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Kris M

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Everything posted by Kris M

  1. Correct, the chosen ship does not need to have a non-stress red token to be able to gain the evade.
  2. Yes, in both cases you are still suffering critical damage, you are just losing a shield instead of being dealt a faceup damage card.
  3. No, there still needs to be an ability with a cost that requires payment (in this example, a focus token). The Tie/FO pilot, Static is the best example, requiring you to spend both a lock and a focus token to change all of your results to critical results. Focus results do not need to have been rolled.
  4. It operates in the same manner as step 3 of the Activation Phase does: Step 3: Perform Action: The ship may perform one action. Pattern Analyzer is allowing you to perform an action - abilities that trigger off performing an action can then enter the ability queue and be resolved. Compare this to Advanced Sensors: After you reveal your dial, you may perform 1 action. If you do, you cannot perform another action during your activation. In this case, the card is specifically telling you that after you perform the action allowed by Advanced Sensors, you cannot perform any more actions during that ship's activation.
  5. Some upgrade cards have keyword restrictions on them. The Ship Points document has a Keywords column listing keywords for the relevant pilots. You can use these to determine whether or not an upgrade can be used by a specific pilot.
  6. Yes, Darth Vader's (TIE Adv. X1) pilot ability would trigger after each action, so long as he had the available force charges.
  7. The Autothrusters ship ability was removed in error and has been replaced in the latest version of the errata document.
  8. Proxies of cards printed using the official errata provided by AMG will be legal at official tournaments so long as they are presented alongside the original official cards
  9. Yes, Captain Hark's (Galactic Empire, Gauntlet) pilot ability functionally eliminates the ability to rotate while the Swivel Wings (Configuration) upgrade is equipped.
  10. Yes, remotes would be valid targets following the new rules for range 0 attacks.
  11. If a ship becomes ionized after the Planning Phase (and therefore has been assigned a dial) but before it has activated during the Activation Phase, it activates as normal. During the next Planning Phase, if the ship is still ionized, it is not assigned a dial and proceeds with the ion maneuver during the Activation Phase. After the ship finishes this activation, it removes all of its ion tokens. The rules surrounding Ionisation have been updated since this was first answered. Under the current rules (as of this edit on 17th of October 2022), the ship would perform the Ion Maneuver when it Activates based on the dial set during Planning. At the end of the ships Activation, if it executed an Ion Maneuver, it removes all of it's ion tokens and is no longer Ionized.
  12. The rules for Mission Points included in the Rules Reference Guide, including points for half destroyed ships, are included for players who wish to play without a scenario. When a scenario is played, its individual scoring rules are used and overrule the Mission Points entry in the RRG.
  13. Players are free to play Star Wars: X-Wing however they choose, it's your table, have fun with it! At official tournaments however, the latest rulesets will be used, including scenario play.
  14. A device cannot be placed so that a portion of the device would be outside the play area. If this would happen, play is reversed to before the device was placed—the device is not placed, any charges spent and other costs paid are recovered, and the player can choose to not place that device. While a Cluster Mines set consists of 3 individual devices they are still part of a whole. If while dropping a Cluster Mine set one of the devices would be placed outside of the play area, the entire set cannot be placed.
  15. Yes, you must declare how many Thermal Detonators you will drop in the round, and spend the appropriate number of charges, before dropping them.
  16. Yes, the critical damage information remains hidden to the player who controls the damaged ship and is only revealed to the player controlling Thane Kyrell (T-65 X-Wing)
  17. Yes, Perceptive Copilot (crew) allows you to gain 1 focus token after you perfom a focus action regardless of difficulty
  18. Yes, both facedown and faceup damage cards can be repaired. If a faceup damage card is repaired, it is flipped facedown. If a facedown damage card is repaired, it is discarded.
  19. Yes, so long as it falls within the correct timing window and there is a cost to be paid. The Tie/FO pilot Static is the best example, allowing you to spend both a lock and a focus token to change all of your results to critical results. Focus results do not need to have been rolled in order for this ability to be triggered.
  20. R2-D2 (Atromech, Galactic Republic) can remove any object listed as a device in the latest rules reference guide.
  21. You don't gain the stress token until AFTER you have attempted the boost (whether you fail or succeed), and can't trigger Nien Numb's (T-70 X-Wing) until that point.
  22. No, a ship cannot spend a focus token to change focus results to evade or hit results if it does not have any focus results.
  23. If a ship becomes ionized after the Planning Phase (and therefore has been assigned a dial) but before it has activated during the Activation Phase, it activates as normal. As the ship is ionized, it will only be able to perform a focus action. During the next Planning Phase, if the ship is still ionized, it is not assigned a dial and proceeds with the ion maneuver during the Activation Phase.
  24. Some abilities allow a ship to be attached to or ride inside another friendly ship. If a card ability instructs a ship to dock with a carrier ship, the docked ship is placed in reserve. A ship that is placed in reserve is placed on its ship card. While a ship is in reserve, it is not assigned a dial, it cannot perform actions, and it cannot attack. It can also not be the target of an attack, unless specified by a ship or upgrade such as the Lando’s Millennium Falcon (Title) upgrade, which allows you to treat a docked Escape Shuttle's shields as though they were on the YT-1300's ship card. In your example, the Sheathipede-class shuttle would not have been able to suffer the damage in the manner described.
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