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Everything posted by TalkPolite

  1. Hello, Yes, displacement is not considered an "enemy effect" because it is not the result of an opponent's card effect or keyword. TP
  2. Hello, No, to use the fire support keyword a unit must legally be able to make an attack, even though using the fire support keyword is not itself considered to be an attack by that unit. TP
  3. Hello, Yes, the effects of "Mechanized Incursion" stack with orders given out from the coordinate keyword. TP
  4. Hello, Cad Bane would be placed just outside of base contact of the objective token, as close to the original position of the "Here I am" Bane token as possible. TP
  5. Hello, No. The card says to make an attack using this weapon, therefore, only that weapon can be used. TP
  6. Hello! These formats will be re-added in a future update, they are still official formats. TP
  7. Hello, No, as you don't have another unit with the rank of commander in your list. TP
  8. Hello, Small base troopers can move through other small base troopers, friendly or enemy. They cannot move through notched base trooper units (such as emplacements and creature troopers). TP
  9. Hello, No. A bomb cart can only move over obstacle terrain that is equal or less than its silhouette. Also note that a trooper could not climb an impassable piece of terrain, as it is impassable. TP
  10. Hello, Yes. As long as both the cards do not have conflicting timings (such as you must play this card round 1), multiple divulge cards can be used. TP
  11. Hello, The unit contributing it's weapon dice and keywords needs to be able to make a legal attack. That means they require line of sight and range to the target (as well as any other stipulations that may prevent an attack). TP
  12. Hello, No. You resolve Covert Ops sequentially, so by the time the second unit goes to use the keyword, there is no other commander to allow them to utilize Covert Ops. TP
  13. Hello, Per page 22 of the Core Rules Book, If the unit does not begin it's perform actions step while panicked, then it will not drop a claimed objective even if it gains enough suppression to be considered panicked. They could also perform additional actions. They were not considered panicked when the activation started, so they would not remove suppression equal to their courage value. This will be made more clear in the future. TP
  14. Hello, That is correct, the defending unit would have cover. TP
  15. Hello, The objective has not been moved to its unclaimed side, so it cannot be claimed by other units. TP
  16. Hello, No. The unit would not benefit from the cover, but if line of sight is completely blocked the unit could not make a legal attack against the defender. Also no, for the above reason. TP
  17. Hello, You cannot form attack pools containing ranged weapons while engaged. TP
  18. Hello, The Commanding Presence card was errata'd to issue an order to a unit at range 1-4. As entourage is issuing an order, it's range would be increased. TP
  19. Hello, It is still limited to once, as it is a card action. TP
  20. Hello, Please see this related question for your answer: TP
  21. Hello! Yes, if he is revealed during Round 1 he could be in contact with the objective token. He cannot begin the first round of the game in base contact with the token. TP
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