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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hello, Yes. As the Force Push upgrade card has a free action icon, it is an action. An enemy unit will be allowed to spend its standby token if the force user is within the eligible range and LOS, after the Force Push free action is resolved. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hello, As quoted, a unit cannot make an attack action more than once per turn. A free attack action provided by a standby token is (likely) occurring outside of that unit's turn and will not affect their options during their turn. Yes, Boba Fett may attack later in the round after his standby token is spent, as he is not performing more than one attack action on the same turn. Yes, Cassian may attack with his standby token from the Crack Shot command card, as he is not performing more than one attack action on the same turn. Yes, a unit moved with Relentless that performs a move action with Guidance can attack irrespective of whether they attacked during their turn before or after Yoda's activation. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hi Dwit, An Ewok-affiliated mercenary unit may be issued an order by the effects of the A Beautiful Friendship command card, as it is not being issued an order by a unit. Note that a related prior ruling has been updated to reflect this: Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hello, As Wicket is a mercenary unit, he may only be issued orders by units which share his affiliation (Ewoks). The Allies of Convenience keyword, as mentioned and if available, will allow Leia Organa to issue an order to Wicket regardless of affiliation. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hello, Yes, it is permissible to shift the position of objective tokens placed as a result of the Key Positions (and Payload) objective cards. The position of these tokens is not important and they do not block the movement of miniatures. They are used to mark important pieces of terrain. Charge tokens should be placed flush with the surface on which they are placed and may not be placed standing on their side. They may be placed on textured surfaces or terrain, so long as they are placed as flat as possible and stable in that position. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hello, Yes. Ahsoka may use Force Push to move the opposing unit leader out of base contact with herself and end in base contact with the friendly Sabine Wren. Of note, a unit performing a withdraw cannot end the move in base contact with an enemy unit. However, the standard move provided by an ability such as the Force Push upgrade card is not a withdraw, and this rule would not apply. Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hello Laehaem, As stated under the Field Commander keyword, "A unit with the Field Commander keyword is not a <Commander> and only counts as one for the purposes of issuing orders with a Command Card during the Command Phase." Its token is not changed, and the unit will use the order token it would have otherwise. If a trooper unit is promoted during the game because all of your commander or Field Commander units are defeated, that unit's order token is discarded and replaced with a commander token. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hello, If Cad Bane is engaged with a unit with one or more immobilize tokens, he may perform moves, as stated by the Electro Gauntlets upgrade card. This clause is still true if he is engaged with multiple units, as long as there is a unit with one or more immobilize tokens! In this scenario, Cad Bane may perform a move and will not need to withdraw. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hello, An A-A5 Speeder Truck with the Reckless Driver upgrade card cannot reverse at any time. It is not limited to compulsory moves. Seth
  10. Hello, The Contingencies keyword is resolved after a players reveal their command cards. It need not be declared prior. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hello, Yes, if you have an ability or upgrade that allows you to do so. However, neither of the mentioned upgrade cards will extend the range of a friendly B1 Battle Droids unit's Coordinate, as both upgrades (Long-Range Comlink & Integrated Comms Antenna) increase the range by which you can be issued orders by friendly commander or operative units, not corps. These upgrades would likely affect Direct, as that keyword typically appears on commander type units. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hello, The Relentless and Charge keywords may only be used after a unit performs a move action. Abilities that provide moves, such as Aggressive Negotiations, grant standard moves, but not move actions unless specified to be such. A unit may not use these keywords to make a free attack after a move that is not a move action. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hello, Yes, you may use the Overrun keyword to make an overrun attack against any of the units mentioned in the text or title. Being a repulsor vehicle or having the Immune: Melee, Range 1 Weapons keyword does not prevent a unit from being targeted by an overrun attack. Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hello, A mercenary unit has an affiliation and may only be issued orders by units who match that affiliation (or who have an exception, such as the Allies of Convenience keyword). Additionally, only commander units may be the nominated commander and issue orders if the command card played does not correspond to a specific unit; this would be the case for an Imperial command card such as Cover Observation. Which is all to say: No, a Rogue affiliation operative may not be issued an order by an unaffiliated commander without the Allies of Convenience keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hello, As stated under Measurement in the core rulebook, when only a single range is shown, that is the maximum range for that effect. Clone Commander Cody may declare and resolve attacks targeting units at ranges up to and including its maximum range of 4 when using the Have I Ever Let You Down? command card. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hello, No, an order issued by Clone Commander Cody with the Direct keyword was not issued using the command card. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hello, Yes, the free pivot granted by the Reposition keyword may be performed before or after a standard move. The free move action granted by a compulsory move is one such opportunity. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hello, On the turn that I'm Your Worst Nightmare is played, Cad Bane may make two attack actions. One or both of these may indeed be free attack actions. All three of your scenarios are viable options on his activation. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Hello, The "you" referred to on the Esteemed Leader upgrade card ("While you are defending...") is the unit to which the upgrade card is equipped. Corps units at range 1 gain the Guardian keyword only while that unit is defending. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hello, No. Bossk's Merciless Munitions command card allows him to Arm and Detonate Dioxis Charge charge tokens. The BX-Droid Commandos Dioxis Mine Saboteur may Arm and Detonate Dioxis Mine charge tokens. As they do not have the same name, they are not the same charge token, and require different Detonate keywords. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hello, Refer to the "Defeating Upgrade Card Miniatures & Discarding Upgrade Cards" box on page 17 of the core rulebook; the relevant text of which is quoted below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Dark Trooper miniature will be defeated if an opposing Ewok unit uses the Insatiable Curiosity upgrade card to discard one of its upgrade cards. The Dark Trooper unit will no longer use or benefit from any rules on the discarded card, such as the weapon it may have granted. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hello! Apply Dodge and Apply Cover are each sub-steps under Apply Dodge & Cover in the attack timing. Spending a dodge token to cancel a hit does not occur during the Apply Cover sub-step. Low Profile only applies if a unit has cover and uses it to block one or more hits during the Apply Cover sub-step. As such, an Ewok unit will not benefit from Low Profile when defending against an attack containing weapons with the Blast keyword. Refer to page 30 of the core rulebook for the full breakdown of these steps. That is correct. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello! Yes. It has the Arm 1 keyword, and can place one of the specified charge tokens as an action. A unit may use the Detonate X keyword to detonate X tokens after any move, attack, or action performed by a unit controlled by either player, anywhere. Sure, for a typical turn, this will present the BX-Series Droid Commandos two opportunities to use Detonate X - in your example, after a move and after an attack action. Yes, you may use the Detonate X keyword after an Arm X action. The charge tokens will remain on the table. Note that you do not track which units placed which charge tokens; any Dioxis Mine charge token is eligible to be detonated by any other friendly unit with the Detonate 1: Dioxis Mine keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hello, Yes, the Comms Relay upgrade card may be used when a unit is issued an order (such as with the Direct keyword) to give an order to a unit as instructed by the card instead. Hope this helps, Seth
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