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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hello, The units specified are only considers Corps for army building and battle cards. During the game, they remain their printed Special Forces type. And so: No. They are not a Corps unit and so are not affected by the Esteemed Leader upgrade card. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hi there, The free recover actions granted by the command cards Face Me! and Ruthless Tactics are "during Agent Kallus's activation." As it is an action, and as it is not specified to occur at the start of his activation, it must indeed by resolved at some point during his Perform Actions step. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hello, To add a weapon that has the Fixed: Front keyword to an attack pool, the defending unit must have at least one of its miniature’s bases partially inside the specified arc. This does apply to melee attacks as well. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hello, Yes, a repulsor vehicle with the Hover: Ground keyword may move through impassable terrain, assuming there are no other characteristics of that impassable terrain that would prohibit such movement (such as being obstacle terrain taller than the miniature's silhouette). Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hi there, When using Covert Deploy, the unit's order token is placed within a friendly deployment zone as the unit would have been. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hello, Yes, a unit that suffers wounds from an attack by way of the Guardian keyword will indeed gain X poison tokens as a result of Poison X in the attack pool. Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hello, Hits do not have to be removed before crits. A unit with the Outmaneuver keyword may spend a dodge and choose to cancel a crit when doing so. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hello, As stated under Resolving Command Card Effects: when command cards effects are "tied" for timing, the Blue Player resolves their effects first. Both ISB Investigation and Notorious Scoundrels occur in the second step of Resolving Command Card Effects, as they are both effects without a specific timing. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hello, A unit will gain X ion tokens if it suffered one or more wounds after defending against an attack that included a weapon with the Ion X keyword. Yes, in a single attack, Ion X can force the defending unit to flip X shield tokens and apply X ion tokens, assuming the dice roll in the attacker's favor! Hope this helps, Seth
  10. Hello, Yes, Clone Trooper unit type units may share green tokens as normal. As stated in Game Mechanics, exceptions to the core rules for Star Wars: Legion are listed. There is no exception for unit types such as Clone Trooper! Note that one of the Clone Troopers Squad's Loadout options, I'm With You Brother, has them lose the Clone Trooper unit type to gain an alternative ability. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hello, A unit with the Jump X keyword may ignore terrain of height X or lower when performing a Jump action: impassable or not. This may include roofs, ledges, or overhangs. Assuming the terrain in your example is not impassable (as units cannot typically end a move upon impassable terrain) and no taller than height X: yes a unit with the Jump keyword may ignore that terrain and move through it (or over, or around!), ending on the new level. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hello, The IG-100 MagnaGuard, Prototype Assassin Droids are only considered a Corps unit during army building and for the purposes of battle cards. When playing the game, including when building your order pool, they are the unit type printed on their unit card: Special Forces. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hello, Yes. A miniature added by an upgrade card has access to the weapons printed on its unit card, unless specified otherwise (such as by the Sidearm keyword). Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hello, You are correct. Del Meeko may use his Repair 2 keyword to remove X (2) tokens from the target unit or restore X (2) minis, each with a number of wound tokens equal to one less than its wound threshold. As only one 74-Z Speeder Bike is available to be restored, that is as many miniatures as Del Meeko's Repair 2 can return to the unit. You may not both restore minis and remove wounds with a single instance of the Repair X keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hello, Yes. If the player wishes to achieve base contact with the terrain, the example units will have to move differently (perhaps using their Reposition keywords) in order to do so. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hello, Logray's Herbal Medicine upgrade card does not require line of sight. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hello, The silhouette of a ground vehicle blocks LOS. You may indeed draw LOS under, over, or around its silhouette as appropriate, including when the vehicle is leaning on terrain. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hello, That is accurate. You are not required to remove wound tokens from a unit before restoring minis to it. No. The unit leader may not be assigned wounds until it is the last remaining mini in its unit. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Hello, No. The aims spent for the Lethal and Long Shot keywords must be spent at different points during the attack sequence. Long Shot X is resolved during the Declare Defenders step, before rolling any attack dice. Lethal X is resolved during the Modify Attack Dice step. And neither of these will allow those aim tokens to be spent to reroll up to two attack dice. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hello, In the Imperial Remnant Battle Force, the nominated commander can only issue orders at range 1-2. The HQ Uplink upgrade card allows the equipped unit to issue itself an order when exhausted. This may occur regardless of where the nominated Commander may be. Yes, for widely the same reasons. An order issue using the Comms Relay upgrade card is being issued by the unit with Comms Relay equipped; any range restrictions on the nominated commander as a result of the battle force special rules will not affect the text or effects of the Comms Relay upgrade card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Comms Jammer upgrade card prevents an enemy unit from being issued orders when at range 1 of the equipped unit. Orders are (predominantly) issued during the Command Phase by your nominated commander and some other game effects such as the Comms cards mentioned above, which give the unit a face-up order token so that they may be activated at the time of the controlling player's choosing during the Activation Phase. A unit whose token is drawn from the order pool during the Activation Phase is not issued an order and does not receive a face-up order token. In your example, the red player's trooper unit will not be affected by the Comms Jammer upgrade as they are not being issued an order; they may activate as normal when drawn. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hello, No. The Charge keyword requires the unit make a move action. The standard move granted by the Wookiee Defenders Battle Force special rule is not a move action, and will therefore not allow abilities such as Charge to be performed after such a move. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hello, As C-3PO does not have a melee weapon, he may not move into melee. Opposing units may indeed start a melee with him, assuming they themselves have a melee weapon. Both units will then become engaged, assuming they are both troopers of some variety. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello, The Wookiee Defenders may perform a speed-1 move after the first standby attack is resolved. The second standby token may still be spent in response to the original move (or to the Battle Force special rules move!); if the Wookiees are no longer an eligible target, it may be spent to move or to attack an alternative enemy unit. Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hello, As a unit with the Allies of Convenience keyword is eligible to order mercenary units regardless of affiliation, it will do so if required to by Command Card played. "A commander must issue all of the orders allowed by the Command Card, if able." If you play Assault in this given example, the A-A5 Speeder Truck with the Raiding Party Leader will issue orders to 3 units. Hope this helps, Seth
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