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Kris M

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Everything posted by Kris M

  1. No, while a huge ship may be able to equip Hardpoint upgrades that enable it to perform attacks up to range 5, acquiring a lock is still restricted to range 0-3 unless a card ability specifically allows it, such as Sensor Experts (Team). From the Rules Reference: Q: After performing an attack with Targeting Battery [Hardpoint] against a defender at range 4–5, can the attacker acquire a lock on that defender? A: If Targeting Battery is the only card at play, no. Targeting Battery does not read "ignoring range restrictions," therefore the ship must obey the normal range restrictions for acquiring locks. However, there are a number of ways huge ships can circumvent this limitation. The CR-90's Broadside Battery ship ability allows it to acquire locks at range 4, and the Boosted Scanners [Cargo] upgrade allows a ship to spend energy increase the range at which it can lock, letting it acquire the lock from Targeting Battery at range 4 or 5.
  2. Hi, it looks like we've already answered a similar question here: We're in the process of tagging each post with the relevant keyword or cards involved so that searching for answers becomes a little easier. I hope that helps! 🙂
  3. No, if Zam's condition card has not been revealed by the end of Engagement Phase, you do not need to show your opponent which card you chose. You remove the secret condition at the start of the System Phase; once removed, there is no effect to resolve.
  4. Hi, this looks like it would be a typo. I've passed it on to the team and they're looking into it.
  5. Hi, when an effect such as Hondo Ohnaka (crew) coordinates an enemy ship, the controller of the coordinated ship chooses the action.
  6. No, in an official tournament, each player must include exactly three unique obstacles of their choice in their squad selected from the asteroids, gas clouds and debris clouds available from official X-Wing products, including first edition products (except those found in Epic expansions). A player may not select two of the same obstacle. However, in a casual game check with your opponent and see if they would be fine with you using them and at unofficial tournaments, check with the Tournament Origanizer/Marshall who will have the final say on the legality of those components in their event.
  7. Hi, While a huge ship may perform a number of bonus attacks before or after it's standard attack, standard ships can only perfom one bonus attack per round.
  8. Hi, "• After a strained ship applies the effect to roll 1 fewer defense die this way, it removes 1 strain token." Strain tokens are removed after rolling the appropriate amount of defense dice. The timing for this is after step 3a (before step 3b).
  9. While some abilities allow a ship to be attached to or ride inside another friendly ship (docked), a ship is not friendly to its allied ships, and abilities that affect "friendly ships" do not affect allied ships.
  10. No, the lock still happened, it's just gone by the time the ability queue resolves. Here's the breakdown (assuming 1st player controls Palob Godalhi): Genesis Red (M3-A Interceptor) locks Palob Godalhi (HWK-290 Light Freighter) Both False-Transponder Codes and Genesis Red's pilot ability enter the ability queue False-Transponder Codes resolves first Genesis Red gains a jam token; the Palob player breaks the lock, or removes a green token from Genesis Red. Genesis Red's pilot ability resolves next Genesis Red removes all his focus and evade tokens, but as Palob is no longer locked, does not gain tokens per his pilot ability.
  11. Players need to complete all parts of a game in the order they should be completed and each player has to confirm a phase is over before moving on to the next phase. If someone is rushing someone to move to a next phase so they can squeeze in another round that is poor sportsmanship and should be dealt with as such. Players efforts to win the game should be contained to the game, not abusing tournament systems.
  12. No, a ship can perform only one bonus attack per round. Anything that permits an attack outside of the standard attack allowed to a ship when it engages is a bonus attack. In this example, The second Cluster Missile attack would be the bonus attack for this round. You would not be able to perform any other bonus attacks with Darth Vader until the following round.
  13. No, the Aftermath step breaks down which abilities get resolved in what order. a. Resolve any of the defending player’s abilities that trigger after a ship defends or is destroyed, excluding abilities that grant a bonus attack. b. Resolve any of the attacking player’s abilities that trigger after a ship performs an attack or is destroyed, excluding abilities that grant a bonus attack. c. Resolve any of the defending player’s abilities that trigger after a ship defends or is destroyed that grant a bonus attack. d. Resolve any of the attacking player’s abilities that trigger after a ship performs an attack or is destroyed that grant a bonus attack In this example, the You Should Thank Me condition would be resolved first, followed by the bonus attack granted by Dengar's Pilot Ability.
  14. No, while Deathfire's ability to drop the Concussion Bomb upon his destruction is an ability triggered by something already in the ability queue, the Concussion bomb detonating is not and as such it would not detonate until the end of the following activation phase.
  15. No, Autoblasters (Cannon) is a Special Weapon that has an attack value of 2. If the defender is in your Bullseye arc, you roll 1 additional attack die. However, as Autoblasters does not have the Ordnance icon on it's card (which indicates that range bonuses are not applied), if the attack range was 1, you would be able to apply the range bonus to roll 1 more attack die for a total of 4 attack dice.
  16. You're mostly there, there's just one slight change. As the effects of overlapping the gas cloud is a game effect it must be resolved first in the Ability Queue. This is what it should look like: After Ahsoka fully executes a maneuver, the following enters the ability queue: Resolve effects from overlapping the gas cloud -> Rolls for Strain token Ahsoka receives 1 Strain token Hound has no Strain tokens and transfers this to himself Fine-Tuned Controls: Spend 1 Force to boost Pilot Ability: Spend 1 force to gain 1 Focus token Skip the Perform Action step for overlapping the gas cloud Start of Engagement Phase Enemy ship in Ahsoka's front arc Gains Deplete to recover 1 Force Hound has no Deplete tokens, and transfers this one to him End result? Ahsoka with 1 Force Hound with 1 Deplete token and 1 Strain token
  17. No, a ship can perform only one bonus attack per round. Anything that permits an attack outside of the standard attack allowed to a ship when it engages is a bonus attack. In this example, Snap Shot is the bonus attack for this round. You would not be able to perform any other bonus attacks with IG-88B until the following round.
  18. No, both Fenn Rau's (Fang Fighter) Pilot Ability and Concordia Faceoff require the Attack Range to be Range 1. The Attack Range is determined by measuring range from the closest point of the attacker to the closest point of the defender that is in the attack arc.
  19. Yes, the Setup Phase consists of 6 steps: Gather Forces Determine Player Order Establish Play Area Place Obstacles Place Forces Prepare Other Components Tobias Beckett (Crew) happens after the Place Forces step (Step 5) and the ship carrying Boba Fett (Crew) starts in reserve and is placed after the Setup Phase is complete.
  20. Yes, spending a die result is one of the ways a player can modify dice and would not be allowed when using Snap Shot. Players can modify dice by spending various tokens and by resolving abilities. Dice can be modified in the following ways: Add: To add a die result, place an unused die displaying the result next to the rolled dice. A die added in this way is treated as a normal die for all purposes and can be modified and canceled Reroll: To reroll a die result, pick up the die and roll it again. Change: To change a die result, rotate the die so that its faceup side displays the new result Spend: To spend a result, remove the die from the dice pool I find it easy if you just remember your ARCS 😉
  21. After reviewing some other questions around the Wing Leader / Wingmate relationship and tractoring, we would like to update this ruling. Forced splitting can occur when either the Wingmate OR the Wing Leader become tractored. This would include becoming tractored attempting the Nantex-class Starfighter's Pinpoint Tractor Array Ship Ability. In addition to this, during the Activation Phase and at all other times, a Wingmate is limited to the following actions: Calculate Evade Focus Reinforce Lock As rotate is not an available action a Wingmate can perform, they would be unable to perform the Pinpoint Tractor Array Ship Ability.
  22. No, the guides on a ship’s base are ignored only while measuring range or determining whether a ship is in an arc. If a ship could not fully execute a maneuver as a result of the guides overlapping another ship, then that ship is considered to have partially executed its manuever and should be placed according to the standard rules for overlapping another object.
  23. Yes, when Wingmates form up they act as though they have executed the maneuver on the Wing Leaders dial. If the Wing Leader executed a red maneuver, all Wingmates form up and then gain 1 stress token.
  24. Hi, We've found some fixes to some of the Squad Builder issues people have been experiencing. To be able to select Veteran Turret Gunner (Gunner) as an option on the Y-Wing pilots, do the following: Add your chosen Y-Wing pilot to the squad Equip any turret upgrade to the ship Click on the "tick" to confirm this With a turret upgrade now confirmed to be equipped, Verteran Turret Gunner should be available to equip on the Y-Wing. I've outlined a similar method of doing this with Extreme Maneuvers here:
  25. Hi, We've found some fixes to some of the Squad Builder issues people have been experiencing. To be able to equip Synchronized Console (Modification) on any of the Eta-2 Actis pilots, do the following: Add an Eta-2 Actis pilot to the squad Click on the "tick" to confirm this With an Eta-2 Actis ship now confirmed to be in the squad, Synchronized Console should be available to equip on this and any other Eta-2 Actis pilots you add to the squad.
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