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Everything posted by Negoldar

  1. Cruelty directs you to make the attack as part of playing the card so it does not use one of your actions. It’s a bonus attack.
  2. Heavy Ordnance and Ricochet Blast give a character a new attack. The character needs to use one of their two actions to use the attack.
  3. In order for Gamora to modify her failures she needs a rule that explicitly allows her to do so. In your example with 3 wilds and 3 failures, you could modify the wilds to hits before M.O.D.O.K.‘s Psionic Force Field turns them to blanks, but you could not change the failures.
  4. Yes! The only requirement for the end of the movement is that the moving character touch the movement tool. You may touch one prong at the end of the move.
  5. Since Magneto is still the attacker he will need to be within range 3 of Black Widow to target her.
  6. It’s three characters from either player’s pool of characters.
  7. When starting a movement both prongs of the movement tool must touch the moving character's base. The second picture is correct. When you end a movement, the character must touch the tool. There is no requirement for what part of the tool you can touch so the second picture is a valid placement.
  8. All You’ve Got dazes the character it’s used on at their current health. In your example, Wolverine will have full stamina when Field Dressing is played on him. Wolverine will benefit from Healing Factor at the end of each activation.
  9. The overlapping rules do not counter the throw/push rules. When a character is thrown or pushed it moves along the movement tool until it contacts another character or terrain piece or reaches the end of the movement tool. At this point players check to see if the thrown character can be positioned where it would stop. If it does contact another character or terrain, it will collide with it. If the model cannot be positioned there without overlapping another character or partially overlapping a terrain piece, the overlapping rules take effect and the character is moved back along the tool until it reaches a position where it can stop. This does not prevent the collision with the terrain or other character as the check for that has already happened. If it does not contact a piece of terrain or another character, it may need to move back if it partially overlaps the a terrain piece at the end of the movement.
  10. So long as the building is the same size or larger than the character on it, yes, they would have cover.
  11. Page 20 of the rulebook online covers this. If the symbols in the rule are in the dice roll, the effect triggers. Dice are not spent to trigger these rules so for Hulk Smash! all you need is one Wild to trigger both effects.
  12. It is just once. Take a look at the Sap Power rule on M.O.D.O.K. and Vision to see how it would be written if it worked for each wild.
  13. They may not. The winner gains the priority token and will go first. That player may pass the first turn if they qualify under the rules for passing.
  14. You do get a turn. You may play tactics cards during that turn. If those cards enable you to remove an activated and/or dazed token you may be able to activate a character instead of passing.
  15. Mission Objective is intended to be played whenever an objective is dropped including when a character is forced to drop it due to being dazed. This will be clarified in the future.
  16. The Slow special condition will limit the character to the Short movement tool.
  17. It does. When reading the initial question I missed that part of the setup and addressed only the question.
  18. If the superpower creating the throw does not specify it needs LOS, then it does not need LOS.
  19. The correct answer is B. The vault will flip and stay in place and be ready for a character that can pick it up to do so.
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