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Everything posted by Negoldar

  1. When you bend a movement tool 90 degrees to make the angle to determine toward/away, it is no longer being used to measure movement so it won’t count against your one movement tool limit.
  2. Yes. Superpowers are enemy effects and power will be gained by damage caused by them.
  3. The timing chart in Appendix A has the answer. Flurry is a step 14a effect. Man Without Fear is a step 14b effect. Flurry will go off first but because it goes through the entire attack sequence again, Daredevil can use Man Without Fear twice—first against the flurry attack, then against the Dragonfang attack.
  4. Charge costs one action and gives the character using it a move action and an attack action. These two actions do not count against your two actions per activation. After an uninterrupted Charge the character would get to use their second action. After an interrupted Charge attack action the character would have the option to choose another action as well as make their second action.
  5. Hulk is immune to Poison. In your specific case, Hulk will attempt to generate 3 power in step 1 of the Power Phase. Stun will reduce that to one. If Poison could function on Hulk, he would lose one power in step 2 and end up with a net of 0 power.
  6. You can play as many different reactive cards as you would like for a given trigger. You would not be able to play multiples of the same reactive card for that trigger though.
  7. It is an action as per its rules. It grants the character the ability to make a move action followed by an attack action. If the attack action is stopped by Life Saver, another action is granted.
  8. The first step of generating a pool of defense dice is adding dice to it equal to the appropriate defense stat. Martial Prowess overrides this and sets it to 5. The next step is to apply effects that add or subtract dice such as Incinerate. In this case she would have 4 dice.
  9. If the Charge power is the first action of Valkyrie’s activation, she would have her normal second action as well as an extra one if the attack did not target multiple enemies as per Life Saver’s rules.
  10. In an Ultimate Encounter the Cosmic Threat character does not get Activated tokens. The encounter tracker gets them instead after each Cosmic Threat turn. When Doctor Strange attempts to put one on Thanos it will be prevented. This will be made clear in the next Ultimate Encounter rulebook.
  11. The model gains the Activated token after performing the second action. The activation actually ends when the player declares it over. In the case of All You've Got, the card is played after the second action and before it would gain an Activated token. The character can finish any superpowers, interacts, etc. and then declare the activation is over. The second activation then immediately begins. After two actions, the Activated token is placed and any other abilities that don't cost an action can be used (superpowers, interacts, etc.). The activation ends when the player declares it over.
  12. Characters that are dazed mid-activation do gain an activation token. As for Ghost Rider, he gets the activation token prior to being KO'd. When he comes back, it will be without the Activated token as per Deal with the Devil.
  13. Wall Crawler and Flight allow characters with them to be treated as size 5 when making an advance. In that case they can get on or cross terrain of size 5 or less without climbing.
  14. It is an effect triggered by the attack, but it is not part of the attack.
  15. It does not. A Climb allows you to advance a character Short while considering it size 5. An Advance does not allow you to consider a character to be size 5.
  16. The rules for Flight and Wall Crawler are on page 6 of the rulebook found here: https://www.atomicmassgames.com/rules Both rules state that you treat the model as being size 5 when advancing.
  17. It’s the the third option. The strike itself did no damage so Stagger will not be applied.
  18. It's the second. Target an enemy that is not within range 3 of your characters.
  19. The first step of throwing a piece of terrain is destroying it and removing it from the table. Once that is done, lay the appropriate movement tool on the table (set perfectly straight) with both points on one end touching the model doing the throw. The first model or terrain piece that tool touches takes the collision. The actual terrain piece does not move along the tool.
  20. When a character is KO'd all effects on it expire. This includes effects from attacks or other special rules. In this case, Ghost Rider would not be effected by any "after the attack is resolved" effects from attacks, however effects of that nature that do not effect Ghost Rider still resolve (Such as Elusive from Black Widow).
  21. I am a GOD! is used at the beginning of step 6 when attacking and beginning of step 7 when defending. Yes, you can see the attacker's roll before deciding. After you decide and roll defense dice the attacker can resolve any criticals.
  22. When building a roster you select 8 different Team Tactic cards so you won’t be able to bring both of your Advanced R&D cards.
  23. It is not possible to do that. Throws are one character or interactive terrain into one character or terrain to trigger a collision.
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