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Everything posted by Thoras

  1. Yes. The advance from Hypnosis Gas will resolve in step 14a of the attack. Tricks and Traps can trigger off the end of that advance and resolve immediately. The attack then continues, reaches 14b, where Toad can trigger and resolve Slippery(assuming he is not Dazed)
  2. The superpower is not limited to attacks only, it has several rules that affect different aspects of the game. It appears the point of contention is the part of the superpower that says "This character may modify and reroll failure dice results." This is providing the character permission to modify/reroll failure results, which is normally not available per the core rules of the game. This part of the rule is not actually providing you any rerolls though, it is only providing you permission to reroll failure results if you have another rule that provides rerolls. This means that nothing in this superpower itself provides the ability to reroll defense dice.
  3. The first sentence specifies the triggers and the second ties the effect to the triggering character but switches “advanced” to "moved" to encompass all movements. The result is still the same, however. Trick or Treat triggers only when a place or advance ends in range. Consider the use of "placed" here as reminder text.
  4. Correct, in this scenario Bleed damage occurs at the end of the activation, after the activated token is placed, meaning that But How!? will not prevent Bob, Agent of Hydra from being KO'd.
  5. King of the Inhumans can only be used once during each of your turns.
  6. 1. It sounds like your under the impression this is a format where four players play together in the same game. Four players can participate in the Draft portion of this format, but you still only play one player vs one player. So a four player Collector event would have two one vs one games. 2. Again, this sounds like your under the impression its more than two players in a game, which its not. 3. It sounds like you may believe you need your squad to have the exact threat level of the mission. Your squad can have a lower threat level than the mission, it just can't exceed the missions threat level. For the rest of this question, the forum isn't really meant for getting into the strategy of the game. 4. I believe this thread should answer this question -
  7. This one is correct. Doomed Prophecy adds dice to a characters physical attacks during Step 4 of the Appendix A timing sequence, but the Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath card changes the attack type to Mystic during Step 2 of the Appendix A timing sequence.
  8. Cyclops can use Quick Draw in that scenario because it checks for range to the attacker, which is still Magneto. Viper can not use Coiled Serpent in that scenario. This previous ruling is based on Martial Artist, but it shares similar wording to Coiled Serpent
  9. Yes, you can choose to not physically move the character. You will still have performed the advance though, regardless of whether or not the character physically moved.
  10. Yes, Sinister Traps will trigger based off of a place. There are 5 types of movement in the game. Advance, Climb, Push, Throw & Place. If a rule calls out movement, it checks for all 5 types If a rule calls out move action, it checks for Advance/Climb made as a part of a move action. If a rule calls out specific types of movement, it checks for those types. Green Goblins Trick or Treat is not worded as you mention here, it triggers based on an advance or place. A throw for example would not trigger it.
  11. You would pay for the use of the superpower one at a time, as each individual character was pushed.
  12. Power Burn is considered a single source of damage, so if we assume Corvus Glaive had 3 power in this scenario, he would lose that 3 power and suffer 2 damage from Power Burn.
  13. No, you will not be able to discard The Bar With No Doors as a part of returning the Book of Cagliostro to your available tactics cards.
  14. The bold part is correct, the underlined part is not correct. Measuring from a dazed character is not affecting them with the rule, so its allowed. Your affecting Black bolt, not the character they dazed. The rules for dazed characters get referenced with short cut language a lot, a common phrase being what you mention here, but that's not actually correct. There is a specific list of interactions that are limited when dealing with a dazed character, but a dazed character is still on the battlefield. They can be measured from and they are still there for characters to be pushed/thrown into them as examples.
  15. The order goes: - Player effects (Death spores) - non-player effects (I.e. Bleed) - non-player effects from the Crisis (Legacy Cure)
  16. No, he may not. Dazed characters can’t be affected by special rules unless the rule specifically references a dazed character.
  17. He cannot use Glaive's Edge at that time, no. Although Active Superpowers like Glaive's edge are any time abilities, there is a bit more explanation required. You can find the details on page 15 of the online rule book, but I've included them here for ease of reference. The Strike attack granted by the Flurry actually happens during the resolution of the Death Blow attack (Step 14a of Appendix A), so this means there is no time between the two for an any time ability. It would be interrupting the attack sequence to use it between them.
  18. If by "this effect" you are referring to Elemental Infusion, then no, it will not persist while she is dazed. The tactics card has a clause in its rules that ends the effect if Crystal becomes dazed. Elemental Empowerment is an innate superpower on Crystal and dazed characters don't have superpowers, so no, that will not be active if she is dazed
  19. Yes, the allied effects that Elemental Infusion refers to includes effects from Crystal herself
  20. Yes, the Brother Daniel token functions while Doctor Voodoo is dazed.
  21. The power gems special rule only applies to itself, it doesn’t apply to other gems. That means that option 1 is correct, he would gain 3 power as a result of the gems. He would gain 4 power overall including the base 1 power that a character gains in the power phase.
  22. Only the activating character may use the leadership. So in your example, Blade would be the character that can use it.
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