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Everything posted by Negoldar

  1. Web Snare is not an attack. It will not be stopped by Stealth or Shadow Organization.
  2. 1. You cannot pre-measure an angle for the reasons you gave. 2. Setting up the game is part of the game. You can use tools in different ways or in numbers greater than one each only when the game calls for it (e.g. creating a toward/away angle or setting up the crisis).
  3. In order to determine towards/away a line has to be drawn between two things (usually the bases of two characters). In this case the character playing the card has no other point to draw the line to so it cannot move.
  4. The process for throwing terrain will be clarified in the future. This is how it works: Destroy the thrown terrain. Place the movement tool to determine what it will collide with. Resolve the collision. Resolve anything that triggers after the effect.
  5. X-Men Blue and No Matter the Cost have the same timing—before declaring the attack. They do not interact so you may resolve them in the order of your choice. X-Men Blue’s minimum cost applies to reduction from itself. Once that has resolved the cost may be further resolved by No Matter the Cost including down to 0.
  6. It means there are no additional rules or modifications to the rule.
  7. I don’t think I understood the initial question clearly which made my answer ambiguous. Only the characters paying the power for All According to Plan are playing it. Any character paying for it and holding a hammer will need to spend additional power due to the hammer penalty. Characters that are not paying for it are not playing the card so if they are holding a hammer, they won’t have to pay the additional power.
  8. Yes. We are reversing that. They are different and use their English definitions.
  9. That is correct. Note that they are size 2 terrain features so regular movement rules apply. Characters smaller than a Metal Construct will need to climb over them.
  10. "If the thrown terrain feature collides with another terrain feature of an equal or smaller size, that terrain feature is also destroyed."--Page 24. So a size 2 into a size 2 would result in 2 instances of 2 power. Characters need to be larger than the terrain they collide with to destroy the terrain.
  11. The total in your example is 2 power because the size 3 terrain will not be destroyed. Reverse the throw and it will be 5 power from two instances of the leadership triggering (3 from the size 3 and 2 from the size 2).
  12. Using the card refers to the act of playing it. Effects already in play will not be countered by Shapeshifter so the Doomed Prophecy and Blind Obsession bonuses/penalties will be active during her activation.
  13. You would have to pay 13. One additional power for each hammer to be able to play the card, 10 power to gain the benefit of the card.
  14. Your character gets pushed away from the vault in the same manner a character would be pushed by another character (except the objective is the origin of the push). If the character is overlapping the token, players draw the line normally (page 18 of the rulebook has a good picture) to determine the direction. If the players cannot tell which direction would be away due to the character being centered on the objective, the opponent may push in any direction because all of them are away.
  15. Special conditions are explicitly not enemy effects. No power is gained from them. If the collision was caused by an enemy effect, the characters taking that damage will gain power.
  16. The Best at What I Do... can only be used once per turn. All You’ve Got gives another activation but not another turn. You would not be able to use The Best at What I Do... again during the second activation.
  17. Check the appendices in the online rulebook found here: https://www.atomicmassgames.com/rules Appendix D covers the rules for Transform. They deploy in their Normal Form.
  18. Whenever one of your characters drops an objective token, your opponent places it.
  19. 1. Yes. 2. No. If the character has already moved at least once before picking it up, that character can’t make another move action.
  20. In your example the Bodyguard will take two attacks and the other character will take zero attacks because the Bodyguard character took the attack directed at the other character. If the character using Bodyguard is dazed by the first attack there are no more eligible targets so the attack will end. It works like this because the attacker makes one attack against each enemy in range. Attacked characters are counted at the beginning of the attack so the list of eligible targets won’t change if the attack resolves against a character other than the one initially attacked.
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