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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hello, No. To embark on a vehicle with the Transport X: Closed keyword, the unit must end an embark move in base contact with the vehicle (one is performed whether you physically move any distance or not) and sacrifice an action (meaning two actions total: one to move and one additional sacrificed). You may not embark on a closed transport using only a single action. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hello, The attacks granted by the Making His Way in the Galaxy command card are not attack actions, free or otherwise. As such, even if Boba Fett disembarked from a vehicle that made more than once non-standard move, he made indeed perform those attacks at the end of his activation. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hello, You may perform move A using the Jump keyword, as the terrain is not taller than Height 1 and can be ignored while performing a Jump move. Yes. ------------------------------------------------- Refer to this related post for more detail: Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hi there, Boba Fett's Rule with Respect command card does require units to be both at range 1 and in line of sight of him. As units transported upon a vehicle with the Transport: Closed keyword cannot have LOS drawn to or from them, if Boba Fett were so embarked no friendly units would be able to benefit from this command card. Yes, you may draw LOS to and from units embarked upon a vehicle with the Transport: Open keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hello, The Jump card action may be performed any time such a unit could perform a move action. As the Juyo Mastery does not allow Maul to perform more than two move actions, he cannot then use the Jump 1 keyword to perform a third move. -------------------------------------------------- 1: Yes. 2: No. Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hello, The Wookiee Warrior (Ryyk Blades) unit card is associated with one of the Loadout options for the Rebel Commandos squad: Extra Muscle. If this Loadout card is chosen, the Wookiee Warrior (Ryyk Blades) miniature and unit card will replace those of the Wookiee Warrior (Bowcaster). Hope this helps! Seth
  7. Hello, Using the Jar'kai Mastery keyword, a unit may spend dodge tokens during the Convert Attack Surges step to improve attack dice. As the dodge tokens are spent, they would indeed be placed on Maul's Seize What Power We Can command card in your example, and may then be spent by Maul later on in the attack sequence. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hello, They will be displaced if the vehicle overlaps their silhouette. If the vehicle is on a piece of terrain tall enough that this does not occur, the troopers below will not be displaced. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hello, Yes, the Immune: Pierce may apply to the Guardian keyword. In your case of the IG-100 MagnaGuard, as they are using Guardian against a melee attack, Immune: Melee Pierce may apply. Hope this helps, Seth
  10. Hello, A unit using the Aid keyword to allow another friendly unit to gain a token is not "spending" that token. A unit using the Aid keyword at range 1 of Maul on the round Seize What Power We Can is in play will not allow Maul's player to place a token on the command card. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hello, Command cards (and their effects) remain in play for the round, until they are discarded during the End Phase. Units affected by the His Eminence command card (e.g. who activated at range 1 of Maul) cannot be panicked - until the Discard Command Cards step of the End Phase. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hello, A unit may use the courage of a (any) friendly <commander> unit at the requisite range. It need not be the one nominated during the Command Phase. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hello, If Yoda is placed in base contact with Chewbacca ("If you do,..."), he cannot perform moves that round. This does include Count Dooku's You Disappoint Me command card. Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hello, As stated on the Victory section of the Intercept the Transmissions objective card: players will score 1 victory point per controlled objective token on rounds 2 and 4, and 2 victory points per controlled objective token at the end of the game. This does mean, if the event such a game is resolved prematurely on round 4, the players may score up to 3 victory tokens from each controlled objective token. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hello, When two effects occur at the same time, the player with priority resolves their effects first. As both instance of Log Traps will be resolved at the start of the Activation Phase, whichever player has priority (in your example, red player) will resolve their Log Traps first. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hello! No; it is fine if terrain intersects the miniature's silhouette. It is only important that the miniature and its base fit in the given space. Yes, the miniature would be considered to be in contact with the terrain if it's silhouette is touching it. No, if a miniature cannot fit it cannot be placed there. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hello, A miniature should not be modified during play and an empty base may not be substituted for a miniature. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hello, You may not play the card as you do not have an eligible commander (nor, in this card's instance, an operative) to nominate. Yes, you may place a commander token face-down on the Ploy command card even if Anakin's Flaw card was played that round, as Anakin Skywalker is not being issued an order. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Hello, You may include upgrade cards with the Field Commander keyword in the Separatist Invasion battle force. The keyword cannot be used for any of its normal effects - such as issuing orders with a command card during the game, or allowing you to ignore the commander requirement when list-building. You may play the Orbital Strike command card. The AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank with the T-series Tactical Droid Pilot upgrade card has the printed Field Commander keyword and may be nominated with the special effects of the card. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hello, A player wins the game immediately by defeating all of their opponent's units. Anakin Skywalker's controlling player will win the game immediately. A player will win the game immediately in the event one of the attacks in this scenario defeats the last remaining unit controlled by their opposing player. Attacks are resolved one at a time. Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hello, If any of the Ewoks are in base contact with an enemy miniature, that unit is in melee and all Ewok minis may add melee weapons to their unit's attack pool when formed. In your example, all eight Ewok minis may attack. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hello, A unit's maximum speed and the presence of immobilize tokens is relevant when such a unit performs a move or a move action. It is not pertinent to "place" effects. In both of your examples - Vader's Might and Size Matters Sometimes - the units may be placed even if they are currently maximum speed 0, as neither of those card effects have the units perform a move. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello, No, Divine Influence grants Guardian 2: C-3PO. Ewok units nearby do not gain the Guardian keyword for other units - only C-3PO. Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hello, No. A unit may only withdraw during its activation. Yes, a free move action is a move action, and so will allow keywords such as Tactical and Charge following a move action. Hope this helps, Seth
  25. Hello, Command cards remain in play until they are removed during the Discard Command Cards step of the End Phase. Unless they have the Permanent keyword, command cards will remain in play only until discarded, at which point affected units will no longer benefit from the abilities, keywords, or otherwise granted by that particular command card. Hope this helps, Seth
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