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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Hello, "A unit cannot perform an attack action and a standby action in the same activation." The AI Coordination command card grants a standby token (not a standby action). Furthermore, even if it were a standby action - as is the case with Director Krennic's Deploy the Garrison command card - as it is occurring outside of their activation, the unit would not be breaking that restriction, as they are not performing the attack or standby actions during the same activation. Yes, the Support or Heavy unit may gain a standby token during the command phase and still attack at some point during their activation later in the round. --------------------------------------- No, only a unit that is issued an order using this card may gain a standby token - additional orders issued from other sources, including keywords such as Coordinate, will not also grant standby tokens. Hope this helps, Seth
  2. Hello there, The Death from Above keyword allows the Geonosian Warriors unit to ignore cover - from any source - assuming all conditions for the keyword are met. If the Geonosian Warriors' unit leader is on non-area terrain of greater height than any terrain the defending unit may be overlapping, the defending unit cannot use cover to cancel hit results. This will include cover granted by keywords and game effects other than terrain, such that granted by the Cover X keyword. ------------------------------------------------ Yes. Hope this helps, Seth
  3. Hi there, As specified in the Nominate Commanders and Issue Orders step of the Command Phase (page 20 of the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook at time of writing), for a commander to issue an order to a unit, the unit cannot have already received an order during the current Command Phase. If a unit returns its order token to the order pool as per the text of the We Make Weapons command card, it cannot again be issued an order during that same Command Phase. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No. Hope this helps, Seth
  4. Hello, Yes. If their movement tool overlaps an enemy unit, they may indeed perform an overrun attack on that unit after performing the move, even if the overrunning unit performs a partial move and ends “short” of the unit they overrun. Hope this helps, Seth
  5. Hello, Yes, a unit may perform an overrun attack after a move into base contact with an enemy unit, if the criteria to perform such an attack were met during the move (i.e. an enemy mini was overlapped during the move). Hope this helps, Seth
  6. Hello, The Death From Above keyword allows the affected unit to ignore cover while its unit leader is overlapping a piece of non-area terrain of greater height than any terrain the defending unit leader may be overlapping. If the defending unit leader is not overlapping any terrain and the Geonosian Warriors are overlapping height 1 (or greater) non-area terrain, they will indeed ignore cover when performing that attack. ————————————————— The Geonosian Warriors will ignore cover when performing this attack, as they are overlapping non-area terrain of greater height than any the defending unit leader is overlapping (in this case - none!). Hope this helps, Seth
  7. Hello, If you do place Yoda into base contact with Chewbacca when prompted by the Size Matters Sometimes command card, Yoda cannot perform moves while the command card is in play. This will still be the case even if Chewbacca is defeated during the round. ———————————————— No. Hope this helps, Seth
  8. Hello, The quoted box applies only while moving a miniature. A miniature may not end a move or be placed somewhere it does not fit, balance, or otherwise. -------------------------------------------------- No, you may not remove miniatures from their bases to place them somewhere they would not fit or balance otherwise. As above; you may not remove miniatures from their bases. Hope this helps, Seth
  9. Hello, The Death From Above keyword allows the affected unit to ignore cover while its unit leader is overlapping a piece of non-area terrain of greater height than any terrain the defending unit leader is overlapping. As detailed in Terrain height: Each piece of terrain has a height X value. While two pieces may have different physical heights, if they are both within the same segment of the range tool, they are considered to have the same height for the purposes of most game effects, including the Death From Above keyword. ----------------------------------------------------------------- As these buildings (presumably obstacle terrain) are both height 1, the Geonosians will not ignore any cover the clones may have from the other building. Their unit leader would have to be overlapping a piece of non-area terrain of height 2 or greater to be able to ignore cover if the clones are overlapping height 1 terrain. Hope this helps, Seth
  10. Hello, A unit with the Noncombatant keyword is another miniature added to the unit for all intents and purposes, except for those instances, of course, disallowed by the keyword - such as being unable to add weapons to attack pools. This unit has six 1-wound miniatures. If it suffers 5 wounds from a single attack, there will be one miniature remaining. The medical droid miniature will remain. Hope this helps, Seth
  11. Hello, The Compel keyword may be used when another trooper unit at range 1-2 performs its Rally step and is suppressed but not panicked. As droid troopers do not become suppressed, they will not be eligible to perform a free move action using Compel. Hope this helps, Seth
  12. Hello, As stated in the Spur keyword entry, apply any effects that increase a unit's speed before applying those that reduce it. In your example, the speed-1 unit would use Spur to increase its speed to 2, which would be then reduced back to 1 by the effects of difficult terrain. -------------------------------------------- No, this unit will still ultimately move at speed 1. Hope this helps, Seth
  13. Hello, The Scatter keyword allows the attacking unit to reposition any non-unit leader miniatures in the defending unit. If a unit consists of only a single model, that mini is by default the unit leader, and cannot be moved using the Scatter keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  14. Hello, Range and speed use different measuring tools and cannot be simply converted between - note that a unit's base size will also impact its distance moved. Players should carefully measure either/all distances using the appropriate tools during gameplay. Hope this helps, Seth
  15. Hello, Enemy miniatures are in LOS if any attacking minis have LOS to them. The attacking unit leader's point of view is used to determine if the attack is allowed in the first place (during the Declare Defender step) and for the purposes of determining cover, but their LOS is not the only one used to determine how many wounds the defending unit is eligible to suffer. Yes. Hope this helps, Seth
  16. Hello, Appendix C lists the affiliations of existing Mercenary units, Ewoks among them (with the arrowhead icon). All units you note are indeed Ewoks-affiliated Mercenary units. Yes, they are Mercenary units and may be nominated and affected by the command card Ploy, Aggression, and Discretion. Hope this helps, Seth
  17. Hello, The A-300 Short Range Config card (and its Long-Range flip-side) are Armament Upgrade Cards. When forming attack pools, each miniature in the Rebel Pathfinders unit may opt to use the weapon printed on their Unit Card or that of any Upgrade Cards available to it. --------------------------------------------- No, the "Config" Armament upgrade card does not replace the A-300 Blaster Rifle weapon on their unit card. Yes. Hope this helps, Seth
  18. Hi there, The unit will gain a dodge token after the attack is resolved. In your example, as Leia is defeated during the attack, she will not gain a dodge token with the Nimble keyword, and so Wicket will not generate a dodge token with the Teamwork keyword. Hope this helps, Seth
  19. Hello, Yes, players may personalize their miniatures and their miniatures' bases, including vehicles. It is permissible that these conversions are included when determining the silhouette of a vehicle during gameplay. No. Note that the Galactic Conquest Event format's Player Responsibilities includes that miniatures not interfere with gameplay. What modifications do interfere with gameplay is at the discretion of an event's Event Organizer & Consulars. Hope this helps, Seth
  20. Hello, When one unit with Teamwork gains an aim or dodge token, the other will gain a (single, one) token of the same type. Which is to say, it will not then loop back to the original unit. It will generate one matching token for the named Teamwork unit. End of process! Hope this helps, Seth
  21. Hello, The Enrage keyword applies as soon as the unit has wound tokens greater than or equal to X. This does mean that if Bossk elects to suffer a wound to perform a free move action as instructed by the Reptilian Rampage command card, he may indeed gain Charge and use it following that move. Yes. Hope this helps, Seth
  22. Hi there, Yes, if they are performing a standard move with that move action. Hope this helps, Seth
  23. Hello, This answer is different based on the text of the upgrade card. If the upgrade card says only "You gain a <upgrade> icon," you are not required to include that upgrade when building your army. This is the text for "Captains" (Stormtrooper Captain, etc.) and "Specialists" (Clone Specialist, etc.). If the upgrade card says "You must equip a <upgrade> upgrade card," you are to do as the card instructs when building your army. This is the text for "Comms Technicians" (Rebel Comms Technician, etc.). Hope this helps, Seth
  24. Hello, No. The Convert Attack Surges and the Convert Defense Surges steps of the attack sequence are not optional. Players change any surge results to the results indicated on their unit cards during the appropriate step. Hope this helps, Seth
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