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Everything posted by AMG_Pagani

  1. He would, yes! But... It appears there was a file mix up and a working file was posted for the Deadpool stat card. The actual text that went to print on the Deadpool card for that rule is as follows: All Right, Now It’s Serious... This character always counts as Healthy instead of Injured for the purposes of contesting objectives.
  2. They can indeed! It is not - it is part of them mission, however as usual with Ultimate Encounters, if you feel it would increase your narrative enjoyment please feel free to have it be an enemy effect!
  3. You may place the chosen character within Range 3 of its current position - so if you choose a different character than Lockjaw it is placed within Range 3 of itself, not Lockjaw. So your "range 6" example is correct in concept, though obviously range 6 doesn't exist and ranges are not all additive, but I think you get the idea!
  4. He can, yes! If would be triggered at the normal time for Devastating Barrage. A character can only hold one Terrified Citizen at a time.
  5. No, it would not. Allies do not damage allies with an attack. Damage from attacks come from attack rolls, not from core rules.
  6. No, you cannot, as dazed characters cannot be affected by special rules.
  7. No, you do not. You just (obviously) will not benefit from a leadership ability.
  8. You do not have to end in contact with the end of the movement tool - the rules state that you may be placed anywhere in contact with the tool (which includes the sides and even overlapping a portion of the tool!)
  9. Well, So Many Snacks can be used only once each turn, but barring that clause in a super power, yes, you could. So to answer your question: No!
  10. It is up to the players to determine the amount of inaccuracy that is acceptable but in the end actual performance on the table is what is important, not a mathematical proof that something is (or isn't) possible. Players that are intentionally doing things they know are not possible or are abusing inaccurate measuring on purpose are breaking the rules of the game and are performing unethically.
  11. She can! However she cannot score with it as that requires her own Herb.
  12. To clarify a little on Negoldar's response above - where you are measuring is not relevant to the rules. You cannot use a base as part of a pre-measurement.
  13. Maybe. All measurements and placements are done inside the game. These measurements must always account for human error and a reasonable margin of error is acceptable inside of measurement. What does this mean? This means that actions must be executed in the game. These variances you've described are all reasonable margins of error - so it is possible over several measurements that something has not worked out despite being mathematically possible and it may change from game to game or table to table as humans are not perfect beings.
  14. It does not - however if your group would like to apply the negative to those rolls that seems in-narrative to me!
  15. Correct, it doesn't care who destroys the terrain - just that it was destroyed!
  16. The above example is correct. Damage from different sources (In this case, Cosmic Cube Fragments) are individual. Each cube fragment does 1 damage. Damage from a single source (An attack roll, a coloission, or a superpower, for example) is one lump sum. Please note that some super powers list "for each [CRITERIA], do 1 damage", because it is one superpower it would be one source of damage.
  17. On Page 23 of the Core Rules it states if terrain is destroyed with characters or objects on top of it its placed in the same position on the table. Terrain is an Object, so it would fall to the ground unharmed.
  18. You are not required to use the Leader you draft in the first step - but the rule of always using the affiliation only applies to that leader. 1) No, you would need to have the majority of Wakanda characters. 2) Correct - you can always choose the Brotherhood of Mutants affiliation even if Mystique is not your leader.
  19. Infinity Gems are counted as part of your roster per their rules. This applies to Battle Realm as well!
  20. Infinity Gems currently are not included in the Collector Format.
  21. Step 5 should say: Deal 6 cards (for the two player version). The instructions are correct for the 4 player version. This will be updated shortly.
  22. Yes, that is correct! Generally we suggest against doubling up in the packs, but if it happens go crazy. Certainly post your stories on social media, I'd love to hear about it.
  23. It is the same super power, so it may only be used once per turn, no matter the form they are in.
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