on a commander unit card for the purposes of the Experimental Droids Battle Force. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. No. Once during its activation, (an eligible unit) may spend a surge token (on an eligible commander unit card). If it does, choose one of the following effects. A unit may not spend more than one token for more than one effect. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hello, A unit may spend a standby after an eligible unit moves, attacks, or performs an action. As the recover granted by the I am Fear command card is none of these, Obi-Wan may not spend a standby token in your example. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hello, The IG-100 MagnaGuard (Prototype Assassin Droids) unit may equip any of the Heavy Weapon upgrades labeled as "IG-100 MagnaGuard only." The points costs of these upgrades are unchanged. The added mini will have the same wounds threshold as the unit to which they are equipped. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hello, These keywords will grant the commander's unit a surge token. These tokens are not placed on the commander's unit card and therefore cannot be spent for the special rules given in the Experimental Droids Battle Force. The commander unit may not spend the 3 surge tokens for such effects as these tokens are not on the commander's unit. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello, Units may only spend surge tokens on the commander's unit card for the special rules of the Experimental Droids Battle Force - these are the three placed on the unit card at the start of each turn. Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hello, Surge tokens place on a unit card per the special rules of the Experimental Droids Battle Force will not be removed during the End Phase as they are on a card and not on a unit. The Cache keyword is an apt comparison! Hope this helps, Seth
  25. Hello, Yes, both subtitled Super Tactical Droids - Kraken and Kalani - may be included in the Experimental Droids Battle Force. Hope this helps, Seth
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