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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hi there, Unit cards which do not appear in the 2024 Updated Player Card document may still be played using their legacy Unit Cards. Only cards which appear listed in the Removed Cards list of the Errata Reference document have been removed! The same is true for Upgrade Cards. Please continue to use your Shadow Collective units, using their modified points costs from the the Points Update document where given. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hi there, You are correct that only the first portion of the card begins scoring on round 2. Players may mark one of the bottom, 2 VP portions of the Bring Them to Heel Secondary Objective Card once per round per player, including during round 1. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hello, There is no default range restriction for issuing orders. Units may issue orders to other units regardless of the range between them, unless affected by a game effect specifying otherwise. ...including for special rules such as this one! The Imperial Remnant does introduce a range at which units can be issued orders. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hi there, Obi-Wan may reroll all defense dice. Applying the Soresu Mastery keyword is optional, but how many dice he rerolls if doing so is not! This is a "full redo"; he will reroll all his defense dice. Spending a dodge token to reroll defense dice rolled while using Guardian does not cancel a hit. The dodge token is being spent for the unique effect given in the Soresu Mastery keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hi there, This is not correct. Refer to the final line of the Deflect unit keyword entry: "While defending or using the Guardian X keyword against an attack in which weapons with the High Velocity weapon keyword are the only weapons in an attack pool, the Deflect keyword has no effect." Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hi there, As given in the Field Commander keyword entry, "if a friendly unit is at <Range 3> of [a Field Commander with a commander token] and both units share the same faction or affiliation, that unit may treat their courage value as 2 when checking for panic. As such, a Field Commander will not modify the courage value of Mercenary units which do not share its faction or affiliation. ------------------------- No, a unit must share faction or affiliation with a Field Commander to benefit in this way, as given above and in the keyword entry. Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hi there, In the Convert Attack Surges step of the Attack Sequence, any <Surge> results are converted as indicated by the attacking unit's Unit Card, weapon keywords, or otherwise. If no result is indicated, turn the die to a blank result. -------------------- Yes, a <Surge> result that is not converted to a <Hit> or a <Crit> is turned to a blank result during the Convert Attack Surges step. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hi there, Yes, when performing a move a trooper unit leader may be placed in contact with any portion of the movement tool. This may be touching one of the prongs at the opposite end of the movement tool. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. With the July update to the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook and new unit card graphic design, some units have seen changes to their unit names. Please note the following when building an army using the mentioned units so that they may equip their legacy upgrade cards. The TX-225 GAVw Occupier Tank Unit Card may equip Upgrade Cards with the "TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank only" printed restriction. The AAT Battle Tank Unit Card may equip Upgrade Cards with the "AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank only" printed restriction.
  10. Hi there, The Guardian X keyword may only be applied to ranged attacks. As Overrun attacks are not ranged attacks, the Guardian X keyword may not be used to cancel hit results during that attack. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hi there, A unit under the effects of the Wheel Mode keyword cannot flip active shield tokens. As stated under the Ion X weapon keyword entry: "(...) the defending unit must flip active shield tokens, if able, for each <Hit> or <Critical> result in the attack roll, up to X." ------------------------------------------------------- Yes, it does. The Wheel Mode unit cannot flip any shield tokens that round, voluntarily or otherwise. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hi there, "During its activation, a unit with the Plodding keyword can only perform one move action." (emphasis mine) If the unit with Plodding moves and performs a standby action, it may indeed move using that standby in the event that the standby token is spent following their activation. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hi there, A unit with Tenacity may add a red attack die to any and all of its eligible attack pools, as it forms them. Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hi there, When a unit with Comms Relay would be issued an order, it may choose a friendly unit at range 1-2 and issue an order to the chosen unit instead. The unit with Comms Relay is not considered to have been issued an order. The other unit, targeted by Comms Relay, is issued an order, but that order is from the unit with Comms Relay and originates from the Comms Relay upgrade card, and was not issued using the original Command Card. ---------------------------- No, as the Heavy unit in your example was not ultimately issued an order using the Moment of Consideration Command Card; it opted to issue an order to another unit instead. No, as the unit targeted by Comms Relay was not issued an order using Moment of Consideration. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hi there, "When a unit with the Complete the Mission keywords attacks an enemy unit at range 1 of a friendly priority mission token, the attacking units unit attack pool gains the Critical 2 keyword." ------------------------------------- As the Clone Commandos are not attacking an enemy (to them) unit, they will not benefit from any priority mission tokens near the defending unit. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hi there, From the Reconfigure keyword: "When a unit equipped with an Upgrade Card with the Reconfigure keyword recovers or performs a recover action, the player that controls that unit may flip that Upgrade Card to a different side. (...) A player may ready and flip an Upgrade Card that has the Reconfigure keyword at the same time." A player may not ready an Upgrade Card without recovering. The text on the DC-17m ICWS only allows the card be flipped at the start of the unit's activation; it does not ready it. ---------------------------------- You may not. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hi there, As stated in the Complete the Mission keyword entry: "While a unit with the Complete the Mission keyword is at range 1 of a friendly priority mission token, that unit gains <Surge>:<Block>. When a unit with the Complete the Mission keyword attacks an enemy unit at range 1 of a friendly priority mission token, the attacking unit’s attack pool gains the Critical 2 keyword." ----------------------------------------- No. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hello, While the Reptilian Rampage command card is in play, Bossk may perform two attack actions. One of these may indeed be a free attack action as a result of a keyword such as Charge. ----------------------- All of these are permissible ways to perform two attack actions. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Hello, Yes, each miniature may contribute one of its available weapons to the attack pool. All miniatures need not select the same weapon. Yes. Note, all weapons with an identical name must go in the same attack pool and cannot be split among multiple attack pools. Your example is allowed. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hi there, As stated on the DC-17M ICWS Sniper Config upgrade card, "While one or more of these weapons is in an attack pool, that attack pool gains Lethal 1." Having more than one Sniper Config in the attack pool does not apply further Lethal. ------------------------------------ No to both. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hi there, Yes, Luke Skywalker's free attack action, granted by the Son of Skywalker command card, may be a ranged attack. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hi there, A Super Tactical Droid may not spend a surge token to perform the Experimental Droids Battle Force's unique free action, and it is not a Special Forces, Corps, or Support unit with the AI keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hi there, Aggressive Tactics is applied after issuing orders (all of them!). Ordered units will have already decided to keep their faceup order tokens or return them to the order pool as instructed by Poggle the Lesser's We Make Weapons command card at this point. Any units which return their order token to the pool (to restore a miniature) will not have a faceup order token when Aggressive Tactics would be applied, and will be ineligible to gain a surge token from its effect. -------------------------- No. Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hi there, You may spend surge tokens to convert surge results. If there is not a surge to convert, you may not spend a surge token. Seth
  25. Hello, The You Serve Your Master Well command card free action states that an affected enemy unit "...can attack and start a melee with other enemy units." The enemy unit targeted by Luke Skywalker remains enemy to Luke, and remains friendly to the units from its original army. ------------------------------------------------ Yes. Yes. Yes. This is too broad to answer; game effects should be examined on a case-by-case basis as their language may not all be the same. If the game effect applies to friendly units, a unit "controlled" by an opposing Luke for one action is still considered friendly for that time. Hope this helps, Seth
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