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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hello, A unit which gains at least 1 suppression token using the effects of the I'm in Control command card will also gain 1 immobilize token. If a unit gains additional suppression at the end of Cad Bane's activation, it will not gain an additional immobilize token. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hello, No. Sorry About the Mess is only considered a 1-pip card when building a command hand. The opposing player with Agent Kallus will have to nominate 0-pip cards if they wish to force the Rebel player to reveal and put aside Sorry About the Mess. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hello, Yes. When a friendly unit (of any type!) checks to see if it is panicked, instead of using its own courage value, it may use the courage value of a friendly Commander unit at range 1–3. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hello, Faction-specific command cards such as Sabotaged Communications do not specify that the player must nominate a particular commander. "Rebel only" (or another faction) on these cards refers to the instructions laid out in the Building a Command Hand section of the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook; specifically: And so: Yes. Wicket may be the nominated commander if a Rebel command card such as Sabotaged Communications is played. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hello, Both scenario effects - Deploy the Garrison! and Stop Them at Any Cost - are resolved separately in the order of the attacker's choosing. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hello, As stated in the "Bane Tokens" entry, Bane tokens are enemy effects. If two or more Bane tokens are resolved at once, Cad Bane's controlling player will resolve them in the order of their choice, as described in the Timing entry. Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hello, The Measurement section is referring to tools used for movement and range. It does not address the use of silhouettes as they are not used for these purposes. A miniature's silhouette may be determined from its base at any time, as following the instructions given under the Line of Sight entry in the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hello, No, as the Battle Meditation upgrade card may be used when you (in this case, Count Dooku) are issuing orders using a command card. Any bonus orders granted by the effects of the Mechanized Incursion command card are not issued by the nominated commander. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hello, A unit may only perform each action once per activation (besides move actions), free or otherwise. The Ruthless keyword will not allow a unit to perform two attack actions. Hope this helps, Seth
  10. Hello, Yes, the Treat keyword, among other game effects, may be used to restore an eligible miniature added by an Upgrade Card back to a unit, including the FX-9 Medical Droid and 2-1B Medical Droid miniatures. Note that that miniatures added with Upgrade Cards are the same unit type as the unit to which they are equipped - typically trooper. The Upgrade Card in question is not tampered with in any way when the miniatured added by it is defeated or subsequently restored and returned to play. It will have as many wound tokens on its Upgrade Card, reflecting its "capacity," as it did when it was defeated. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hello, The Immobilize and Suppressive keywords apply to the melee weapon profile on the Din’s Amban Rifle upgrade card and will be applied when resolving a melee attack pool containing this weapon. They do not apply when resolving the double-action effect on the card; as you note, this is not an attack. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hello, The Offensive Push upgrade card is exhausted while performing a move to gain Tactical 1. The unit in question will only gain Tactical 1 for the duration of that one move; not for the round or otherwise. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hello! Yes. As Ataru Mastery allows Yoda to perform two attack actions, he may indeed combine this the Relentless keyword granted by the There Is No Try command card to make two free attack actions after two respective move actions. Yes, for the same reason. Yoda may perform two attack actions, free or otherwise, due to his Ataru Mastery keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hello, "If a unit begins its Perform Actions step while panicked, it cannot perform any actions or free actions and drops any claimed objective tokens it may have." As the Ruthless keyword is used when a unit activates (e.g. before its Rally step), it may perform a free action regardless of whether or not it is currently panicked. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hello, Assuming the "wall" is obstacle terrain that was not determined by the players to be impassable terrain, yes, a unit may use a climb move to move over it. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hello, Iden Versio does not require a face-up order token to benefit from the text of the Tactical Strike command card. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hello, The Insatiable Curiosity upgrade card may not target a unique or limited upgrade card. Unique and limited cards, as so defined in the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook, are those with one or more bullets in front of their name. If an upgrade card does not have one or more bullet preceding its name, it is not unique or limited, and can indeed be discarded using the Insatiable Curiosity upgrade card. None of your listed upgrades are unique or limited. Discarding an upgrade card does not cause wounds; refer to the Defeating Upgrade Card Miniatures and Discarding Upgrade Cards rules callout for more. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hello, Yes. The Battle Meditation upgrade card would allow Count Dooku to issue himself an order, even though the card specifies a Heavy or Support unit, and Dooku would then qualify for the standby token, as he is a friendly unit that was issued an order using the AI Coordination card. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Hello, Clone Captain Rex may spend one shared token while performing each attack. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hello, This is the correct sequence. You will resolve the attacks granted by the command card, one at a time, until you are able to declare and resolve an attack against the unit affected by Inconspicuous. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hello, Asajj Ventress will activate in the manner dictated by the command card after Count Dooku activates. It does not state that she may do so, therefore it is not an optional effect and she will activate, if able. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hello, If there are any Hit or Critical points in the attack pool during the Roll Attack Dice step, the defender will receive a suppression. This is indeed at any point during the Roll Attack Dice step, and not specifically after the Reroll Dice substep. This is correct. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello, While the Permanent effect of the Focused on the Kill command card does delay at what point IG-88 will be defeated, it does not change the source of those wounds. If a unit with the Bounty keyword causes IG-88 to suffer wounds equal to or exceeding his wound threshold, that unit will be marked with a victory token per the Bounty keyword effects when IG-88 is defeated at the start of the End Phase. Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hello, Yes. Refer to the example given in the Spur keyword entry in the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook, which gives multiple such scenarios of a speed-1 unit (such as a Dewback Rider) afflicted with one or more immobilize tokens, for more detail. Hope this helps, Seth
  25. Hello, Yes. When a standby token is spent, the unit may perform a free attack action or free move action. Note that when a unit performs a move action, it performs a standard move or climb. As the unit is provided a free move action, and not specifically a standard move, it may indeed be substituted with other types of moves, including a climb. Hope this helps, Seth
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