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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hi there, The weapon given on the Trained in Your Jedi Arts command card may be used to perform a melee or ranged attacks (given by its range icons). As it has the Versatile keyword, General Grievous may perform a ranged attack even while engaged. However, General Grievous may still not target an engaged enemy trooper unit with a ranged attack. -------------------------------- He may not perform a ranged attack targeting an engaged enemy unit. It does! Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hello, Yes. If Jyn Erso performs a free move action using the Rebellious command card, she may perform a free melee attack using Charge against a unit other than that which is activating and allowed her to move. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hi there, When a notched base unit that can reverse performs a move action, it can choose to reverse instead of making another movement - that is to say, instead of making a standard move, climb, or other type of special moves available to it. --------------------------------- A reverse is not a standard move and will not qualify for the Reposition keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hi there, Yes. There is no set limit on the number of times a unit may apply its Guardian X keyword in a given round. Yes, units may use Guardian X each time an attack is being performed upon an eligible friendly unit. This can occur for multiple attack pools over the course of a given turn, or even within a given attack action. Yes. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hi there, As Relentless and Reposition are both used following the Tauntaun Riders' move action, they may be resolved in either order. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hi there, Cover applies to ranged attacks. As overrun attacks are not ranged attacks, the defending unit will not benefit from any form of cover. Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hello, You may not use Force Push to end a movement with any of a unit's miniature's bases partially or fully outside the battlefield. It does not matter which player is performing the move! Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hi there, Units are revealed using Covert Deploy during the End Phase - this can be at any point during that phase as a specific step of the End Phase is not named. In this instance, it definitely would behoove the Imperial Special Forces to do so following the Remove Tokens step, so that they have their aim or dodge token for the following round! Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hi there, The speed-1 move granted by the Smoke Screen command card occurs "...when R2-D2 issues an order to another trooper friendly unit...". Orders issued using the command card or using an alternative game effect such as the Comms Relay upgrade card both qualify - what is important is that R2-D2 is issuing an order to another trooper unit! Note that the Smoke Screen command card specifies R2-D2 must issue an order to another friendly trooper unit. If R2-D2 orders himself, he will not perform a speed-1 move, as he is not issuing an order to another friendly trooper unit. ----------------------------------- The two friendly trooper units issued orders by R2-D2 will perform a speed-1 move. R2-D2 cannot perform a speed-1 move whether or not he is issued an order, as he is not another friendly trooper unit. Hope this helps, Seth
  10. Hello, Yes; if a unit performs multiple attacks, it may shuffle order tokens for each enemy unit attacked back into their order pool. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hello, The Impact X and Armor X keywords are both resolved during the Modify Attack Dice step of the attack sequence. As specified in this step, the attacking player modifies attack dice before the defending player. The attacking player will convert X hit results to critical results using Impact X. Then, the defending player will cancel X hit results with Armor X. ------------------------------- Impact X is resolved first, as the attacking player modifies attack dice first. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hello, Yes, the Unorthodox Tactician upgrade card may be used to issue an order to the A-A5 Speeder Truck itself. In this context, "...a different unit..." is preventing the Unorthodox Tactician choosing a unit more than once. It will give different units one aim token each! Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hello, As described in the X Keywords call-out (page 9 of the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook, at time of writing), numbered keywords stack with themselves. Two instances of Agile 1 will indeed grant Agile 2. Yes and yes! Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hi there, From the Moving Through Terrain entry: "When a unit is overlapping an obstacle terrain feature, it may perform a standard move if the vertical distance changed is not greater than the height of the moving unit’s silhouette." -------------------------------------------- Yes. The unit is not changing vertical distance of greater height the moving unit's silhouette and so may perform a standard move and not a climb move. It would not. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hi there, A unit cannot perform the same action, free or otherwise, twice during a turn, except a move action. This would include the special free action granted by the Experimental Droids battle force - a unit cannot perform this free action twice in a turn. Yes, you may nominate a different commander each round to receive 3 surge tokens. Units may only spend tokens off of the chosen commander each round. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hello, No. Either the movement tool must overlap an enemy miniature or the base of the unit itself as it moves along the tool. Refer to Moving with Notched Bases for more detail. No. If the Swoop Biker moved far enough to overlap Maul during the move, it would be eligible to perform an overrun attack. However, if it moves "1 cm" it has not at any point overlapped Maul during the move, and may not perform an overrun attack. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hello, Yes, all terrain has a height value. Players may apply the Golden Rule of Terrain if they would like some of their terrain to have "no height." This is not the default for any type of terrain: terrain will have a height value as determined following the process laid out in the Terrain Height entry. Assuming the "small" scatter and the pond are both no taller than the length of a range tool, yes, both the attacker and the defender are overlapping height 1 terrain! Terrain height is defined as given in the Terrain Height entry: using a range tool vertically, with one end placed on the battlefield. Players may discuss this during Setup for their terrain as well as check as-needed during the game. Answered above. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hello, The card action granted by the Saber Throw upgrade card is treated as an attack action, and so many be used when a unit is granted a free attack action from a game effect such as a standby token. ------------------------------------- Yes. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Hi, Unless specified otherwise by players during Setup (for example, by "breaking up" an exceptionally large piece of terrain into discrete pieces of terrain), a terrain feature is a single object with the Terrain Height determined from the table surface to its highest point. This does mean that a unit of Geonosian Warriors can be physically below Height 3, on a lower level or platform or otherwise, but still considered to be overlapping a piece of Height 3 terrain for the purposes of the Death from Above keyword. -------------------------------------------------------- Yes. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hi there, A unit with the Speeder X keyword will perform a compulsory move at the start or end of its Perform Actions step. This move is a (standard) compulsory move, and so will qualify for a wide variety of game effects that may be performed while moving or after a move, including an overrun attack. --------------------------------------- No; you may perform an overrun attack following a compulsory move made at the end of the Perform Actions step as well. While not critical to answering the above question, note that an overrun attack is not an attack action, and so can be performed by a unit even if they're at the end of their Perform Actions step, and even if they perform an attack action during their activation. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hi there, As stated by the You Serve Your Master Well command card free card action, the affected enemy unit "can attack and start a melee with other enemy units." And given in the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook introduction to Melee, "When two miniatures controlled by opposing players are in base contact, those units are in melee." Therefore, if an enemy unit targeted by Luke Skywalker's You Serve Your Master Well has any of its miniatures in base contact with another enemy unit, they are considered in melee with one another, as they can start a melee with other enemy units. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, the unit targeted by You Serve Your Master Well can start a melee with other enemy units, and will do so if any of its miniatures are in base contact with another enemy unit. No. Miniatures in a unit in melee who are not yet in base contact with opposing miniatures are placed into base contact with enemy miniatures either when Moving Into Melee or after suffering wounds in melee (see the Removing Miniatures in Melee call-out). As neither of these things have occurred in your given scenario (yet!), no miniatures in either unit will be moved. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hi there, A unit may perform overrun attacks during its activation. A unit may not perform overrun attacks during move actions made outside of its activation. --------------------------- No, as the Geonosian Warriors are performing a free move action during the Command Phase and not during their activation. They may only make X overrun attacks during their own activation. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello, The Guardian X keyword may be applied when the appropriate unit is defending against an attack. Wounds Emperor Palpatine applies to himself using the card text of the And Now... You Will Die command card are not part of an attack sequence - as Emperor Palpatine is not defending against an attack, Guardian cannot be applied. Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hello, A unit can only perform X overrun attacks per turn. Flipping an upgrade card does not "reset" the count. Hope this helps, Seth
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