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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hello, If two ranges are shown, the first number represents the minimum range, and the second number represents the maximum range. If a unit is at the minimum range, it is in range. If a unit is closer than the minimum range, it would not be an eligible target. ------------------------------------- As the noted weapons (Leia's Coordinated Bombardment and the AT-ST Mortar Launcher upgrade card) list range 4 as their minimum ranges, enemy units that are at range 4 are indeed eligible targets for those weapons. A ranged weapon with range 1-3 may be used for ranged attacks targeting enemy units at range 1. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hello, If a unit begins its Perform Actions step suppressed, it performs one fewer action that activation. During Darth Vader's second activation - granted that round by the Implacable command card - he performs one fewer action. These effects are cumulative; Darth Vader, The Emperor's Apprentice may be reduced to zero actions if he is suppressed after the Rally step of his second activation. ------------------------------------ No, as Darth Vader can perform no actions that turn other than free actions. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hello, The Offensive Push upgrade card may be exhausted while performing a move to gain Tactical 1. The Tactical X keyword will grant aim tokens when the unit performs a standard move (which a move provided by an ability such as No Time for Sorrows is) as part of an action or free action (the move provided by No Time for Sorrows is not an action). ------------------------------------------ Yes, they may exhaust Offensive Push. No, they will gain no Aim tokens, as they have no performed a standard move as part of an action or free action. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hello, Leia Organa's No Time for Sorrows command card allows units to perform a speed-1 move "when a friendly unit is issued an order." It does not specify the source of that order; any game effect that issues an order will trigger its effect. Yes to both. On the round that No Time for Sorrows is played, when (any) friendly unit is issued an order, it may perform a speed-1 move. This includes orders issued as a result of upgrade cards such as HQ Uplink, and keywords such as Coordinate. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hi there, The Charge keyword may be used (immediately) after performing a move action. That timing is passed if the Jedi opts to instead perform perform a free card action (Force Push) following the move. They will have missed the opportunity to perform a free attack using Charge. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hi, The miniature is not stable in that position if it is knocking over/aside terrain upon which you are attempting to place it. Terrain should not be moved to make way for miniatures. Correct; trooper miniatures cannot partially overlap obstacle terrain. The miniature is not stable at that position if it is if it cannot rest there unassisted. In this scenario, the unit cannot end a move there. Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hello, Terrain will not obstruct the drawing of a silhouette. It can extend through or past terrain "above" a miniature. In your example, the Stormtrooper and the Ewok have LOS to one another. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hello, Yes, the unit with Jump X may perform the pictured move between those roughly equal levels. While using Jump X, the unit ignores terrain of height X as determined from its current position. As the other platform is not greater than height X from the moving unit's perspective, it may indeed ignore that terrain and move to it with Jump X. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hello, Thanks for quoting the relevant sections of the rulebook for me! I will be using them to answer the below: -------------------------------- Yes. You will "measure the height of the part of the terrain the miniatures are moving or climbing to..." The 74-Z Speeder Bikes unit may ignore terrain up to Height 1 from their current position, and so can indeed move to another building that is taller than the one they are overlapping at the start of the move that is within that Height. Yes, for the same reasons as above. The Speeder X keyword allows this movement to "move over or end its movement on terrain equal to or less than height X," and the height is determined from their current position. As the other building is not greater than Height 1 above their current position, they move perform a move over or onto that terrain. Neither the Speeder X nor Jump X keyword necessarily require "multiple hops to get to table level." They may ignore terrain up to Height X as measured from their current position, and so may ignore the terrain they are upon currently and move to the table surface level regardless of that true vertical distance changed. Hope this helps, Seth
  10. Hello, "When determining the height of the terrain for the purposes of performing a movement or a climb, measure the height of the part of the terrain the miniatures are moving or climbing to, subtracting the height of any terrain the miniatures may be on." The Jump X entry reads that a unit "performs a move action as normal and can ignore or end its movement on top of terrain that is height X or lower. (...) When a unit performs the Jump X action, measure height from that unit’s starting position." As a unit with Jump X ignores terrain Height X or lower, as determined from its current position, it may ignore the terrain it is presently overlapping and fall to the battlefield level, even if that total vertical distance would have been greater than X if measured from the battlefield surface level. --------------------------------------------- Yes. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hello, Refer to the latest text for the Darkness Descends in the Star Wars: Legion Errata Reference. Of note, "If this card is divulged, it must be selected during round 1." If you did not divulge the card, you are not required to play it round 1, and may play it later in the game. Your opponent was incorrect. You may play it during round 2 (or round 1!) to gain Reliable 2 if it was not divulged. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hello, The Log Traps command card allows a unit with an Ewok Trapper to make the attack using the weapon shown on the card. As it is a ranged weapon, it may not be used by a unit that is engaged and unable to perform ranged attacks. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hello, When a unit uses the Comms Relay upgrade card (when they would be issued an order), they "... issue an order to the chosen unit instead." The unit with Comms Relay is not considered to have been issued an order, and will not qualify for game effects that occur when issued an order, such as the tokens from the Roger, Roger! command card. ----------------------------------------------------------- No, the B2 Battle Droids were not issued orders; orders were issued to the mentioned vehicles instead. Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hello, The quoted attack sequence describes how a unit performs one or more attacks. A unit may perform more than one attack during the attack sequence if enabled to do so by multiple available weapons with which to attack multiple targets or the appropriate keywords (such as Beam or Gunslinger) - each is its own attack pool and these are declared and created in steps 1-3 of the Attack Timing sequence. Each of these attacks are then resolved by following steps 4-11 of the Attack Timing sequence. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hello, The Call to Arms upgrade card provides is a free card action, as specified in the Star Wars: Legion Errata Reference. The You Serve Your Master Well command card allows Luke to perform one free move or free attack action with a friendly or suppressed enemy unit. As the free card action on Call to Arms is neither of these, it cannot be exhausted by using the You Serve Your Master Well free card action. Note that if Call to Arms were exhausted prior in the round, the unit does gain Charge until the end of the round, and so will still have Charge if moved by Luke Skywalker's controlling player later in the round. -------------------------------------- No, as the Call to Arms free action is neither a move nor attack action and so cannot be performed using the You Serve Your Master Well command card free action. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hello, If a unit with the AI: Attack keyword is eligible to make an attack as its first action, it must do so. If only a weapon added by an upgrade card is in range, the unit still must declare the attack, and will exhaust the upgrade card after the miniature adds the weapon to the attack pool as normal. ---------------------------------- The B2 Super Battle Droids will exhaust the B2-HA Trooper upgrade card. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hi there, The effects of A Machine Made for Killing command card apply to the nominated IG-11 or IG-88. This is referring to the unit chosen as the nominated commander to issue orders. The effects are not contingent upon IG-11 or IG-88 being issued an order or having a face-up order token. --------------------------------------------- Yes. IG-88 will gain 1 aim token, Demoralize 3, and Steady if he was the nominated commander. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hi there, As stated in the Standby entry, "A unit cannot spend a standby token until all of an attacking unit’s attack pools have been resolved." As the unit with Gunslinger has attack pools yet to resolve, a standby token may not be spent until the last pool has been resolved. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Hello, The timing is given in the quoted sentence: "When you activate..." A player will opt to exhaust their Rebel Trooper Captain upgrade card when the equipped Rebel Troopers unit activates. That will be prior to their Rally step. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hi there, The Contingencies keyword to set aside additional Command Cards as Contingency Cards; "These set-aside cards may have any number of pips but must follow all other rules for constructing a command hand." Certain command cards require the player be fielding certain units, factions, or Battle Forces. If a player does not meet the criteria to include a Command Card in their Command Hand, it is also ineligible to be placed in their set aside Contingency Cards. ------------------------------------------- No, as this player is not playing the Echo Base Defenders battle force. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hi there, The Reposition keyword may be used before or after a unit performs a standard move. The speed-1 move provided by the Force Push upgrade card is a standard move. ----------------------------------- Yes. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hi, The first line of the card still applies: you must nominate a Mercenary unit. As Padmé Amidala and R2-D2 are not Mercenary units, they may not be the nominated commander when the Ploy command card is played. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello, The text of the Whistling Birds command card provides a unique action, as communicated by the action arrow preceding the text. It is not an attack action or it would be referred to as such. Because it is not an attack action, Din Djarin may indeed perform an attack action during the same turn in which he uses the Whistling Birds card action. No, as it is not an attack (and therefore does not have a Reroll Attack Dice step in which to spend them). Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hello, The effects of the Aggressive Negotiations command card, as stated on the card, occur "When Padmé Amidala issues an order to a trooper unit...". An order issued with the Direct keyword is issued by the unit using the keyword - in your example, the Clone Commander or Clone Commander Cody. As this order was not issued by Padmé Amidala, the unit so ordered will not satisfy the requirements given by the text of the Aggressive Negotiations command card, and will not perform a free move nor gain any tokens. --------------------------------------- No. Hope this helps, Seth
  25. Hello, The command card Anti-Capture Protocols - and every other command card unless specified otherwise, such as with the Permanent keyword - is only in effect for the round in which it is played. If IG-11 has 3 or more wounds at the end of his activation on a round that the Anti-Capture Protocols command card is not in play, nothing further happens as the card and its effects are not in play. Selecting and playing the command card during the Command Phase is optional. If it is played, IG-11 will perform the attack if he has 3 or more wounds at the end of his activation, as instructed. If it is in your command card discard pile, nothing happens - the command card is not in play. Hope this helps, Seth
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